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Mission India Theological Seminary: Transforming Leaders for Grassroots Evangelism

Mission India Theological Seminary (MITS) trains men and women to excel in academics, spirituality, and mission work by offering Biblical education. MITS equips leaders for evangelism in India and beyond, focusing on urban poor communities and grassroots evangelism.

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Mission India Theological Seminary: Transforming Leaders for Grassroots Evangelism

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  1. Mission India Theological seminary

  2. HISTORY OF MITS Rev. Saji K. Lukos founded Mission India Bible Institute (MIBI) in the year 1996 with 7 Students one year Diploma in church Planting. 2003 MIBI changed to MITS Bachelor of Theology ( English & Hindi) 2002 Master of Divinity (Residential) - 2006 M.Div (Satellite) - 2010 M.Div (External) - 2011 Dip.Th English - 2011 MATUL - 2011 M.Th (NT & Missiology) – 2011 M.Th Christian counseling & MATL (Master of Arts Transformation Leadership) – 2013

  3. MISSION • MITS trains men and women to demonstrate excellence in academics, spiritual and Missional by offering Biblical, Theological and contextual educations in order to make Gospel relevant in communities in India and beyond.

  4. VISION The Vision of MITS is to equip young men and women to become Christ-like leaders for grassroots’ level of evangelism and Church planting in the unreached villages and cities of India and beyond.

  5. PRESIDENT HEART Dear Partners in Christ’s Mission, Thank you for inviting our faculty members for the MATUL Commission Meeting in Uganda. Rev. Hruda Ranjan, Directior of MATUL, Nagpur & Rev. Sunil Korada Co-ordinator of MATUL , Nagpur will bless you with their presence and wisdom, as they are part of the MATUL program in MITS. The vision God has given me is ‘to equip young men and women to become Christ-like leaders at grassroots’

  6. level of evangelism and Church planting in the unreached villages and cities of India and beyond. Thus, the primary focus of Mission India Theological Seminary is ‘Developing Christ-like Leaders to Transform the World.’ Thank you all for collaborating with us for the evangelization of India and the world. Rev. Dr. Saji K. Lukos The Founder and President, RIMI/ MI

  7. PRINCIPAL WORDS Dear Dr. Viv Grigg & MATUL Commission Members, Warm Christian greetings from Mission India Theological Seminary (MITS), Nagpur, India! We, the MITS family, thank God for Dr. Viv Grigg and all individuals who collaborate with him in making the Master of Arts in Transformational Urban Leadership (MATUL) program a reality. MITS is established to train men and women

  8. who are called of God to excel in their academics as well as missional tasks. Moreover, to establish them to be biblically, theologically, socially and spiritually sound in their faith to present a relevant gospel. India, being in the center of Asian attraction in several ways, our major concern today is to transform the reached as well as the unreached communities of South Asia. On the other hand, our focus is to evangelize all segments of society, especially; the urban populace. As the urban population is increasing in India and around the world,

  9. day-by-day, the number of urban poor too is on the rise. Nagpur is one such city in India, where almost 40% of the population is poor and most of them live in the slums. Therefore, the MATUL program offered through MITS provides urban Christian pastors and leaders the opportunity to trained and equipped, especially, to work among the urban population that will result in a gradual transformation of localized urban areas and major cities of Asia. This program is a great asset in fulfilling the Great Commission through the

  10. urban segments of the society, especially among the urban poor. We are committed to collaborate with the MATUL team in reaching the urban poor, moreover, developing the emerging mission leaders. The theoretical and practical subjects offered through MATUL program enable the students to explore the means for transformational changes among the slum communities. Our Best Wishes for the MATUL Commission Program in Uganda ! Achankunju Pappy, Ph.D. Principal,

  11. Nagpur Geographical Map 40% population live in Urban Poor

  12. NAGPUR SLUM INFORMATION • Nagpur gained 7th position with population crossing 4 million. It has 4th rank in slum population , indicating the strength of direct working or serving population.

  13. SLUMS AREA IN NAGPUR • 10. Nandanban • 11. Bhande plot (Garbage Pickers) • 12. Sakardare • 13. Subash Nagar • 14. Gayatri Nagar • 15. Martin Nagar • 16. Malgi Nagar • 17. ChotaTajbag ( Muslims slums) • Raj Nagar (Mankapur) • Dixit Nagar ( North) • Seva Nagar • Saraswathi Nagar • Ambedkhar Colony • Ram Nagar • Chikhli (Kalmna) • Pagal Khana chouk • Behind of Central Rail way Station

  14. SERVEY ON NAGPUR SLUMS • In Nagpur, approximately 40 % of the population live in slums. There are 289 notified (legal) slums, where inhabitants pay taxes and 135 non-notified (illegal) slums. The inhabitants are mostly rickshaw puller, seasonal small vendors, house maid servants with a family income ranging from a meager Rs.1500 to Rs.3000 per month. After a hard and low-earning working day, most of the men spend their daily earnings on home made illicit liquor which is very harmful

  15. to the human body. Excessive alcohol consumption is the most common cause for an early death amongst the men in the slum areas. In addition, due to poor hygiene, poor sewage systems and irregular clearing of the garbage, diseases including malaria, cholera and abdominal problems are widely spread among the slum dwellers.

  16. MITS has been associating with the Sangam and with EFICOR has initiated development work with a Slum Team working in Slum-Centers. These Slum-Centers are currently in Saraswati Nagar, Sewa Nagar, Ram Nagar, Behind rail way station slums and through these Slum-Centers MITS reaches out through the Sangam and EFICOR into the urban slums with more than Thousands residents.

  17. The Slum Team consists of MATUL Students, Site Co-ordinator, two Social Welfare Workers and two Slum Nurses assisted by two Sewing Class Teachers. The Slum Team have made a survey of the many slums, visiting all the slum dwellers houses and are able to maintain a very close contact with the residents and their families. The main focus of the Slum Team is to improve the living standards of the people by seeking Christ through their involvement and participation in the various activities of the Ecumenical Sangam.

  18. Young men and women from the slums are encouraged to know Christ and stay at the Sangam's Base Centre to attend Technical training and they are able to take up jobs in the city or with the assistance of a Micro Finance loan from the Sangam set up their own business. • The ultimate aim is to make the Slums to self sufficient, so that they will be able to effectively deal with the many different issues and challenges of the slums without being dependant on any body.




  22. Worship in Slum

  23. From slum parent sending their son to MITS to study the God’s words

  24. MATUL team for practical exposition

  25. Thank You so Very Much

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