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Ivybridge Bathing Water Scheme and SWW Sewerage Proposals

Ivybridge Bathing Water Scheme and SWW Sewerage Proposals. Nick Murch: SWW Operations Manager Mike Court: SWW Project Manager Sally Walters: PF Principal Engineer. Bathing Waters – EU Regulatory Requirements.

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Ivybridge Bathing Water Scheme and SWW Sewerage Proposals

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  1. Ivybridge Bathing Water Scheme and SWW Sewerage Proposals Nick Murch: SWW Operations Manager Mike Court: SWW Project Manager Sally Walters: PF Principal Engineer

  2. Bathing Waters – EU Regulatory Requirements The European Union revised Bathing Water Directive (rBWD) came into force in March 2006. Reporting under rBWD starts in 2015.The overall objective of the rBWD is the protection of public health, but it also offers an opportunity to improve management practices plus standardise and enhance the information offered to bathers across Europe.South West Water want to ensure all bathing waters meet the new “sufficient” classification which is approximately twice as stringent as the current mandatory standard.

  3. Mothecombe is one of 7 Bathing Waters across the South West that requires work to ensure compliance with the new standard. There are 13 major improvements and minor CSO works required to network catchments across the South West. The following improvements are in the Mothecombe area: Ivybridge -Erme Road CSO & Keaton Road CSO Ivybridge STW– SSO and CSO Ermington – STW and CSOs Holbeton STW – SSO and EO Modbury – STW & Poundwell Meadow CSO SWW Bathing Waters Programme

  4. Ivybridge – Bathing Waters Proposed Solution • Reprofiling and relaying sewers around Erme Road • Screen and EDM at Erme Road CSO • Remodelling Keaton Road CSO – Screen and EDM integrated as part of tunnel and shaft storage system • Tunnel under A38 to convey storm flows to STW • Shaft storage at STW for 1700m3 – with storm return pumps to the STW • UV treatment on Final Effluent at STW

  5. Ivybridge – Erme Road CSO Erme Road – CSO, New Screen and Chamber Fore Street – Sewer Upsizing

  6. Ivybridge – Keaton Road & STW CSO

  7. Ivybridge – Bathing Waters Scheme Benefits • Reducing Consented Storm Overflows to 3 gross spills per Bathing Season and less than 10 gross spills per year - Significantly reducing storm sewage spilling to the River Erme at Ivybridge, 75% reduction by volume. • Screening on all Storm Flows up to 1 in 5 year storm events at Ivybridge – new screens at Erme Road and Keaton Road, significantly reducing unscreened storm sewage entering River Erme at Ivybridge. • UltraViolet Treatment on Final Effluent from STW - higher quality Effluent entering River Erme at Ivybridge, improving River Erme water quality.

  8. Staged Construction Delivery :Erme Road CSO – September 2014 to November 2014 Keaton Road CSO – early September 2014 to end November 2014.Ivybridge STW Storage Tank and UV– June 2014 to end January 2015 Bathing Waters - Anticipated Construction Periods

  9. Ivybridge – Bathing Waters Scheme • Any Questions?

  10. SWW Proposals for Ivybridge • SWW – on going commitment to addressing issues with the Sewerage Systems and Sewage Treatment Works across the whole of Devon and Cornwall region. • SWW have a planned programme of works for Ivybridge both within the next 18 months and proposed within the AMP6 Business Plan (subject to OFWAT approval of the Business Plan).

  11. Ivybridge – SWW Ivybridge Sewerage Proposals • Planned Sewer Maintenance work for 2014/2015, to address identified areas of point Infiltration and sewer repairs. • STWs Upgrade to maintain reliability and compliance. • AMP6 (2015-2020) Business Plan Proposals • Ongoing scheduled maintenance of the Siphon throughout AMP 6. • Sewerage Supply and Demand proposal for Ivybridge, as a response to identified developments

  12. Ivybridge –Planned Sewer Rehab

  13. Ivybridge – STW Upgrades • SWW have committed to a programme of upgrade works to the STW • Process upgrade - Sept 2013, forecast completion Feb 2014 • Including • Reinstatement of inlet grit trap bypass facility • Replacement of critical BAFF valves and undertake 15 year maintenance inspection of BAFF and Filterbeads cells. • BAFF media top up - Feb 2014, forecast completion March 2014 • Including: • Top up media to design level in BAFF • Top up media to design level in Filterbeads

  14. Ivybridge – Sewerage AMP6 Proposals • Under the Sewerage Supply and Demand, there is a proposal to investigate the hydraulic capacity of the siphon and implement solutions, should a capacity increase be required. • Project Scheduled for Year 1 of AMP 6, early part 2015. • Any work would need to be completed post the new Bathing Waters scheme, to enable the new Storm Storage to be utilized.

  15. SWW Proposals for Ivybridge • Any Questions?

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