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CARNIVAL. Teams Mulled Wine Polenta and Cod Bugie Età Napoleonica. TEAMS. Spades uniform: a short-sleeved red shirt with lace, a sweet life dark blue,red and blue trousers with a black handkerchief.
CARNIVAL • Teams • Mulled Wine • Polenta and Cod • Bugie • Età Napoleonica
TEAMS Spadesuniform: a short-sleeved red shirt with lace, a sweet life dark blue,red and blue trousers with a black handkerchief. Deathuniform: jacket and trousers in traditional red and black with a white skull on the back. Tuchini uniform : red pants and red scarf and a jacket, green with red collar,on which is affixed the emblem of the team. Chess uniform: checkered white and black jacket. On the back there is an orange tower. Panthersuniform: black with yellow side stripes,with a black panther on the back. Arduiniuniform : green pants, yellow jacket with black scorpion on the back and green scarf. Devilsuniform : red jacket and red pants with yellow stripes on the arms and legs and yellow scarf; the symbol of the team is a winged red devil. Mercenariesuniform : maroon jacket with the emblem on the back represented by a yellow star and two scimitars side by side. Yellow trousers. Credendariuniform : yellow pants with blue side stripes, a blue blouse with yellow side stripes on the arms and the coat on the back
MULLED WINE MULLED VINE Mulled vine is an hot drink made with red vine, sugar and some other spices. Preparation: heat red vine add some sugar and spices like cinnamon and clove. add lemon peel, star anise and some slice of tangerine. Its alcohol content is usually 11°-14°.
POLENTA AND COD POLENTA AND COD Polenta and cod is a traditional dish of Ivrea’s carnival. First, the cod is desalted, dried, cut, floured and fried. Then joins with onions. All is accompanied with corn polenta. Some time ago polenta and cod was distributed in each district but now it is a tradition of Borghetto, where the Croatia’s committee prepare it in some old furnaces. The dish is distributed on Wednesday of ashes in Piazza Lamarmora.
BUGIE – lies • INGREDIENTS • 500 g flour • 4 eggs • 50 g butter • 100 g sugar • Grated rind of 1 lemon • 1 pinch of salt • PREPARATION • Enter all the ingredients in the bowl and knead for 2 minutes. • If you wish, add 1 teaspoon of brandy. • Make the dough rest for 30 minutes. • Stretch out the dough and shape of the rectangles of the typical Bugia. • Fry in abundant hot oil, not too hot, to avoid burning them. • Serve sprinkled with icing sugar.
CARNEVALE - pipes I PIFFERI the town gang performs "The Song of the Carnival", the official hymn of the party. The presence of the Pipes and Drums derives from the ancient six-eighteenth-century tradition of the local carnivals. Since the time of Emanuele Filiberto, a gang of pipes and drums resided in the castle of the four towers. The sound of the Pipes and Drums opens the Carnival on the Epiphany’s morning, it accompanies every event of the carnival and closes the festivity in the evening of “Fat Tuesday”. Today the Gang of the Pipes and Drums is directed from the “Prime Piffero”,who gives the attacks, and Greatest Drum is the rhythm keeping. The uniform of the group is historical: red frigio cap on head, red coat with neck and lapels, gilded metallic buttons, green pants with red gang
CARNEVALE L’equipe de ville exécute "la Chanson du Carnaval", l'hymne officiel de la fête. Un autre élément typique du Carnaval d'Ivrea est l’equipe de conduites(pipes), qui suit la fête. La présence des Pipes et des Tambours provient de la tradition à six dix-huitième siècles antique des carnavals locaux. Depuis le temps d'Emanuele Filiberto, une équipe de pipes et des tambours a résidé dans le château des quatre tours. Le son des Pipes et des Tambours ouvre le Carnaval dans le matin de l'Épiphanie, il accompagne chaque événement du carnaval et ferme la festivité en soirée "de la graisse mardi". Aujourd'hui l'Équipe(le Gang) des Conduites(Pipes) et des Tambours est adressée(dirigée) "de Piffero Principal", qui donne les attaques et le Tambour le Plus grand(super) est la garde de rythme. L'uniforme du groupe est historique : béret frigio rouge sur manteau principal, rouge avec cou et les revers des poignets verts, boutons métalliques dorés, pantalons verts avec équipe(gang) rouge
The teamsNel carnevale di Ivrea ci sono nove squadre a piedi:-Tuchini, loro tirano le arance in Borghetto, un vecchi ma splendido quartiere.-Picche, loro tirano le arance in piazza di città, molto importante a Ivrea.-Arduini, tirano le arance in Piazza Ottinetti-Scacchi, anche loro tirano in Piazza Ottinetti, come gli Arduini.-Credendari, tirano le arance in Piazza della Credenza-Morte, tirano in Piazza di Città-Diavoli, tirano le arance in Piazza Freguglia-Pantere, tirano in piazza Freguglia.-Mercenari, anch’ essi tirano le arance in Piazza Freguglia come i Diavoli e le PantereIn the Carneval of Ivrea, there are nine teams:-Tuchini, they throw oranges in Borghetto, an old and beautiful descrict.-Picche, they throw oranges in piazza di città, the more important place of Ivrea.-Arduini, they throw oranges in Piazza Ottinetti.-Scacchi, they throw oranges also in piazza Ottinetti, like Arduini.-Credendari, they throw oranges in Piazza della Credenza.-Morte, they throw oranges in Piazza di Città.-Diavoli, they throw oranges in Piazza Freguglia.-Pantere, they throw oranges in piazza Freguglia, like Diavoli and Mercenari.-Mercenari, they throw oranges also in Piazza Freguglia, like Diavoli and Pantere.
THE GENERAL The general was established in 1808 to control the Carnival, especially when it was unified. He takes office on January 6th but he gets the power of the city symbolically on fat Thursday and he’s assisted by his officers. The districts of Ivrea celebrated for a long time Carnival with very violent celebrations. These parties were reunited into a single in 1808 by the Napoleonic government. A group of citizen of Ivrea must wear the uniform of the army of Napoleon: one of them played the Generale and other citizens the Stato Maggiore