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Unveiling Oceanography: Exploring the Depths of Earth's Blue Heart

Dive into the world of oceanography - the interdisciplinary science that delves into the complex nature of the ocean. Uncover the vast salty seas that cover 70.8% of the earth's surface, exploring the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, and Arctic Oceans. Discover the scientific method, ocean factoids, and why understanding the ocean matters, even from landlocked places like Durango.

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Unveiling Oceanography: Exploring the Depths of Earth's Blue Heart

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  2. Introduction to Oceanography What is Oceanography? Oceanus = ocean graphos = the description of Oceanography = the description of the ocean Originally accurate, but now much more… Oceanus = ocean logos = the study of Oceanology = the science of the ocean

  3. Introduction to Oceanography What is Oceanography? “Oceanography is not so much a science as a collection of scientists who fine common cause in trying to understand the complex nature of the ocean. In the vast salty seas that encompass the earth, there is plenty of room for persons trained in physics, chemistry, biology, geology and engineering to practice their specialties. Thus, an oceanographer is any scientifically trained person who spends much of his (or her) career on ocean problems. Willard Bascom (1980)

  4. Introduction to Oceanography Oceanography (marine science) is truly an interdisciplinary science

  5. Introduction to Oceanography The Scientific Method

  6. Introduction to Oceanography Some additional confusion of terms: • Oceans vs. seas? • seawater • seashore • sailing the seven seas

  7. Introduction to Oceanography Some additional confusion of terms: Oceans vs. ocean?

  8. Introduction to Oceanography

  9. Introduction to Oceanography Some ocean factoids: Oceans cover 70.8% of earth’ surface Size Atlantic - 33,429,000 mi2 (29.4% of ocean) Pacific - 64,186,300 mi2 (50%) Indian - 28,350,500 mi2 (20.6%) Arctic - 5,105,700 mi2 Average Depth Atlantic – 12,612 ft Pacific - 12,927 ft Indian - 12,598 ft Arctic - 3,665 ft

  10. Introduction to Oceanography

  11. Introduction to Oceanography So why, living here in Durango, should we care?

  12. Introduction to Oceanography

  13. Introduction to Oceanography

  14. Introduction to Oceanography

  15. Introduction to Oceanography

  16. Introduction to Oceanography

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