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French Agriculture 1980-2005

French Agriculture 1980-2005. Post-war ‘Revolution’ Edith Cresson and the Unions The CAP and its effects Protests and Crises Productivism v ruralism. Agriculture 1946-1981. Post-war Revolution: Tractors: 1946 44,000 1955 380,000

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French Agriculture 1980-2005

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Presentation Transcript

  1. French Agriculture 1980-2005 • Post-war ‘Revolution’ • Edith Cresson and the Unions • The CAP and its effects • Protests and Crises • Productivism v ruralism

  2. Agriculture 1946-1981 Post-war Revolution: Tractors: 1946 44,000 1955 380,000 The JAC (Jeunesse Agricole Chrétienne), CNJA (Centre national des jeunes agriculteurs) and Michel Debatisse Self-help; Cooperation; Productivity

  3. Agriculture 1946-1981 • 1960s protests: ‘L’agriculture de papa est morte’ • 1960s Pisani laws • De Gaulle, the FNSEA (Fédération nationale des syndicats d’exploitants agricoles) and ‘co-gestion’ • Cooperatives and ‘remembrement’

  4. Edith Cresson and the FNSEA • Challenge to the dominant position of the FNSEA • Edith Cresson and Francois Guillaume

  5. The CAP and its effects • 1958 and protectionism • 1984 Milk quotas • 1988 Measures against overproduction of wine and cereals • 1990 Ray MacSharry report • 1992 CAP reform • 1993 Uruguay Round of the GATT talks

  6. CAP Reform of 2005 • Single farm payments • Financial crisis and environmental protection

  7. Protests • Protest traditions • Coordination rurale (CR) • Confédération paysanne (CP) • José Bové

  8. Crises • BSE (Mad cow disease)

  9. Productivism v Ruralism • Changing conceptions of the role of the ‘agriculteur’ • Productivism v ruralism • The future of French farming?

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