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Rube Goldberg Project. Science 8 - Unit D: Mechanical Systems. What is a Rube Goldberg Device?. Rube Goldberg drew contraptions that make simple tasks into difficult and complicated ones. Examples. Rube Goldberg Website http://www.rubegoldberg.com/ Rube Goldberg Project Ideas
Rube Goldberg Project • Science 8 - Unit D: Mechanical Systems
What is a Rube Goldberg Device? • Rube Goldberg drew contraptions that make simple tasks into difficult and complicated ones.
Examples • Rube Goldberg Website • http://www.rubegoldberg.com/ • Rube Goldberg Project Ideas • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7-oBR7yQeg • Great Honda Commercial (Rube Goldberg Inspired) • http://autorepair.about.com/library/multimedia/hhonda-ad-300k.swf • Best Rube Goldberg Ever • http://www.break.com/index/best_rube_goldberg_ever.html • Some Grade 8 Project Ideas • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbRmG9cnAjc • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jQXN8SMewo
The Rube Goldberg Project • Goal: • You must design & build a Rube Goldberg Device • Your device must have at least 10 steps. • You must incorporate at least 5 out of 6 simple machines • wheel & axle, pulley, screw, inclined plane, wedge, and lever
Rules • The end result is to fill a cup or have a cup cover something • Work with one partner from your class • You chose the steps & materials • Minimum 10 steps • Must be repeatable (reset & run again) • Must be brought into class (size limit) • Must use at least 5 of the six types of simple machines • Should not spend more than $10, use stuff from around the house
Project Expectations • This project has three parts: • Blueprint • Build Device • Present Device in Class
Task #1 Blue Print • Create a blueprint (cartoon drawing) of your machine. • Number each step of your machine (see examples from slides 2, 3 and 4). • On the back of your drawing, explain each step. • Also, identify each of the simple machines that you used. • Simple Machines: • lever - specify which type(s), inclined plane, wheel and axle, screw, wedge,pulley. • DUE: Friday, February 21, 2014 • Worth 20 marks
Task #2Build the Device • Construct a Rube Goldberg machine which utilizes 5 of the 6 types of simple machines, and consists of ten steps. • Your machine must complete a task, either filling a cup or putting a ball in a cup or having a cup (or some shell structure) cover something. • There can be no human assistance in the process once the machine begins.
Task #2 Build the device • The machine must be self-contained. In other words, if you are turning on a light switch, you will not be allowed to use the classroom's light, so you must bring in your own switch.
Task #2 • The classroom chairs, desks, and tables can’t be essential to your project. • In other words, if we took your project to the next room, it would work the same. • Also, you cannot be part of the machine. For example, you can’t hold pulleys in the air. They must be attached.
Possible Materials • Some Possible Materials:string, candle, mousetrap, paper tube, spools, marbles, Legos, dominoes, tinker-toys, Barbie dolls, hot wheels, weights (sinkers), golf balls, Ping-Pong balls, etc • If you have any questions about materials that you are unsure of please check with your teacher. • Remember, the machine should be self-contained
Task #2 Due Date • Your Completed Machine is due: • DUE: Monday, March 3, 2014 • Late work will be penalized. • 1 mark deducted every day machine is late
Task #3Presenting • You will explain & present your machine to the class. • You will then show how your machine works. • BTW your machine will be videotaped! • DUE: Monday, March 3, 2014 • Your Machine and Presentation/Test-Run are worth 50 marks
FAQ • Can I have a partner? • Yes you may have a partner, but choose wisely. If you want to do this project alone you may. • What happens if I am absent? • Being absent does not excuse you from the project. Have a friend bring the project to school for you. • How do I get a good grade? • Stay on task • Pull your weight (do not use absence as an excuse) • Take initiative • Pay attention to the small details • Be thorough and have all the required elements to the project • Do not overlook the blueprint portion of your project • identify the simple machines you intend on using in detail
Rubric • Blueprint portion or the assignment • 18 - 20 • Detailed & completely labeled project, all steps are labeled & explained, all simple machines are used and labeled. Neat and legible. • 15-18 • Completely labeled project, most of the steps are labeled & explained, most simple machines are labeled • 11-14 • Project is only partially labeled, many steps are not explained, several simple machines are missing labels • 0 -10 • Project Labels are incomplete, or unclear or completely missing. Most components (simple machines) are missing
Machine Scoring • No human assistance 0-5 • Self-contained 0-5 • Completes the assigned task 0-5 • At least 10 steps involved 0-10 • Uses all 6 simple machines 0-12 • Quality/Neatness 0-4 • Creativity 0-4 • Presented clearly and confidently 0-5 Constructed Rube Goldberg Machine is out of 50 marks.