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November 20 th - Agenda. Review Agenda, Explanation of Fee Types, Fee Reviews & Process, Review of Proposed Fee Changes - Janet Parker Mandatory Fee Presentations: Automated Services Fee – Ken Pierce, Chief Information Officer
November 20th - Agenda • Review Agenda, Explanation of Fee Types, Fee Reviews & Process, Review of Proposed Fee Changes - Janet Parker • Mandatory Fee Presentations: Automated Services Fee – Ken Pierce, Chief Information Officer Library Services and Teaching & Learning Center Fees – Krisellen Maloney, Dean of Libraries Transportation & UTSA Card Fees – Pam Bacon, Associate Vice President, Administration • Q&A /Wrap Up
Fee Structure and Fee Types Tuition and Fee Proposal Academic Years 2011 and 2012
Tuition and Fee Structure Three components: • Tuition: Statutory(rate set by state legislature) & Designated(‘deregulated’ rate set by UT Board of Regents through the T&F Proposal process) • Mandatory Fees: required to be paid by all students unless exempted by law or authorized waiver 3. Incidental Fees: paid on a per use or per circumstance basis. *Excludes textbooks, housing, parking, dining, etc. • Course & Lab fees– paid by students enrolled in a particular course or lab for which a fee has been approved. • College fees – paid by students enrolled in a degree program within a particular college for which a special fee has been approved (e.g. Advising; Technology support) • Optional– paid by any student or public for opting to use a particular good or service (e.g. Testing fees; Application fees; Transcript request fees.)
Statutory and Designated Tuition Statutory Tuition - Set by Legislature • Has remained at $50 per semester credit hour (SCH) since Fall 2005. Designated Tuition - Considered a local source of revenue; the rate is set by each institution based on deregulation by the legislature in 2003. • FY 09 = $110/SCH • FY10 = $120.85/SCH
Mandatory Fees Fees required to be paid by every enrolled student attending UTSA unless otherwise exempted or waived as allowed by statute. Revenues must be spent in accordance with the fee justification as authorized by the Texas Education Code. • Assessed on a per student basis , or • Assessed on a per Semester Credit Hour (SCH) basis, some have min/max limits; others are based on the exact number of SCH taken
Incidental Fees Fees charged for services or materials utilized by students at a rate that “must reasonably reflect the actual cost to the university of the materials or services for which the fee is collected.” • Based on student or user choices, or as a good/service is actually used. • Some incidental fees are required by all students taking a particular course or based on their enrollment within a college or degree program.
Laboratory Fees Fees charged for the general cost of laboratory materials and supplies used by a student. The amount of the laboratory fee may not exceed the cost of actual materials and supplies used by the student. • Lab fees are required to be accounted for as state revenue • May not exceed $30 per lab course regardless of actual costs
Automated Services Fee Current rate: $25/SCH with a minimum of $100 and maximum of $300 To defray costs associated with provision of specialized automated services, a wireless network, 24-hour computer access, and distance learning facilities and support. FY09 Income: $15.6M
Athletic Fee Current rate: $13/SCH with a maximum of $156 a semester Funds to support athletic programs. Referendum in September 2007 to double the Athletics Fee over the next five to seven years from $10 per semester credit hour up to $20 per semester hour, capped at 12 semester credit hours. http://www.goutsa.com/ViewArticle.dbml?DB_OEM_ID=13100&ATCLID=3634575 FY09 Income: $6.8M
Energy Fee Current rate: $35/semester To cover increasing utility costs. FY09 Income: $2.2M
Identification (UTSA) Card Fee Current rate: $3/semester To defray costs of producing and distributing student ID cards. FY09 Income: $240k
International Education Fee Current rate: $2/semester Funds are to be deposited into institution's international education financial aid fund; money may be used only to assist student participating in international student exchange or study programs FY09 Income: $128k
Library Resource Fee Current rate: $14/SCH To defray costs associated with providing increased direct and indirect services and supplies, to include on-line access to full text data-bases, academic indexes, print journals and monographs. Increase will help defray costs for providing 24/5 library hours to respond to expressed student demand. To provide for growth in library staffing and associated costs. FY09 Income: $9.4M
Medical Services Fee Current rate: $29.70/semester May be used only to provide medical services to students registered at that component institution. FY09 Income: $1.7M
Records Processing Fee Current rate: $10/semester To defray costs associated with adding and dropping classes, administrative processing of applications for graduation, late registration, processing transcripts, updating student records, and preparing enrollment certifications FY09 Income: $639k
Recreation Center Fee Current rate: $120/semester Funds used to finance, construct, operate, maintain, or improve student recreational facilities. Persons not enrolled at university may use facility if does not interfere with student use, or increase potential liability for university, and is charged a few that is not less than the student fee & not less than cost to the university FY09 Income: $7.6M
Student Services Fee Current rate: $15.40/SCH with a maximum of $184.80/semester Funds to be used solely for student services. FY09 Income: $9.5M
Teaching and Learning Center Fee Current rate: $5/semester To defray costs associated with support of center operations and learning needs of students. FY09 Income: $319k
Transportation Fee Current rate: $20/semester Funds to be used for sole purpose of financing transportation services, including capital expenses. FY09 Income: $1.1M
University Center Fee Current rate: $10/SCH with a minimum of $40 and maximum of $120 Funds to be used for sole purpose of financing, operating, maintaining, & improving student union building. FY09 Income: $5M
University Publication Fee Current rate: $5/semester To defray costs of providing catalogs, course schedules and other publications to enrolled students. FY09 Income: $319k