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MozCon 2013 Highlights. Day One. Curated by: @KaneJamison & Beth Anderson (@ JadeEJF ). Content Harmony. Quotes are tracked as well as we can, but apologies for any that are slightly off. More accurately, they’re paraphrased. Speakers – please let us know if you’d like any corrected.
MozCon 2013 Highlights Day One Curated by: @KaneJamison &Beth Anderson (@JadeEJF) Content Harmony
Quotes are tracked as well as we can, but apologies for any that are slightly off. More accurately, they’re paraphrased. Speakers – please let us know if you’d like any corrected. #QuickDisclaimer
Day 1, Session 1: MozCon 2013 Highlights Intro: The Year in SEO, Marketing, and Moz Speaker: Rand Fishkin 9:00 am to 9:30 am Click here for slides
Day 1, Session 1: MozCon 2013 Highlights I think maybe it’s up to us (people like Majestic, SEMRush, FindPeopleonPlus, Full Contact, Fresh Web Explorer) to combat the end of the free and open web. #Quote Speaker: Rand Fishkin
Day 1, Session 1: MozCon 2013 Highlights More than half of U.S. cell users now have a smartphone. 1 in 3 people now have a tablet at home. Yet, desktop search has not been shrinking. #Stats Speaker: Rand Fishkin
Day 1, Session 2: MozCon 2013 Highlights Really Targeted Outreach Speaker: Richard Baxter 9:30 am to 10:00 am Click here for slides
Day 1, Session 2: MozCon 2013 Highlights “Your problem [with guest blog prospecting] is this: You started with Google [instead of starting with your target audience].” #Quote Speaker: Richard Baxter
Day 1, Session 2: MozCon 2013 Highlights Really Targeted Outreach Process: 1 - Who are you targeting? 2 – Identify influencer intersect. 3 – What are those people sharing? 4 – Be there. #Quote Speaker: Richard Baxter
Day 1, Session 2: MozCon 2013 Highlights Twitter Archiving Google Spreadsheet TAGS v5 URL: http://mashe.hawksey.info/2013/02/twitter-archive-tagsv5/ + URL: http://bit.ly/followerwonkfetcher+ URL: http://bit.ly/mozcontemplate #Tool Speaker: Richard Baxter
Day 1, Session 3: MozCon 2013 Highlights International SEO and the Future of Your ROI Speaker: Aleyda Solis 10:00 am to 10:30 am Click here for slidesWarning: 180MB File!
Day 1, Session 3: MozCon 2013 Highlights Don’t use flags on your language selection button - you’re targeting languages not countries. #Quote Speaker: Aleyda Solis
Day 1, Session 3: MozCon 2013 Highlights Localize EVERYTHING. It’s fundamental. Get a native to help avoid mistakes. Don’t forget things like URLs, <title> tags, etc. #Quote Speaker: Aleyda Solis
Day 1, Session 3: MozCon 2013 Highlights International SEO ROI Calculator: URL: http://bit.ly/seoroi-calculator #Tools Speaker: Aleyda Solis
Day 1, Session 4: MozCon 2013 Highlights Simplifying Complexity: Three Ideas For Higher ROI Speaker: AvinashKaushik 10:50 am to 11:50 am No Slide Link Yet
Day 1, Session 4: MozCon 2013 Highlights Scale of Value as a Metric Followers/Likes Impressions Clicks Bounce Rate Abandonment Rate Conversation Rate Economic Value Lifetime Value Terrible v v v v v v Great #Quote Speaker: AvinashKaushik
Day 1, Session 4: MozCon 2013 Highlights If you’ve created a good mobile experience for users, congratulations!…You’ve solved the big problem of 2009. #Quote Speaker: AvinashKaushik
Day 1, Session 4: MozCon 2013 Highlights Most peoples’ brand experience now will be digital and not walking into their stores. Department stores do a great job of brand experience in person, but digital experiences lag behind. #Quote Speaker: AvinashKaushik
Day 1, Session 5: MozCon 2013 Highlights Wordless Wednesdays: How to Swaggerjack the Power of Visual Memes Speaker: Lena West 1:20 pm to 1:50 pm Click here for slides
Day 1, Session 5: MozCon 2013 Highlights On Facebook, photo updates get 53% more likes than text updates. #Stats Speaker: Lena West
Day 1, Session 5: MozCon 2013 Highlights “No matter what Google throws at us, what I still love about images is that it will force social people to get in the same room with search people about how to build a brand - and it has to be better than filenames and alt-text.” #Quote Speaker: Lena West
Day 1, Session 5: MozCon 2013 Highlights Tons of Resources for Visual Content Inspiration and Creation: KnowYourMeme.com, QuickMeme.com, MemeCenter.com, Infogr.am, Visual.ly, InfoActive.com, Piktochart, Easel.ly, many eyes, Pinwords, Pinstamatic, Quozio, ReciteThis #Tools Speaker: Lena West
Day 1, Session 5: MozCon 2013 Highlights “Quotes humanize your bigger brand, and builds trust factor for smaller brands.” #Quote Speaker: Lena West
Day 1, Session 5: MozCon 2013 Highlights “For Pinterest– Build motifs around your products.” Brands to check out: LL Bean, Peugeout Panama, Whole Foods #Quote Speaker: Lena West
Day 1, Session 5: MozCon 2013 Highlights “Don’t be scared, homies. Images are your friend... be willing to try and test out and fail. Start adding images to marketing strategies for your clients.” #Quote Speaker: Lena West
Day 1, Session 5: MozCon 2013 Highlights Tracking tools for Visual Content: Curalate, Ahalogy, PiquoraMozAnalytics #Tools Speaker: Lena West
Day 1, Session 6: MozCon 2013 Highlights Rapid Fire Link Building Tips for Your Content Speaker: Ross Hudgens 1:50 pm to 2:20 pm Click here for slides
Day 1, Session 6: MozCon 2013 Highlights “Link building still offers a lot of value where you match content to a web master that needs it.There’s more to it than just making a good piece of content and getting it published.” #Quote Speaker: Ross Hudgens
Day 1, Session 6: MozCon 2013 Highlights “Content strategy is at the front of the content, at the very end, the link builder comes in to cross the chasm, to make sure you get all the links you should have. ” #Quote Speaker: Ross Hudgens
Day 1, Session 6: MozCon 2013 Highlights • Tools: Email-Format.com - easil;y find contact formats. • Tools: 1Password: Save time remembering outreach account passwords. • Tools: Outdated content finder: Locate old content • Tools: Bananatag - track opens for better follow-ups • Tools: Linkclump - Easily bulk open URLs • Tools: Auto Boomerang - automatically enabling follow-up, insta-select optimal Boomerang time. • Head towww.contentharmony.com/blog/mozcon-2013-tools/for links to the full list of tools mentioned during #MozCon. #Tools Speaker: Ross Hudgens
Day 1, Session 6: MozCon 2013 Highlights “The more eyeballs you get on your content, the more links you get.” #Quote Speaker: Ross Hudgens
Day 1, Session 6: MozCon 2013 Highlights “Link drop client images in guest posts on sites that are non-related. They get an image credit link underneath image or at the end of the post.” #Tip Speaker: Ross Hudgens
Day 1, Session 6: MozCon 2013 Highlights “You can get a statistically significant sample for $150 from Google Consumer Surveys. Easy way to gather data for content.” #Quote Speaker: Ross Hudgens
Day 1, Session 6: MozCon 2013 Highlights • Follow the S.U.C.C.E.S. Framework • Simplicity • Unexpectedness • Concreteness • Credibility • Emotion • Stories #Quote Speaker: Ross Hudgens
Day 1, Session 6: MozCon 2013 Highlights If you have any kind of data floating around out there, do link reclamation on it. E.g. data snippets that you’ve released in whitepapers.You can use FreshWebExplorer to pick up on references to those stats. #Tip Speaker: Ross Hudgens
Day 1, Session 7: MozCon 2013 Highlights Hot Off The Press: 2013 Ranking Factors Speaker: Matt Peters 2:20 pm to 3:00 pm Click here for slides
Day 1, Session 7: MozCon 2013 Highlights Note from Kane: All of the following stats are aspects that correlate with good ranking performance on Google, not necessarily algorithmic preferences. Also, I have borrowed 6 charts that I feel were most interesting, but there’s way more in depth coverage in Matt’s slide deck and he has an upcoming blog post. Both are must-reads. #Disclaimer Speaker: Matt Peters
Day 1, Session 7: MozCon 2013 Highlights Page Level Link Correlation: Page Authority was the highest correlation of any metric that was tested. All charts by @MattTheMathManPlease refer to original slide deck for full context #Stats Speaker: Matt Peters
Day 1, Session 7: MozCon 2013 Highlights Domain Level Link Correlation: Interestingly, subdomain link metrics are stronger than root domain link metrics. All charts by @MattTheMathManPlease refer to original slide deck for full context #Stats Speaker: Matt Peters
Day 1, Session 7: MozCon 2013 Highlights Anchor Text Correlation: Partial Match and Exact Match anchor text links have identical correlation. All charts by @MattTheMathManPlease refer to original slide deck for full context #Stats Speaker: Matt Peters
Day 1, Session 7: MozCon 2013 Highlights Site Speed Correlation: Response time appears to be more important than render time or document complete time, AS FAR AS SEARCH ENGINES ARE CONCERNED (DOESN’T NECESSARILY APPLY TO USERS) All charts by @MattTheMathManPlease refer to original slide deck for full context #Stats Speaker: Matt Peters
Day 1, Session 7: MozCon 2013 Highlights Social Metrics Correlations: Google +1’s were the second highest correlation metric behind Page Authority!!! All charts by @MattTheMathManPlease refer to original slide deck for full context #Stats Speaker: Matt Peters
Day 1, Session 7: MozCon 2013 Highlights Takeaways on overall ranking factors: All charts by @MattTheMathManPlease refer to original slide deck for full context #Stats Speaker: Matt Peters
Day 1, Session 8: MozCon 2013 Highlights Strings to Things: Entities & SEO Speaker: Matthew Brown 3:00 pm to 3:30 pm Click here for slides
Day 1, Session 8: MozCon 2013 Highlights “We’re paying attention to the wrong people at Google, Yahoo and Bing.” #Quote Speaker: Matthew Brown
Day 1, Session 8: MozCon 2013 Highlights “Good SEOs make small bets. In ~2006, keywords and links were a good bet. In ~2009, social was a good bet. Structured data is a good bet right now.” #Quote Speaker: Matthew Brown
Day 1, Session 8: MozCon 2013 Highlights “Google is starting to determine user intent, and you can see it based on conversational search. This is going to be more of what we see happening in desktop search.” #Quote Speaker: Matthew Brown
Day 1, Session 8: MozCon 2013 Highlights • Tools: Bottlenose • Tools: Glimmer - what Yahoo’s doing with entity search. • Tools: Fresh Web Explorer - look for your brand or company name. • Tools: Relfinder for DBPedia to find relationships. Head towww.contentharmony.com/blog/mozcon-2013-tools/for links to the full list of tools mentioned during #MozCon. #Quote Speaker: Matthew Brown
Day 1, Session 9: MozCon 2013 Highlights The Mobile Content Mandate Speaker: Karen McGrane 3:50 pm to 4:20 pm Click here for slides
Day 1, Session 9: MozCon 2013 Highlights “New products are disrupted from the low end. They’re cheaply made, don’t work as well. Even though they don’t compete on any criteria you’d think of as quality, they put technology into the hands of people who’ve never had it before.” #Quote Speaker: Karen McGrane
Day 1, Session 9: MozCon 2013 Highlights “88% of Americans without a high school diploma have no broadband access at home. Everybody has a phone. 88% of Americans have a mobile phone. ” #Quote Speaker: Karen McGrane