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Center for Health Equity November, 12-13, 2007 Louisville, Kentucky

Center for Health Equity November, 12-13, 2007 Louisville, Kentucky. Social Disparities in Health: Challenges and Opportunities . David R. Williams, PhD, MPH Florence & Laura Norman Professor of Public Health Professor of African & African American Studies and of Sociology

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Center for Health Equity November, 12-13, 2007 Louisville, Kentucky

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  1. Center for Health Equity November, 12-13, 2007 Louisville, Kentucky

  2. Social Disparities in Health:Challenges and Opportunities David R. Williams, PhD, MPH Florence & Laura Norman Professor of Public Health Professor of African & African American Studies and of Sociology Harvard University

  3. There Is a Racial Gap in Health in Early Life:Minority/White Mortality Ratios, 2000

  4. There Is a Racial Gap in Health in Mid Life:Minority/White Mortality Ratios, 2000

  5. There Is a Racial Gap in Health in Late Life:Minority/White Mortality Ratios, 2000

  6. Diabetes Death Rates 1955-1995 Source: Indian Health Service; Trends in Indian Health 1998-99

  7. Life Expectancy at Birth, 1900-2000 76.1 77.6 71.7 71.9 69.1 69.1 64.1 60.8 47.6 Age 33.0 Year

  8. SAT Scores by Income Source: (ETS) Mantsios; N=898,596

  9. SES: A Key Determinant of Heath • Socioeconomic Status (SES) usually measured by income, education, or occupation influences health in virtually every society. • SES is one of the most powerful predictors of health, more powerful than genetics, exposure to carcinogens, and even smoking. • The gap in all-cause mortality between high and low SES persons is larger than the gap between smokers and non-smokers. • Americans who have not graduated from high school have a death rate two to three times higher than those who have graduated from college. • Low SES adults have levels of illness in their 30s and 40s that are not seen in the highest SES group until after the ages of 65-75.

  10. Percentage of Persons in Poverty Race/Ethnicity Poverty Rate U.S. Census 2006

  11. Racial/Ethnic Composition of People in Poverty in the U.S. U.S. Census 2006

  12. Relative Risk of Premature Death by Family Income (U.S.) Relative Risk Family Income in 1980 (adjusted to 1999 dollars) 9-year mortality data from the National Longitudinal Mortality Survey

  13. Percent of persons with Fair or Poor Health by Race, 1995 Poor=Below poverty; Near poor+<2x poverty; Middle Income = >2x poverty but <$50,000+ Source: Parmuk et al. 1998

  14. Percent of Women with Fair or Poor Health by Race and Income, 1995

  15. Race/Ethnicity and SES • Race and SES reflect two related but not interchangeable systems of inequality • In national data, the highest SES group of African American women have equivalent or higher rates of infant mortality, low birth-weight, hypertension and overweight than the lowest SES group of white women

  16. Infant Death Rates by Mother’s Education, 1995

  17. Infant Mortality by Mother’s Education, 1995

  18. Why Race Still Matters 1. All indicators of SES are non-equivalent across race. Compared to whites, blacks receive less income at the same levels of education, have less wealth at the equivalent income levels, and have less purchasing power (at a given level of income) because of higher costs of goods and services. 2. Health is affected not only by current SES but by exposure to social and economic adversity over the life course. 3. Personal experiences of discrimination and institutional racism are added pathogenic factors that can affect the health of minority group members in multiple ways.

  19. Race/Ethnicity and Wealth, 2000Median Net Worth Orzechowski & Sepielli 2003, U.S. Census

  20. Wealth of Whites and of Minorities per $1 of Whites, 2000 Source: Orzechowski & Sepielli 2003, U.S. Census

  21. Race and Economic Hardship 1995 African Americans were more likely than whites to experience the following hardships 1: 1. Unable to meet essential expenses 2. Unable to pay full rent on mortgage 3. Unable to pay full utility bill 4. Had utilities shut off 5. Had telephone shut off 6. Evicted from apartment 1 After adjustment for income, education, employment status, transfer payments, home ownership, gender, marital status, children, disability, health insurance and residential mobility. Bauman 1998; SIPP

  22. Racism: Potential Mechanisms • Institutional discrimination can restrict economic attainment and thus differences in SES and health. • Segregation creates pathogenic residential conditions. • Discrimination can lead to reduced access to desirable goods and services. • Internalized racism (acceptance of society’s negative beliefs) can adversely affect health. • Racism can lead to increased exposure to traditional stressors (e.g. unemployment). • Experiences of discrimination may be a neglected psychosocial stressor.

  23. Perceived Discrimination:Experiences of discrimination may be a neglected psychosocial stressor

  24. MLK Quote “..Discrimination is a hellhound that gnaws at Negroes in every waking moment of their lives declaring that the lie of their inferiority is accepted as the truth in the society dominating them.” Martin Luther King, Jr. [1967]

  25. DiscriminationPersists • Pairs of young, well-groomed, well-spoken college men with identical resumes apply for 350 advertised entry-level jobs in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Two teams were black and two were white. In each team, one said that he had served an 18-month prison sentence for cocaine possession. • The study found that it was easier for a white male with a felony conviction to get a job than a black male whose record was clean. Source: Devan Pager; NYT March 20, 2004

  26. Percent of Job Applicants Receiving a Callback Source: Devan Pager; NYT March 20, 2004

  27. Every Day Discrimination • In your day-to-day life how often do the following things happen to you? • You are treated with less courtesy than other people. • You are treated with less respect than other people. • You receive poorer service than other people at restaurants or stores. • People act as if they think you are not smart. • People act as if they are afraid of you. • People act as if they think you are dishonest. • People act as if they’re better than you are. • You are called names or insulted. • You are threatened or harassed.

  28. Everyday Discrimination and Subclinical Disease In the study of Women’s Health Across the Nation (SWAN): -- Everyday Discrimination was positively related to subclinical carotid artery disease (IMT; intima-media thickness) for black but not white women -- chronic exposure to discrimination over 5 years was positively related to coronary artery calcification (CAC) Troxel et al. 2003; Lewis et al. 2006

  29. Arab American Birth Outcomes • Well-documented increase in discrimination and harassment of Arab Americans after 9/11/2001 • Arab American women in California had an increased risk of low birthweight and preterm birth in the 6 months after Sept. 11 compared to pre-Sept. 11 • Other women in California had no change in birth outcome risk pre-and post-September 11 Lauderdale, 2006

  30. Determinants of Health in the U.S. U.S. Surgeon General, 1979

  31. Needed Behavioral Changes • Reducing Smoking • Improving Nutrition and Reducing Obesity • Increasing Exercise • Reducing Alcohol Misuse • Improving Sexual Health • Improving Mental Health

  32. Reducing Inequalities I Reducing Negative Health Behaviors? *Changing health behaviors requires more than just more health information. “Just say No” is not enough. *Interventions narrowly focused on health behaviors are unlikely to be effective. *The experience of the last 100 years suggests that interventions on intermediary risk factors will have limited success in reducing social inequalities in health as long as the more fundamental social inequalities themselves remain intact. House & Williams 2000; Lantz et al. 1998; Lantz et al. 2000

  33. Changes in Smoking Over Time -I • Successful interventions require a coordinated and comprehensive approach: • The active involvement of professionals and volunteers from many organizations (government, health professional organizations, community agencies and businesses) • The use of multiple intervention channels (media, workplaces, schools, churches, medical and health societies) Warner 2000

  34. Changes in Smoking Over Time -2 • The use of multiple interventions – • Efforts to inform the public about the dangers of cigarette smoking (smoking cessation programs, warning labels on cigarette packs) • Economic inducements to avoid tobacco use (excise taxes, differential life insurance rates) • Laws and regulations restricting tobacco use (clean indoor air laws, restricting smoking in public places and restricting sales to minors) • Even with all of these initiatives, success has been only partial Warner 2000

  35. Moving Upstream Effective Policies to reduce inequalities in health must address fundamental non-medical determinants.

  36. WHY? WHY?

  37. Centrality of the Social Environment An individual’s chances of getting sick are largely unrelated to the receipt of medical care Where we live, learn, work and play determine our opportunities and chances for being healthy Social Policies can make it easier or harder to make healthy choices

  38. SES and Health Risks SES is linked to: *Exposures to health enhancing resources *Exposures to health damaging factors *Exposure to particular stressors *Availability of resources to cope with stress Health practices (smoking, poor nutrition, drinking, exercise, etc.) are all socially patterned

  39. Making Healthy Choices Easier Factors that facilitate opportunities for health: • Facilities and Resources in Local Neighborhoods • Socioeconomic Resources • A Sense of Security and Hope • Exposure to Physical, Chemical, & Psychosocial Stressors • Psychological, Social & Material Resources to Cope with Stress

  40. Redefining Health Policy Health Policies include policies in all sectors of society that affect opportunities to choose health, including, for example, • Housing Policy • Employment Policies • Community Development Policies • Income Support Policies • Transportation Policies • Environmental Policies

  41. Policy Implications Since the socio-political environment and SES is a key determinant of health, improving social and economic conditions is critical to improving health and reducing health disparities

  42. Policy Area Place Matters! Geographic location determines exposure to risk factors and resources that affect health.

  43. How Segregation Can Affect Health • Segregation determines quality of education and employment opportunities. • Segregation can create pathogenic neighborhood and housing conditions. • Conditions linked to segregation can constrain the practice of health behaviors and encourage unhealthy ones. • Segregation can adversely affect access to high-quality medical care. Source: Williams & Collins , 2001

  44. Segregation: Distinctive for Blacks • Blacks are more segregated than any other racial/ethnic group. • Segregation is inversely related to income for Latinos and Asians, but is high at all levels of income for blacks. • The most affluent blacks (income over $50,000) are more highly segregated than the poorest Latinos and Asians (incomes under $15,000). • Thus, middle class blacks live in poorer areas than whites of similar SES and poor whites live in much better neighborhoods than poor blacks. • African Americans manifest a higher preference for residing in integrated areas than any other group. Source: Massey 2004

  45. Residential Segregation and SES A study of the effects of segregation on young African American adults found that the elimination of segregation would erase black-white differences in • Earnings • High School Graduation Rate • Unemployment And reduce racial differences in single motherhood by two-thirds Cutler, Glaeser & Vigdor, 1997

  46. Racial Differences in Residential Environment • In the 171 largest cities in the U.S., there is not even one city where whites live in ecological equality to blacks in terms of poverty rates or rates of single-parent households. • “The worst urban context in which whites reside is considerably better than the average context of black communities.” p.41 Source: Sampson & Wilson 1995

  47. Proportion of Black & Latino Children in Poorer Neighborhoods Than Worst Off White Children

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