INTRODUCTION I choose to doing on teen involvement in religion because I am active member of a catholic church and I was interesting knowing the current statistic on Pomona. Another reason is because our moral standards or value have decline over this generation for example more teenage girl became pregnant. A lot of adolescents become involve in gangs or drugs or just hand around with the wrong crowd and are becoming less devoted to a religion or faithfull. Having faith or a religion also tells our determination or motivation we have built.
Who took my survey? 46% males 54% of females Females tend to be more serious about things There is more girls in Ganesha than males
Do you have Faith? 86% of the people who took the survey have faith which really surprises me Now the question is what is their definition of faith? Out of the percentage of people who have faith only 91% of males who took the survey have faith and for females only 85% Believe more male have more faith because their hearts aren't broken as such
Religion 43% of the people claim to be Roman Catholic and likewise there is a 43% of the people who claim to be Christians 13% are non religious because maybe their parent didn’t inculcate a religion to them
Males vs. females It was a surprise to discover that more girls are more non-religious than guys It could be that their hears have been more broken or because girl are more worried about fashion
How often do you practice your religion? 12% of the people that took the survey didn’t have faith and 30% of people don’t practice their religion so 18% have faith but don’t practice their religion. My hypotenuse is that they called themselves catholic for example because their parents are catholic. And 42% of people practice their religion once which I can conclude that only Out of the 87% of people who claim to be a catholic or Christian, only 70% practice their religion once or twice.
Are you force to be involve in religious activities because your parents make you? 76% of people who took the survey are not force to practice their religion and only 24% are force which is surprising to me because I usually see people force to go to mass or any other religious celebration. 12% out of the 24% of people who said they are forced, but claim to have faith too in the beginning, could only mean they are lying or not taking the survey seriously.