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Media Bias in Focus: Analyzing CBS Coverage and Press Framing in U.S. Politics

Delve into Bernard Goldberg's scrutiny of liberal bias during his 30 years at CBS. Explore flawed coverage of topics like flat tax, identity politics, homelessness, and controversial speeches. Compare how politicians and the press frame these stories.

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Media Bias in Focus: Analyzing CBS Coverage and Press Framing in U.S. Politics

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Liberal bias – Bernard Goldberg His background – 30 yrs at CBS Issues looked at:

  2. * FLAT TAX – Steve Forbes’ plan in 1996 presidential campaign What was wrong with CBS coverage of this issue? * “IDENTITY POLITICS” – identifying of political figures as conservatives or liberals *HOMELESSNESS * CHAIN GANG

  3. Kuypers • Alabama state senator’s speech about flying of the Confederate flag • Looks at content of speech and then at how press covered it: do the senator and the press frame the speech the same way? • How did the senator frame the story? • How did press frame the story?

  4. Reggie White speech (former footabll player)_ • How did he frame the speech? 3 issues • What did press focus on in covering his speech?

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