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Telemedicine for Global Healthcare Access

Discussing the role of telemedicine in extending healthcare access to underserved populations and improving global health outcomes. Presentations by WHO, K-CDC, and K-NIH. Demonstrations and discussions on making a sustainable business model for telemedicine programs. Held during Mar-July 2008.

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Telemedicine for Global Healthcare Access

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Discussion for Next APAN 26th • 2 sessions • Public health and health promotion • WHO, K-CDC, K-NIH • Medical Education • Regular video-meeting among Participants during Mar – July, 2008 • Multiple demonstration at APAN 26th • Making Business Model for consistency of this Program APAN Hawaii Jan 24 2008

  2. APAN Hawaii Jan 24 2008 APAN MG Healthcare Session I Public Health and Health Promotion Chair: Youngsung & Sakurai

  3. Opening Remarks by Youngsung Lee Access to medical care is a fundamental human right. However for many across the world, poverty, geographic remoteness and lack of specialized resources mean that healthcare is unavailable, holding back progress and harming life expectancy. Extending existing healthcare to cover the global population is therefore a major goal technology, like today’s presentation, has a strong role to play in this through telemedicine and telemedical activities By usingadvanced networks such as Gloriad, APII, Tein2, etc. to link doctors and their patients through voice, video and medical applications irrespective of location. Telemedicine can have a major humanitarian impact and dramaticallyimprove quality of life for millions. As well as using telemedicine to allow remote medical diagnosis , Thisprovides the ability to share expertise across countries and continents, and also can train surgeons, like yesterday’s live demo, through video links and can bring together experts on an international scale who can collaborate and share their own knowledge on global epidemics. Previously these benefits were the province of richer countries – telemedicine opens this up to everyone. APAN Hawaii Jan 24 2008

  4. Please remember!! Please remember we have a total of 90 minutes. Each of you has 10minutes. That includes all the changeover time. So please keep a watchhandy and start counting from when the previous person finishes, notfrom when you start speaking APAN Hawaii Jan 24 2008

  5. Tele-medical activities in S. Korea Young Sung Lee Gil-Won Kang 2007. 11. 2. Director, MedRIC Professor, Dept. Health Informatics and Management Chungbuk Nat’l Univ. College of Medicine, South Korea

  6. Conceptual DomainResearch+ Education+ Patient Care Internet 2 /KOREN /KREONET /TEIN /GLORIAD network Research education Pt care Conceptual Domain of Tele-medical activities; 3 main domain + Ds application APAN Hawaii Jan 24 2007

  7. 의학연구정보센터 ( MedRIC ) Network Configuration 청원군 단양군 e-Science 프로젝트 음성군 제천시 진천군 보건소 망 (청주시) 보은군 Local KISTI 괴산군 충주시 옥천군 영동군 보건의료 교육망(FMTP) KREONET망 (1Gbps) 충북대학교 병원 기타 KOREN 망이 설치된 기관 KOREN망 (155Mbps) GLORIAD망 (10Gbps) National 국립암센터 KOREN 망이 설치된 병원 KOREN 망이 설치된 대학교 스탠포드 대학 ( 미국 ) International APAN Hawaii Jan 24 2007

  8. A Collaboration with Stanford (2005-) MedRIC APAN Hawaii Jan 24 2007

  9. Domain: Patient Care/National + InternationalKMA Congress (2005. 5. 14) APAN Hawaii Jan 24 2007

  10. Medical Education / National Network(HD Stereo) KAMS Neuro Science workshop(2005. 11. 19-20) APAN Hawaii Jan 24 2007

  11. Research/International networkKolis Symposiun on BioscienceApr. 2006 (Stanford USA – CBNU Korea) APAN Hawaii Jan 24 2007

  12. Patient Care/InternationalOvarian cancer live surgery and ConsultationDec. 2005 (Korea-Summit) APAN Hawaii Jan 24 2007

  13. Patient Care/InternationalOvarian cancer live surgery and ConsultationDec. 2005 (Korea-Summit) APAN Hawaii Jan 24 2007

  14. Education/ SUMMIT Workshops Broadcasting to Korea (HD stereo)Aug. 2006 (Korea-Stanford SUMMIT) APAN Hawaii Jan 24 2007

  15. Education/International networkWorkshop on I-anatomy (Stereo)Nov. 06 (Korea - WIS - Stanford ) APAN Hawaii Jan 24 2007

  16. Education/Local NetworkHealth Promotion Forum in ProvinceMay. 2006 ~2007 (13 Rural Health Centers) APAN Hawaii Jan 24 2007

  17. Education/Local NetworkHealth Promotion Forum in ProvinceMay. 2006 ~2007 (13 Rural Health Centers) APAN Hawaii Jan 24 2007

  18. 질병관리본부 연결 서비스(예시) Public Health Education Contents Provider APAN Hawaii Jan 24 2007

  19. 가을철발열성질환 인플루엔자 예방접종 손 씻기 말라리아 예방 조류인플루엔자(해외여행자) 조류인플루엔자(영문, WHO) Public Health Education Contents Provider APAN Hawaii Jan 24 2007

  20. Web ASP.NET 영상DB MS-SQL 2000 ASP.NET 2003 server Streaming Mobile broadcastingI-pod casting/ PDA castingWIBRO network 영상 의학콘텐츠 Wireless PC PDA Mobile phone wired APAN Hawaii Jan 24 2007

  21. PDA contents service PDA용 의학관련 콘텐츠를 언제 어디서나 활용 할 수 있다. < 의학관련 콘텐츠 – 전체 화면 > < 의학관련 콘텐츠 – 부분 확대 화면 > APAN Hawaii Jan 24 2007

  22. Future Korea Health Net (?) • Pilot Project • ex, Seoul Nat’l Univ. – Chungbuk Univ. – Jeju Univ. • Proposal to the Government • Organizer: Korean Academy of Medical Sciences, Korean Council of Deans of Medical College, Korean Society of Medical Education • TFT • APAN MG health education initiative ? APAN Hawaii Jan 24 2007

  23. Task Force • Main professional body • Korean Academy of Medical Sciences • Korean Council of Deans of Medical College • Korean Society of Medical Education • contents domain • Clinical (surgery, medical, supportive) • Public Health • Priority based : Bioterrorism, SARS, AIDS etc • MedRIC-SUMMIT-Kyushu Univ. • Coordination of Contents provider • Doing Co-research and develop BM • Information Technology: NOCs APAN Hawaii Jan 24 2007

  24. Contributers / Supports Han, HoSung (SNUH, Korea) Shuji Shimizu & Nakashima (Kyushu Univ, Japan) Lee, JawHwa (KT NOC, Korea) Parvati & LeRoy (SUMMIT, Stanford, USA) Chungbuk Province Nat. Univ.; Chungbuk, ChungNam, Cheju, Seoul Kim, JongWon (GIST, Korea) Paul Kim (Stanford, USA) Staffs in MedRIC Korea NSF(KOSEF) E-science TF in KISTI, Korea APAN Hawaii Jan 24 2007

  25. Thank You ! yslee@chungbuk.ac.krysleemd@stanford.edu043-261-2869(Korea)310-717-5311( USA )

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