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Using the IDEA Student Ratings System: An Introduction. University of Saint Thomas Fall 2012. www.theideacenter.org. Plan for this Session. Evaluation of Teaching at UST – a bit of background IDEA Student Learning Model Using IDEA: Forms –What you and your students do
Using the IDEA Student Ratings System:An Introduction University of Saint Thomas Fall 2012 www.theideacenter.org
Plan for this Session Evaluation of Teaching at UST – a bit of background IDEA Student Learning Model Using IDEA: Forms –What you and your students do Best practices during your course Using IDEA to guide teaching improvement efforts– the Report Resources for help with IDEA
IDEA student evaluation • Peer Review • Self Reflection Reflective Practice with IDEA: A Piece of the Puzzle Collect Feedback Improve Interpret Results Reflect & Discuss Read & Learn
Student Learning Model used in IDEA: Assumptions Effective teaching is assessed by students’ perception of their learning Learning is based on progress toward specific objectives chosen by the instructor
Student Learning Model Student learning Teachingmethods Circumstances
What is the IDEA system? Faculty Information Form (on-line) IDEA Student Ratings of Instruction Diagnostic (long) form OR Short form Reporting System (4-page report)
Faculty Information Form– On Line in “Murphy” for Faculty & Advisers Indicate your chosen 3-5 Learning Objectives for your course Provide course information
Faculty choose only 3-5 LEARNING OBJECTIVES that are Essential or Important in a particular course
Learning Objectives Types of learning that reflect the instructor’s primary goals in the course Should be chosen based on course activities that specifically develop student competencies that are assessed
Learning Objectives Choose 3-5 for any one course: Some are Essential (= primary importance) Some are Important (= secondary importance) “Essential” objectives valued twice as much as “Important” objectives in ratings calculation Minor importance objectives do NOT influence results!
Course Description Items Optional – for IDEA research purposes Best answered toward end of term Do NOT influence your results
Best Practices Discuss meaning of objectives with students Early in the course (e.g., first day!) – have the objectives be part of the course syllabus Inform students they will be asked to rate their own progress on objectives at the end of the semester Clarify differences in perception of objectives’ meanings (student vs. instructor)
Integrating objectives into course design: An example for a syllabus Goals and Expectations: My three objectives in this course are for you to: 1. Learn to analyze and critically evaluate ideas, arguments, and points of view To do this, you will read and critique scholarly articles and participate in class discussions. 2. Develop skill in expressing yourself in writing To do this, you will write a proposal for a research project in APA format. 3.Learn how to find and use resources To do this, you will use scholarly books and articles for your research proposal
Best Practices Progress on objectives is more likely if students and faculty are clear about the major purposes of the course! Have students reflect on their understanding of course learning objectives and how various parts of course fit your chosen objectives Show students how they are making progress on objectives with constructive feedback Consider using midterm feedback to have the students reflect on their progress on the objectives
Student Form – Diagnostic (Front) Rate teaching methods (#1-20) Rate progress on 12 learning objectives (#21-32)
Teaching Methods This section used for formative information only -- not for assessment of teaching effectiveness Instructors are not expected to rank highly in all 20
Learning Objectives Data are used for both formative and summative assessments Student ratings reported only for instructor’s chosen Essential or Important objectives: 1 (no progress) to 5 (exceptional progress) scale
Learning Objectives Only 2-5 per course should be emphasized
Student Form – Diagnostic (back) Student/course characteristics Global ratings of instructor; of course
Student Form – Diagnostic (back) Information for adjusting raw scores: Effort (#37) Motivation for taking course (#39) Work habits (#43) Student Comments
Short Form Assess learning objectives only No teaching methods surveyed Student information – effort, work habits, motivation Back of form for comments
The IDEA Diagnostic Form Report What were students’ perceptions of their progress on my learning objectives? What are overall assessments of the course and me as a teacher? What might I do to improve my teaching?
Page 1: Global Assessment A.Weighted average of Progress on instructor selected (“relevant”) objectives B. Overall, I rate this instructor an excellent teacher (#41) C. Overall, I rate this course as excellent (#42)
Page 2: Student Progress Report of progress on “Essential” or “Important” objectives Student perceptions of course Student description of self (effort, motivation, work habits)
Page 2 bottom: Course and Student Descriptions EffortMotivationWork Habits
The IDEA Diagnostic Form Report What might I do to improve my teaching?
Relationship of Learning Objectives to Teaching Methods See handout
IDEA Resources Classroom Consultants can help with: Choosing objectives and integrating them into your course Filling out faculty information forms Interpreting results Providing formative suggestions and teaching resources 10 consultants have been trained on the IDEA system; see FD website: http://www.stthomas.edu/fdc/consulting/
IDEA Website Resources http://www.theideacenter.org/ Support • Student ratings • Faculty information form pdf files on Choosing Objectives Video training Knowledge base: IDEA papers, POD-IDEA Notes on Instruction (Teaching Behaviors 1-20) and Learning (Objectives 1-12)