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2000-2050 change in U.S. air quality. 2000-2050 change in climate 2000-2050 change in pollutant emissions. BC energy emissions. Ozone episode, July 2007. Overview of GCAP Project October 12, 2007 Harvard University. PI: Jacob Co-Is: Byun, Fu, Mickley, Seinfeld, Streets, Rind
2000-2050 change in U.S. air quality 2000-2050 change in climate 2000-2050 change in pollutant emissions BC energy emissions Ozone episode, July 2007 Overview of GCAP Project October 12, 2007 Harvard University PI: Jacob Co-Is: Byun, Fu, Mickley, Seinfeld, Streets, Rind Also: Wu, Liao, Lam, Li, Yoshitomi, Smith-Downey, Pye, Kim, Lerner, Leibensperger
GCAP Phase 2: How will global change affect U.S. air quality and mercury deposition rates? changing greenhouse gases GISS general circulation model 1950 2000 2025 2050 2075 2100 Spin-up MM5 Mesoscale model archive met fields Precursor emissions from Streets GEOS-CHEM Global chemistry model archive met fields archive chemistry CMAQ Regional chemistry model
Basic blueprint for GCAP project Compare 2000 and 2050 climate and emissions emissions emissions boundary conditions met fields GEOS-CHEM global O3-PM-Hg simulation GISS GCM 1950-2050 transient climate simulation CMAQ regional O3-PM- Hg simulation Archive results MM5 mesoscale dynamics simulation met fields boundary conditions GCAP Phase 2: How will global change affect U.S. air quality and mercury deposition to U.S. ecosystems?
GCAP Phase 1 Publications Emissions Model 2’ climate + AQ Model 3 development GCAP debut and evaluation Global change + AQ Regional model results • Streets et al., On the future of carbonaceous aerosolemissions, JGR, 2004. • Mickley et al., Effects of future climate change on regional air pollution episodes in the United States, GRL, 2004. • Liao et al., Role of climate change in global predictions of future tropospheric ozone and aerosols, JGR, 2005. • Rind et al., Effects of resolution and model physics on tracer transports in the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies general circulation models, JGR, 2007. • Wu et al., Why are there large differences between models in global budgets of tropospheric ozone?, JGR, 2007. • Liao et al., Biogenicsecondary organic aerosol over the United States: Comparison of climatological simulations with observations, JGR, 2007. • Wu et al., Effects of 2000-2050 global change on ozone air quality in the United States, submitted, 2006. • Wu et al., Effect of 2000-2050 global change on background ozone in the United States, in progress, 2007. • Fu et al., MICS-Asia II: Modeling gaseous pollutants and evaluating an advanced modeling system over east Asia, Atmos. Env., 2007
BC/Energy OC/Energy Some highlights of Phase 1 Trends in carbonaceous aerosol emissions: For anthropogenic BC, all scenarios predict decreases by 2050. Streets et al., 2004. Interhemispheric gradient in CFC-11 in different GISS GCMs Model 3 has more realistic interhemispheric transport than some of the other models. Rind et al. 2007. Model 3 obs Model E
surface ozone surface PM2.5 Results from GEOS-Chem/CMAQ interface for China, Fu et al. Predicted changes in surface sulfate concentrations due solely to 2000-2100 climate change, Liao et al. 2006. Greater precip at high latitudes Greater OH, H2O2, and ozone concs over urban areas Weaker Hadley cell Harvard results: to be shown later today. ppt
JJA 1990s temperatures from the GISS-GCM and MM5, mean over 5 summers, Lynn et al. New goals for Phase 2: • Analyze impact of different climate and emission scenarios on U.S. air quality (e.g., A1, B1, B2, ACCENT). • Examine impact of 2000-2050 changes in anthropogenic emissions on intercontinental transport to the United States • Investigate how global change will affect mercury deposition in U.S. ecosystems. • . • Improve coupling between global and regional climate models.
GCAP Phase 2 flow plan. Arrows show interaction, not deadlines. 2007 2008 2009 2010 Argonne Global Hg emissions Regional Hg emissions GISS Model 3 development + support Harvard GCAP A1, B1, B2 O3 + Hg analysis ACCENT scenarios Caltech Aerosol evaluation and analysis MM5 nudging + stepwise downscaling MM5 STE and tropopause heights UHouston UTenn Regional chemical + Hg simulations ACCENT scenarios
Year 1 – official start date May 07 • Argonne: • Develop global emission projections for mercury for different IPCC scenarios • Harvard/ GISS: • Run GISS GCM 1950-2050 simulations for IPCC A2, B1, and B2 scenarios • Interpret results for on-line pollution tracers • Archive output for GEOS-Chem and MM5 • Harvard/ Caltech: • Run GEOS-Chem ozone-aerosol simulations for 2000 and 2050: ~5-year ensembles, different IPCC scenarios, interpret results • Archive output for CMAQ • U Tenn/ Harvard/ Caltech: • Run CMAQ simulations for each IPCC scenario, interpret results • U Houston: • Improve GISS-MM5 dynamical interface through stepwise downscaling • Investigate the effect of in-domain nudging with GISS met fields in MM5
Year 2 • All: • Continue and publish work from Year 1 • Argonne: • Downscale mercury emission projections in the United States for CMAQ • Harvard: • Run GEOS-Chem mercury simulations for the 2000 and 2050 GCM atmospheres (5-year ensembles) of each IPCC scenario, interpret results. • Archive output for CMAQ. • UTenn/ Harvard: • Run CMAQ mercury simulations for the 2000 and 2050 GCM atmospheres, interpret results • U Houston: • Investigate and reconcile GISS and MM5 simulations of tropopause height and stratosphere-troposphere exchange
Year 3 • All: • Continue and publish work from Year 2 • Harvard/U Tenn/ Caltech: • Run 2000-2050 GEOS-Chem using the ACCENT scenarios • Downscale chemistry using CMAQ • Interpret results
Tasks/ Issues leftover from GCAP phase 1: • Harvard: Conduct EOF analyses of ozone regional variability in the United States – on the back burner (Leibensperger) • U Tenn: Run CMAQ with 2000 and 2050 climate – ongoing • Harvard/ Caltech/ U Tenn: Run ozone and PM simulations for 2050 B1 climate – moved to GCAP phase 2. • Other tasks, goals? • Understand ozone response to temperature change in Southeast U.S. • Analyze trends in cyclone variability and relationship to pollution episodes. • Explore correlations of PM2.5 with met variables for potential future-climate statistical projections (already being done for ozone). • Improve GCM-GEOS-chem interface: boundary layer height, vertical diffusion. . . • Compare IPCC near-term emissions trajectories with 2000-2007 observed trends.
GCAP Phase 2 flow plan. 2007 2008 2009 2010 Argonne Global Hg emissions Regional Hg emissions GISS Model 3 development + support Harvard GCAP A1, B1, B2 O3 + Hg analysis ACCENT scenarios Caltech Aerosol evaluation and analysis MM5 nudging + stepwise downscaling MM5 STE and tropopause heights UHouston UTenn Regional chemical + Hg simulations ACCENT scenarios
2007 Nobel Prizes recognize Atmospheric Sciences! For chemistry, the winner is Garhard Ertl “for pioneering work in surface chemistry, a specialty that . . . sheds light on the activity . . . on the surface of ice crystals in the stratosphere.“ NYT For peace, winners are Al Gore and IPCC.