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Automated Mission Planning and Scheduling (AMPS) Support of Autonomous Operations for the ST5 Constellation. Terri Wood / NASA GSFC Robert Shendock / SGT, Inc Jenny Williams / CSC. Preface.
Automated Mission Planning and Scheduling (AMPS) Support of Autonomous Operations for the ST5 Constellation Terri Wood / NASA GSFCRobert Shendock / SGT, IncJenny Williams / CSC
Preface • ST5 validated some interoperability and distributed control operations concepts intended to lower operational costs and risks • Interoperability • Distributed message bus to loosely interconnect mission components on the ground and provide “plug and play” capability • Form basis of future mission Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) • Distributed mission control • Used self-managing, autonomous software components to validate concept for managing increasingly complex missions 5th IWPSS: AMPS Support for the ST5 Constellation
Introduction • The Mission • What new technologies were used to support it • Challenges in using the application • An approach to modeling that worked • How well did the technologies support mission objectives • Requirements/problems solved • Improvements to mission cost/quality • What methods were used to infuse new technologies • Technical & cultural issues • Approaches to infusion that worked & didn’t 5th IWPSS: AMPS Support for the ST5 Constellation
Mission Overview • 3 spacecraft launched 22MAR06 • 300 X 4500 km orbit • 10.5 orbits per day • Same transmitter freq • Supported by DSN and GN • GN Support • 2 contacts / spacecraft / day • McMurdo Ground Station (MGS) • DSN Support (34 meter) • 1 contact / spacecraft / day • Primarily Canberra (DSS-34) 5th IWPSS: AMPS Support for the ST5 Constellation
Mission Operations RequirementsMotivation for Automated Mission Planning System • Maintain the health and safety of three spacecraft. • Recover at least 80% of the recorded data. • To design, develop, test and operate a ground segment supporting multiple spacecraft acting as a single constellation. • Develop ground software to automate constellation operations. • Demonstrate concepts for autonomous constellation management and autonomous operations from the ground. • Perform "lights out" operations during which time no intervention by ground personnel is required to operate the constellation or maintain the health and safety of the spacecraft. 5th IWPSS: AMPS Support for the ST5 Constellation
New Technologies Supporting P&S • Infused GMSEC architecture to facilitate data transfer • Middleware served as generic messaging interface between components • Provided easy scalability (plug & play) of ground system • Implemented Model-based operations to meet mission objectives, reduce staff and minimize risk • Simulink ST-5 (ROME) modeling of constrained resource utilization • For ST5, MATLAB models generated for Solid State Recorders, RF Link and Power • Automated Mission Planning System (AMPS) provided planning for near real-time autonomous re-planning 5th IWPSS: AMPS Support for the ST5 Constellation Operations Overview
GMSEC Component Catalog Technologies GMSEC Interoperable Catalog Components • GMSEC approach gives users choices for the components in their system. • ST5 added or enhanced key components in the GMSEC catalog. 5th IWPSS: AMPS Support for the ST5 Constellation
TechnologiesST5 Architecture 5th IWPSS: AMPS Support for the ST5 Constellation
TechnologiesGMSEC Architecture • GSFC Mission Services Evolution Center (GMSEC) coordinates data systems development & services • Standardized Interfaces and Messages (not components) • COTS or in-house tools have the same key interface definitions • To provide for plug-and-play modules that can be integrated quickly and to allow the “trading” of components with other organizations • Middleware • Provide message-based communications services on a bus • Makes it much easier to add new tools, reduce integration effort • GMSEC focuses on the Architecture and Interfaces • Traditional development organizations still own their domain areas • Create a system from GMSEC offerings, populate the databases, add mission unique features 5th IWPSS: AMPS Support for the ST5 Constellation
TechnologiesMission Planning Centric • Automated Mission Planning System (AMPS) provides constellation and autonomous operations support • Plans integrated spacecraft stored command, spacecraft real-time command, and GSE directives • One product showing all planned activities • Supports integrated planning for all constellation spacecraft • One product for the constellation • Provides a command/directive interface with other applications • What you scheduled is what is executed User Rules UserRequests AMPS GMSEC Apps CMD/TLM System Model-Based Ops GMSEC Bus 5th IWPSS: AMPS Support for the ST5 Constellation
TechnologiesModel Based Operations • Real-time Object Modeling Executive (ROME) • Supports multiple models and multiple spacecraft • Leverages common engineering modeling environments • Models from various sources are easily integrated • Fully supports GMSEC bus • Models initialized and maintained from telemetry • Model control via configuration file or bus directive • Results available to GMSEC subscribers • Easily configured via XML • Highly scalable Model Model Model Matlab / Simulink GMSEC Apps CMD/TLM System Planning System ROME GMSEC Bus 5th IWPSS: AMPS Support for the ST5 Constellation
Technologies Allocate responsibilities • Applications provide integrated support for space and ground segments • Planning system defines planned on-board absolute time command sequences and real-time ground sequences • Ground segment supports more dynamic spacecraft management capabilities • System can assess and respond to changing spacecraft and ground states • Autonomy provided by the on-board Flight Software was judiciously utilized • Auto operations support was applied where best suited • Allocation based on availability of functional capabilities and state information 5th IWPSS: AMPS Support for the ST5 Constellation
Technologies Challenges • Define a reasonable operations concept • System approach to technology integration while minimizing risk • ST5: Restrict the scope of the work to be performed (cost / benefit analysis)Consider quality of heritage capabilities during system design • Assure data is available when and where it is needed • System analysis resulting in application and interface specification • ST5: Defined the what, where, when and quality of data; assigned functional requirements accordingly • Find the right people to develop the application database • By definition, new technology applications do not have a large pool of experienced people to draw from • ST5: No good solution 5th IWPSS: AMPS Support for the ST5 Constellation
Technologies Challenges 2 • Develop a reasonable test environment for meaningful durations • Local simulators usually not good in simulating networks or space link environments • ST5: Test it like you’ll fly it. Utilized FlatSat simulator and conducted Operational Simulations using the fullest ground system available • Support refinement of the application following launch • FOT product type refinements as well as application developer support • ST5: Didn’t do the best, FOT staffing lean, developer money short – paid the price in diminished performance 5th IWPSS: AMPS Support for the ST5 Constellation
TechnologiesModeling Notes • Finding the resources for model development • Modeling is expensive but done during the mission life cycle • ST5: Took what was available & utilized students and contractor support to build additional models • Generation and transfer of analysis derived from the models to the user • Get the needed analytical results when & where they are needed • ST5: Developed a system to initialize, execute and distribute the resulting analysis in a useable form • Maintaining the fidelity of the model • Modeled environments change with time, lack of maintenance frequently kills high fidelity models • ST5: Developed a system to autonomously maintain configuration & performance parameters based on spacecraft & ground system data 5th IWPSS: AMPS Support for the ST5 Constellation
Mission SupportApproach to Supporting Mission Objectives • Devise and validate a plan off-line • Plan is directly executed for automated control of ground and space segments • Provide self-updating predictive models • Support plan validation off-line • Report changes in constrained resource availability in real-time • Autonomously re-plan in real-time in response to reported changes in resource availability 5th IWPSS: AMPS Support for the ST5 Constellation Operations Overview
Mission SupportUsing Model-Based Operations Validation of operator generated plan of activities (UDAP) Self-updating, or ‘tuning’, models for accuracy over mission lifecycle Inserting model-based predictive software within the control loop yields higher quality Command and Control of space-borne platforms 5th IWPSS: AMPS Support for the ST5 Constellation
Mission SupportAMPS Generated Integrated Activity Plan Time (GMT) S/CApplication Type User Defined Data • Typical contact • Spacecraft stored commands • Real-time spacecraft commands • GSE directives • Orbital, scheduling & planning events • Note “as scheduled” release entry 5th IWPSS: AMPS Support for the ST5 Constellation Operations Overview
Mission SupportLong-Term Mission Planning ROME Profile • During the off-line planning process: • Develop a proposed plan • Generate ROME model profiles • Adjust the plan based on profile results • Re-profile using the revised plan • Commit the plan once violations are resolved 5th IWPSS: AMPS Support for the ST5 Constellation
Mission SupportReal-Time Mission Planning ROME Profile • During the real-time execution process: • Generate short-term ROME model profiles • Generate alarm messages if user-defined thresholds are violated • Mission planning system adjusts plan to avoid (minimize) threshold violation 5th IWPSS: AMPS Support for the ST5 Constellation
Mission Support Real-Time AMPS Re-Plan • Post-pass Activity Plan “AS RUN” • Release request modified from 2 to 1 in response to ROME alarm 5th IWPSS: AMPS Support for the ST5 Constellation
Mission SupportSummary: Checking & Using the Plan 5th IWPSS: AMPS Support for the ST5 Constellation Operations Overview
Mission Support How Well Did We Do: Mission Metrics 5th IWPSS: AMPS Support for the ST5 Constellation
Mission Support Solutions & Improvements • Problems were solved / requirements met • Exceeded all mission requirements • Maintained health and safety throughout the mission • Recovered 93% of the data for the entire mission • System supported the mission throughout at increasing levels of automation • Successfully conducted at least one full Operational Week of “lights out” operations • Improvements to the mission realized • Reduced off-shift staffing requirement • Reduced complexity of operations • Minimized “trivial’ errors 5th IWPSS: AMPS Support for the ST5 Constellation
Infusion of New TechnologiesTechnological / Cultural Issues • Utilization of existing technologies may not be fully implemented in your environment • Master available capabilities and demonstrate utility / worthlessness before pressing on • In situations where controllers become uncomfortable with the current situation, they instinctively disable the new technology • This generally created an environment where the probability of operator error increased • The team needs to undergo a true end-to-end cultural shift – understanding & feeling comfortable with the new technologies • Has resulted in the premature death of multiple “sound” technologies 5th IWPSS: AMPS Support for the ST5 Constellation
Infusion of New TechnologiesApproaches That Worked • Support of management makes all the difference • Keep all levels of project management well informed • Work system design, development & test with a knowledge of and in parallel with spacecraft development • Consider a Spacecraft Controller Team (test conductor / controller) approach • Define and mitigate risks during all mission phases • Be well prepared, have sound mitigation approaches • Apply an appropriate level of engineering to the project • Engineers like to over-design, ops likes it simple, easy and as it was • Explicitly define a realistic and consistent scope 5th IWPSS: AMPS Support for the ST5 Constellation
Infusion of New TechnologiesApproaches That Worked 2 • Knowledge is power, but action requires knowledge and control authority • Analyze the detailed what, where, when and quality of your data • Send data to the most logical agent for action • Provide the most logical agent for action with the authority to effect change • Define reasonable mission requirements • From a project perspective, if it isn’t a requirement, it may not get done • From a project perspective, if it is a requirement, it better get done • Provide a quality toolset, have the team use it often • Each mission is “different”, provide the tools first, then the solution 5th IWPSS: AMPS Support for the ST5 Constellation
Infusion of New TechnologiesApproaches That Worked 3 • Staff to meet your needs, build the team you need • Pre-launch development is different from nominal mission • Hire support staff capable and willing to nurture new technologies • Test on the ground, budget for support in-flight • Ground test will be incomplete by definition • Budget and plan on support for the technologies in-flight • Don’t be “out there” unless you’re required to be “out there” 5th IWPSS: AMPS Support for the ST5 Constellation
Infusion of New TechnologiesApproaches That Don’t Work • Assuming ops “buy in” if the intent is to reduce staff • Very few people will work hard to put themselves or friends out of a job • Most people will work to meet previously published requirements • Poor risk management or presentation of risk mitigation • Ops exposure is limited until Flight Ops Review, plan & present well • If not correctly managed, risk reduction may equate to scope reduction or worse (RFAs) • Propose sound requirements, develop a realistic implementation plan early on in the mission • Expect to significantly advance new technologies if: • They are “goals” (i.e. not required) • You rely on real-time ops support to do it in their spare time 5th IWPSS: AMPS Support for the ST5 Constellation
Contact Information • Terry Wood • NASA /GSFC Code 583 301-614-6432 • Terri.Wood@gsfc.nasa.gov • Bob Shendock • SGT,Inc 301-883-4051 • rshendock@sgt-inc.com • Jenny Williams • CSC 443-436-6934 • jwillia7@csc.com 5th IWPSS: AMPS Support for the ST5 Constellation