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Pre-Nazi Antisemitism: History and Impact Before the Modern Era

Explore the origins and evolution of Jew hatred, from early religious anti-Jewish writings to the Dreyfus Affair in the 19th century. Discover the impact of discriminatory laws, pogroms, and propaganda, culminating in the dark era of the Holocaust.

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Pre-Nazi Antisemitism: History and Impact Before the Modern Era

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Pre-Nazi Antisemitism“Judenhass-Jew Hatred” Hatred of the Jews before the Modern Era

  2. Introduction and Definitions • Jews • Judaism • Antisemitism • Shoah/ Holocaust

  3. Anti-Judaism • Early Days- competition between Jewish Sects-The Jesus movement as a sect • The separation and competition between the early Church and the Synagogue • 100-500 Religious Anti-Jewish Polemical writings • 410: Emperor Constantine makes Christianity the Roman Religion • Jews as “Christ Killers”

  4. Anti-Jewish Laws • Cannot hold public office • Jews Banned from public places • Jews can’t be witnesses in court • Can’t read the Bible in Hebrew • Marriage of Jews and non-Jews prohibited • Christians forbidden to convert to Judaism • Jews not allowed to proselytize non Jews

  5. Constantine makes Christianity the State Religion of the Empire Incorporates Anti-Jewish Church canonical legislation into Imperial Law Codes The Church and the Later Roman Empire

  6. The Church as the Bride of Christ and a Royal Woman The Synagogue as a disgraced blind and defeated slave The Church and the Synagogue

  7. The Crusades

  8. The Jews Defined as Infidels

  9. Crusades 1096

  10. Medieval Images of the Jew The Jews are agents of the Devil and do the Devil’s bidding

  11. Jews worshipping Satan

  12. Jews with the Devil

  13. Abusing the Host (Communion Bread)

  14. Abusing the host and burning Jews

  15. The Blood Libel

  16. A “modern” Blood Libel Image of the Jew

  17. Well Poisoning

  18. Judensau

  19. Medieval badges(Fourth Lateran Council, 1215)

  20. Jewish Hats

  21. Badges and hats

  22. Forcible conversion

  23. Spanish Expulsion in 1492 Forced Baptisms and Expulsions

  24. The Inquisition

  25. Luther and the Jews

  26. Luther’s “On the Jews and Their Lies” • Martin Luther (1543)On the Jews and Their Lies • Burn all Synagogues. • Destroy Jewish Dwellings. • Confiscate Jews’ Holy Books. • Forbid Rabbis to Teach. • Forbid Jews to Travel. • Confiscate Jewish Property. • Force the Jews to do Physical Labor • Expel Jews from areas where Christians live.

  27. The Venice Ghetto

  28. Pogroms in Eastern Europe19th Century Ukraine and Poland

  29. Antisemitism in europe 20th c

  30. Ritual Murder Accusation in Poland 1899

  31. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

  32. The Storming of the Bastille Voltaire The Enlightenment and the French Revolution

  33. The Enlightenment Contract The contract of the Enlightenment: Individual Freedom of religion Toleration “Religion removed to the “private” sphere Everything for the Jew As an individual but Nothing to him as a community

  34. Emancipation of the Jews

  35. The Jew as molester The Wandering Jew Images of the Jew in the modern era

  36. Alfred Dreyfus, a French Jewish Officer is put on trial for treason in 1894 and convicted on false evidence Not exonerated for a number of years The Dreyfus Affair, 1894

  37. The Eternal Jew

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