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July, 2005, Activities for Church Growth in the Philippines. Ken Wilkey’s report. Building owned by the church of Christ at Barangay Tambo, Ayungon, Negros Oriental: Largest chapel in this province.
July, 2005, Activities for Church Growth in the Philippines Ken Wilkey’s report
Building owned by the church of Christ at Barangay Tambo, Ayungon, Negros Oriental: Largest chapel in this province.
Interior of the Tambo chapel where we have a regular extension class each month. There were 13 immersed into Christ during the class Richard Emperado taught on Minor Prophets in July.
Beauty and Poverty Living Together Ten years ago the poverty level in the Philippines was 23% of urban dwellers and 53% of rural dwellers. National average may be 25% now.
Three generations of Emperados admire a ten pound barracuda. MASTER, WE TOILED ALL NIGHT, AND TOOK NOTHING Richard bought this fish from a man who had prayerfully toiled all night knowing if he caught nothing he would have to sell one of his goats for rice to feed his family. The two hundred fifty pesos he got for the fish emphasized to both him and us that God gives good gifts. His story helps us understand the life situation for some people whom we might speak to Christ about.
Richard speaking with a lady who makes her living by selling water at one peso a bucket. She sells 40 per day. That is 80 cents U.S.
This little piggy stayed home -- While staying with Richard upon my arrival to help get ready for the Asian Mission Forum 2005 to be held here on Mactan Island in Cebu City I got to help celebrate Orwin’s and Richard’s birthdays. The man roasting the pig killed, prepared and cooked it in about four hours. Lechon, which is roast pig, is a delicacy we have at major events, and we hope to have it at the Forum.
Reuben is from San Jose, Isabela, and has been studying with the brethren there and was immersed while with us in Quezon, Isabela July 14, 2005
In our door knocking it was like our early days in Pangasinan – friendly people in a village with no power. John Lester’s mother is ready to be immersed but the father still needs more time to study.
A typical situation when we meet people and have a study with them in our door knocking.
Evening classes remain to be taught before sleep: some one will lecture others will go to homes we contacted today.
Reggie Valdez is a graduate of the Manila School of Evangelism and hails from Ifugao Province. He is doing a really effective work in several municipalities in the north of Luzon. Sonia was the second person Reggie immersed this day. She is the niece of Sister Ortiguero. Brother Rostom Ortiguero is a member of the Philippine National Police in Quezon, Isabela, and has a very good reputation there.
Members of Francisco Lomandas’ Family from Bagong Tanza, Isabela July 16, 2005 at 11 a.m.
We are not the only ones using the river. Note the dog coming along far behind!
Class that studied “Life of Christ” and “Work of the Minister”
The Bagong Tanza church planned this outreach with leaders like the Lomandas Family. They kept us in their home, fed us and inspired us by their enthusiasm for outreach for Christ.
Bob teaching one of the most needed classes we offer to men who lead in the local churches here: “The Life of Christ.” Dick Baguioan has an on-going extension work in the Cagayan Valley in partnership with Eusebio Tanicala and Duffy Braga. The ability of the students to preach and teach show that the program is working.
Guests at dinner in Bagong Tanza: Alejandro Ciencia, Bill Thompson and Bob Buchanan Bob and I met the Thompsons and Alejandro in Cawayan, Isabela, in afternoon on July 15. This is their third trip to the Philippines from Midwest City, Oklahoma. This American church is seeking to get their Filipino evangelists under the support and direction of local churches which have been aided for many years. A challenge for all to grow and face change.
Edward Tangunan is helping to develop the new church at San Mateo, Isabela. This is its second year in existence and our second time to come to help with outreach. Dick Baguioan has a regular extension class here to train local men who are the more mature men in area congregations. The brethren from Aguinaldo came to be with us this Sunday. Most of them are from Edward’s family. A real disappointment in San Mateo is that a man we had met as a Christian there now does not want to work together because he is prejudiced by the Anti-cooperation brothers from America. They often split churches here with no Scriptureal reason to do so.
Brethren from at least 7 different congregations helping at San Mariano
Reggie Valdez and Lena Mirnada (school teacher on right) kept us informed as to who were our prospects that were contacted on a previous canvassing of the municipality. Ronaldo continued with us in our outreach classes from the time of his immersion until we left!
Brother Rex Conception is one of our three mature students from Bagong Tanga church of Christ. Ambrosio has a family known to us as members of the church in the past. He was the sixth person immersed on this trip to the Cagayan Valley.
This lovely lady is 70 years of age and was scheduled to be ‘born again’ on Saturday, July 23, 2005, with her daughter and a neighbor lady. The Christians at San Mariano are reaching out to the community and have a good influence there.
A surprising thrill was to discover that we were to deliver the second lesson of a Bible correspondence course to students in San Mariano of our own Sister Ruby Fry from our sponsoring church in Nueces Canyon, Texas. They were all thrilled to think she might see who they are.
We delivered lessons to 11 students. The day we left we had a study with Marissa Alba and believe we shall have occasion to study with others as their lessons are personally delivered and the answer sheets sent back to their teachers. Follow-up is of necessity if people are to be converted and made a part of a local church of the Lord.
With the vehicle Lito had borrowed blowing another head gasket we found ourselves waiting for a bus on Wednesday evening like we had to do in the “old days.” Lito and our three young missionaries from San Jose dropped there and I continued on to arrive at the Manila School of Evanagelism in Sampaloc just after midnight. Fast trip that night and I slept on the bus. Wonderful experience in the Cagayan Vallay again.
While at M.S.E. I was asked by Philip Dumawa to teach the students the Prison Epistles. One student is the son of my former student at Philippine Bible College and another is a grandson of one of my students.
Amy became a Christian on July 22nd during the youth meeting. We all joined in rejoicing. My usual duty is to give an exhortation before someone becomes a Christian.
Lunch with the Sucat church of Christ, Laguna Province, after a.m. services
This congregation has grown in number and in leadership since Felipe Cariaga began to work with them and send students to help them. I preached here on July 24, 2005.
Jesse and his parents. This family were converted by two M.S.E. students and now Jesse is himself studying to serve the Lord. Several provinces near Metro-Manila need attention. We are seeking to help out in Bulucan, Batangas, Laguna, and Quezon. In this region is a large population and a few churches that may benefit from extension training.