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EDI S ON. ED ucation -research I ntegration through S imulation O n the N et( EDISON ). Kum Won Cho. Dept. of Cyber Environment Development, Supercomputing Center, KISTI ( K orea I nstitute of S cience and T echnology I nformation). EDI S ON. Contents. Introduction
EDISON EDucation-research Integration through Simulation On the Net(EDISON) Kum Won Cho Dept. of Cyber Environment Development, Supercomputing Center, KISTI (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information)
EDISON Contents • Introduction • The Status of Korea’s R&D • The Status of Higher Education in Science and Engineering • EDISON • What is EDISON? • Conceptual Model • Structure of EDISON • EDISON CFD • A Pilot Project of EDISON CFD • Advantages of EDISON CFD • Conclusion • Future Directions for the Higher Education
EDISON ` Introduction EDISON CFD Conclusion Introduction to KISTI KISTI Supercomputing Center (National Supercomputing Center) • Dept. of Computing & Networking Resources • Dept. of Infrastructure Technology Development • Dept. of Cyber Environment Development • Dept. of Application & Support KISTI Supercomputing Center is responsible for national cyberinfrastructure of Korea Four departments Key Statistics Major Missions • Resource • User Support • Cyber Environment • Technology • Supercomputing Service • Network Service • National e-Science • Over 150 staffs • Budget over $ 30 million mostly government funded
EDISON Introduction EDISON CFD Conclusion Supercomputing Resources • Cray T3E • NEC SX-5[1st of 3rd] • TeraCluster • NEC SX-6[2nd of 3rd] • SUN 4th] (1997 ~ 2003) 115GFlops ( 2003.12 ~ 2008.10) 2,850GFlops (2001. 5. ~ 2008. 10) 80GFlops (2008. 6. ~ ) 300 TFlops • Cray2S[1st] (2003. 2. ~ 2008. 10) 160GFlops 1997 1993 2000 1988 2002 2008 2001 2003 2GFlops 16GFlops 131GFlops 1,407GFlops 306GFlops 8,000GFlops 242GFlops 30,000GFlops (1993 ~ 2001) 16GFlops (2000 ~ 2006) 111GFlops (2001 ~ 2006) 435.2GFlops (2002. 1. ~ 2008. 10) 665.6GFlops (2003. 7. ~ 2008. 10) 3,699.2GFlops (2007. 10. ~ ) 30 TFlops • Cray C90[2nd] • HP GS320 • HPC160/320 • PC Cluster • 128node • IBM p690[1st of 3rd] • IBM p690+[2nd of 3rd] • IBM p5 595+ • [4th]
EDISON Introduction EDISON CFD Conclusion The First 10Gbps International Hybrid Networks in Korea ~20Gbps 1040Gbps ~15Gbps 5Gbps 2.5Gbps
EDISON Introduction EDISON CFD Conclusion
EDISON Introduction EDISON CFD Conclusion The Status of Korea’s R&D • The Korean government has sponsored national R&D activities since 1982 • The budget for science and engineering technology in 2009 was about 10 billion USD, 13.8% increased then 2008. • As the amount of investment in national R&D projects increases • The science competitive power of Korea in the world continues to be enhanced and is in the group of 3 leading countries with the USA and Japan. • In 2007, SCI paper rank was on the 12th place, international patents rank was on the 4th place in the world Comparison of budget of R&D with developed countries * Source: OECD, Main Science and Technology Indicators (OECD, 2008) * PPP(Purchasing Power Parity) is a currency exchange rate considering the difference in commodity prices in each country.
EDISON Introduction EDISON CFD Conclusion The Status of Higher Education in Science and Engineering • The competitiveness of the national science and technology • Korea has been steadily improved and reached to the rank of three in 2009 • IMD(International Institute for Management Development) report, 2009 • The usefulness of the national education system • Totally different situation that the rank was the 36th in the world • The reeducation cost for the newly graduates is so high • The good research results have been hardly applied into the education. • The higher education of science and engineering in Korea has been focused on the theory-based learning rather than experiment-based learning. • How to solve these problems? • Experiment-based science and engineering education on the cyber infrastructure is one of the possible solutions.
EDISON Introduction EDISON CFD Conclusion What is EDISON? • EDISON means • EDucation-research Integration through Simulation Onthe Net • National Project funded by • Korea Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology (‘11 ~ ’20, USD 30M) Simulation x+y=z Paper Patent Contents Algorithm EDISON (21c) EDISON (19c) S/W Movie School Home High Performance Network Super Computing
EDISON Introduction EDISON CFD Conclusion Goals • Establish an infrastructure on the web where people can easily access and utilize engineering/science simulation tools for the educational and research purpose. • Help (under)graduate students learn latest technology and research trends in the engineering/science area, and localize simulation tools in the related area.
EDISON Introduction EDISON CFD Conclusion EDISON Open Platform(1/2) • Science-AppStore • managing simulation codes and analyzing program information • Problem Solving Environment (PSE) • users can carry out simulation for their researches • Middleware • providing various services to use various computing resources for simulation • Infrastructure • supercomputers, high performance networks, large storages, and so on Science-AppStore Problem Solving Environment (PSE) Middleware Infrastructure
EDISON Introduction EDISON CFD Conclusion EDISON Open Platform(2/2) • Flexible service framework used in computational science • Web portal framework(joomla based) • Portal service with 5 major applications(CFD, chemistry, nano-physics, structural analysis, engineering design) Open Easy Convenient Effective CFD and Chemistry service
EDISON Introduction EDISON CFD Conclusion Science Appstore Technology • Plug-in-play service(development/registration/simulation) of application tools • Extensibility using multiple simulation SW combination technique EDISON service using SciAppstore SciAppstoreSCenario
EDISON Introduction EDISON CFD Conclusion Virtualization • Development of computing server integration and optimization technology using virtualization • Construction of virtualization testbed(Web portal–GT4–PBS–VMs overXen) • Reduce of the idle time of computing system • Implementation of resource pooling and on-demand virtual machine Job arrival Job Queue Job Parser Scheduler Stripping Packing IO-aware etc. Job Manager VM Manager Host Manager Job Monitor Job Launcher Resource Pooling On-demand VM/VC provisioning Virtual cluster OpenPBS APIs OpenNebula APIs VM allocation Host Status Job Exec. / Status shared resource pool xen xen xen xen
EDISON Introduction EDISON CFD Conclusion Computing Service Infrastructure • Implementation of simulation SW service on KISTI supercomputer • Integration of EDISON web portal(with multi user) and KISTI supercomputer • Development of certification system with MyProxy. • Inter-operability btw KISTI and NCSA supercomputer • RESTfulOpenAPI service Multi-user account management tool Multi-user simulation SW service
EDISON Introduction EDISON CFD Conclusion Resource Mngt and Visualization • Development of computing resource mngt technology(user certification, workflow, parametric study and etc) • Web based scientific visualization: Java Applet based viz., remote viz. and web based viz) Java Applet based viz. Resource and workflowmngt User certification Remote viz. WebGL based viz.
EDISON Introduction EDISON CFD Conclusion Easy System for Knowledge Transfer • Development of advanced content to understand basic theory(e.g. CFD, Chemistry and etc) • Theory + Content-specific interactive simulator How do airplanes work? Why does a wing change shape on takeoff and landing? Content-specific interactive simulator Theory
EDISON Introduction EDISON CFD Conclusion A Pilot Project of EDISON CFD • Internet based portal interface • Convenient research environment “ Anytime and Anywhere” • Accurate and efficient simulation service • Development of an accurate CFD solver • Generalized parallel computational algorithm on Grid environment • Remote wind tunnel experiment service • Aerodynamic force/moment measurement and PIV(particle Image Velocimetry) experiment • Interactive research environment • Comparison system of CFD and experiment data • Collaboration system: Access Grid Theory Experiment Simulation
EDISON Introduction EDISON CFD Conclusion A Pilot Project of EDISON CFD • Implementation of EDISON Platform on Higher Education Higher Education for Fluid Dynamics using Simulation Fluid Dynamics Freshman ~ sophomore year. Basic class Simulation,movie Junior ~ senior year. Applied eng. basic,applied eng.Using of the simulation tools Junior ~ senior year. Enrichment pro. Using of the advanced simulation tools Grad school. Enrichment program.
EDISON Introduction EDISON CFD Conclusion A Pilot Project of EDISON CFD General CFD SW • Development of Simulations SW Viscous flow Compressible flow Laminar/turbulent flow 상 구분 Targeted simulation Exploration flow 경계면 마하수 단상 유동 다상 유동 외부 유동 Boundary problem 내부 유동 압축성 유동 아음속 3차원 차원 천음속 2차원/축대칭 Incompressible flow Shock tube 포텐셜 유동 해석 Potential flow 초음속 기계/조선/토목/항공분야 유체공학 EDISONCFD 1차원 Turbulent flow 비압축성 유동 Circulation flow 비정상 유동 Stokes유동 시간 정상 유동 층류 유동 포텐셜유동 천이 유동 난류 유동 Vortex flow Incompressible flow Inviscous flow 점성 유동 비점성 유동 Rotation flow 레이놀즈수 Core CFD SW
EDISON Introduction EDISON CFD Conclusion Computational Fluid Dynamics : EDISON CFD • The contents of EDISON CFD are described as • Various CFD analyzers in order to maximize the use thereof in teaching. • Enhancement of the ability of instructors for numerical analysis to be used in multidisciplinary fluid dynamics. • Web-based visualization technology to enhance understanding in various fields of fluid dynamics. • Cyber education portal for the effective support of education.
EDISON Introduction EDISON CFD Conclusion Computational Fluid Dynamics : EDISON CFD • Web-portal based EDSION CFD • has satisfied students’ requirements and induced their high interests rather than ordinary theory-based teaching. • It was used in practical experiments • For 180 students in 7 universities in 2008 • More than 450 students in 10 universities in 2010. • According to the questionnaire survey • Approximately 77% out of participated students said they were satisfied.
EDISON Introduction EDISON CFD Conclusion Computational Fluid Dynamics : EDISON CFD • The advantage of EDISON CFD is • That users can carry out their researches and education anywhere if he/she can access the Internet. • Students can • Carry out the numerical analysis and analyze the important physical phenomena with numerical analysis tools of the EDSION CFD. • With this system • Students have learned about the wind tunnel test by means of video conference between the wind tunnel and classrooms.
EDISON Introduction EDISON CFD Conclusion
EDISON Introduction EDISON CFD Conclusion Tohuku Univ. in Japan
EDISON Introduction EDISON CFD Conclusion Remote visualization using KISTI Viz. Cluster
EDISON Introduction EDISON CFD Conclusion
EDISON Introduction EDISON CFD Conclusion Bioinformatics simulation
EDISON Introduction EDISON CFD Conclusion Future Directions for the Higher Education • The accomplishments from many R&D projects sponsored by the Korean government • can be used in science and technology education, the education effect would be maximized without extra spending for purchasing expensive educational software. • We have learned that • performing the national scale development project on computer simulation-based cyber research and education environment which is basically the expansion of such EDISON having various simulation related softwares, contents and tools is now inevitable. • Mobile Environment • We also have to expand this system into mobile environment accommodating such smart phones for riding the new huge tide.
EDISON Contact Information • Dr. Kumwon Cho (PI) : ckw@kisti.re.kr