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The Ascension . The Ascension. This is when Jesus stopped appearing to the disciples in visible, human form. The Ascension is when Jesus took his proper place at the right hand of the Father. Christ’s complete glory is now revealed. The Ascension and the Paschal Mystery.
The Ascension • This is when Jesus stopped appearing to the disciples in visible, human form. • The Ascension is when Jesus took his proper place at the right hand of the Father. • Christ’s complete glory is now revealed
The Ascension and the Paschal Mystery • This is the final part of the Paschal Mystery. • First, Christ suffered • Second, Christ died • Third, Christ is risen and glorified • The gospels say Jesus appeared for forty days before ascending to Heaven and he promised to send his disciples the Holy Spirit.
Ascension Descriptions • When Jesus ascended to Heaven, the angels told the Apostles that the Lord would come again. • The second coming of Christ is referred to as Parousia when he will judge the living and the dead.
Ascension and the Father • Jesus came from the Father so now he is returning to the Father. • And it is Jesus who is the key to entering the Kingdom of God.
The Second Coming of Christ • Christians look forward to this day when Jesus will return in his glory and all creatures will acknowledge that Jesus is Lord. • This day is unknown and is according to God’s plan and Jesus instructs us to live our lives as if it will come at any time.
Maranatha • This is the final prayer found in the Bible that simply declares “Come, O Lord”. • As Christians we should celebrate this day and eagerly await his return.
Organization • Four Parts: • 1. The Prologue (1:1-18): Clearly states the themes of the Gospels. • 2. The Book of Signs (1:19-12:50): Seven miracles performed by Jesus. • 3. The Book of Glory (13:1-20:31): The Paschal Mystery • 4. The Epilogue (21:1-25): The final appearances before Ascension.
The Background • Written in several stages and edited by several people starting with the Apostle John. • John may have never actually written it but became the inspiration behind its writing. • Put together as we know it around 90 AD
The Background Continued • The two major themes are to strengthen the faith of believers and to win new converts to Christianity.
Uniqueness of John’s Gospel • John’s is the most mysterious of the four Gospels. • This is done on purpose. The writers want you to understand that the truth is only known through Jesus and in the end.
More Uniqueness • The gospel of John is written very poetically. It uses literary techniques such as irony, metaphors, figurative language, and play on words unlike the other gospels.