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Taking Stock…

Taking Stock: GHG Emissions in Hamilton January 27, 2011 Strathcona Neighbourhood Association Brian Montgomery Air & Climate Change Coordinator. Taking Stock…. Released a Discussion Paper We want your feedback Everyone is involved www.hamilton.ca/climatechange. Climate Change.

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Taking Stock…

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Taking Stock: GHG Emissions in HamiltonJanuary 27, 2011Strathcona Neighbourhood AssociationBrian MontgomeryAir & Climate Change Coordinator

  2. Taking Stock… Released a Discussion Paper We want your feedback Everyone is involved www.hamilton.ca/climatechange

  3. Climate Change • Changes in the climate or long-term, average weather patterns. • Can be caused by natural processes, such as the change in the sun’s strength, and by human activities, in particular those that alter the chemical composition of the atmosphere through the build-up of Greenhouse Gases (GHGs). • Carbon Dioxide(CO2) • Methane(CH4) • Nitrous Oxide(N2O) • Hydrofluorocarbons(HFC's) • Perflourocarbons(PFC's) • Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) Key Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) • Sources: • Transportation • Industry • Energy • Landfills • Land Use

  4. Air Quality & Climate Change Atmospheric Issues Air Emissions Energy Production and Use Acid Rain Smog Climate Change Hazardous Air Pollutants NOx VOCs SO2 N2O CH4 CO2 Particulate Matter Coal Oil Natural Gas Other* * Limited emissions from various sources, including biomass burning Source: Pollution Probe, 2003

  5. Municipalities & Climate Change Canadian GHG Emissions Directly & Indirectly Controlled by Municipalities Compared to Total National Emissions (2006). www.fcm.ca – Act Locally- The Municipal Role in Fighting Climate Change (2009)

  6. Hamilton Emissions Inventory • Air Quality & Climate Change Corporate Strategic Plan • www.hamilton.ca/climatechange • ICLEI GHG Protocols for the PCP Program • Emissions Inventory (2009) • Corporate (2005) & Community (2006) • www.hamilton.ca/ghginventory • Corporate Operations • Energy- Buildings, City Housing, Streetlights, Water, Fleets, Contracted Fleets, Small engines, Employee travel. • Community – Growth • Steel (NPRI), Industrial, Commercial, Residential, Waste, Transportation, Agriculture. • A starting point for community. Did we miss anything?

  7. Corporate GHG Emissions - 2009

  8. Water & Sewage (0%) Municipal Emissions (1%) Waste (1%) Residential Agriculture (0%) (7%) Commercial (11%) Industrial (14%) Steel (58%) Transportation (8%) Total Greenhouse Gas Emissions Corporate and Community (2008)= 12M tonnes

  9. Total Greenhouse Gas Emissions Corporate and Community (2008) – Minus Steel= 5M tonnes

  10. Proposed Community Targets 10% reduction of 2006 emissions by 2012 20% emissions of 2006 levels by 2020 • Q: What do you think they should be?

  11. Community GHG Emissions Changes

  12. GHG Emissions – Where do we go from here? Taking Stock Discussion Paper & Feedback As a community what should we do? How do you want to get involved? What should be in place to make your involvement worthwhile?

  13. GHG Emissions – Where do we go from here? • Work with the Community • Establish Community Climate Change Action Plan (2011-2012) • Enhance the Inventory • Track Results • Many Hamilton Climate Champions out there • Everyone has a part to play to address climate change.

  14. Taking Stock… We want your feedback Everyone is involved www.hamilton.ca/climatechange

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