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Steps for Problem-Solving p. 189 - 195 Ohio, The Buckeye State

Steps for Problem-Solving p. 189 - 195 Ohio, The Buckeye State. Develop criteria to judge its effectiveness. Step 1: Identify the Problem. Identify the problem Form it as a complete thought with a question. Example: I am a European settler living in Virginia, but I want to

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Steps for Problem-Solving p. 189 - 195 Ohio, The Buckeye State

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Steps for Problem-Solvingp. 189 - 195 Ohio, The Buckeye State Develop criteria to judge its effectiveness Mrs. Steurer's S.S. Class

  2. Step 1: Identify the Problem • Identify the problem • Form it as a complete thought with a question Example: I am a European settler living in Virginia, but I want to move to Ohio where the Natural Resources are plenty. How do I get there? Mrs. Steurer's S.S. Class

  3. Step 2: Gather Information • Gather information on the problem using resources • Look for “what causes the problem” and “solutions proposed for it.” I need to find out the types of travel possible from Virginia to Ohio by doing research. “Hi Anne, how did you say your family traveled to Ohio?” Mrs. Steurer's S.S. Class

  4. Step 3: List and Consider Options • Brainstorm ideas from the information you found • List ALL of you ideas, even if they don’t make sense yet. Ways of Travel (It’s 1850, I haven’t heard of flight ; so no, an airplane is not an option.) • Walk • Stagecoach • Waterway/ Canal ride • Horseback/ Donkey • Covered Wagon • Railroad Mrs. Steurer's S.S. Class

  5. Step 4: Consider Advantages and Disadvantages of the Option Mrs. Steurer's S.S. Class

  6. Step 5: Choose and Implement a Solution • Compare the most important options. • You decide what is best for you, based on your own needs and values • Think through your options • There is no perfect answer “Based upon my needs, I choose to travel from Virginia to Ohio by covered wagon. I will be with my family and can spend quality time with them. Mom will cook us good meals, and Dad will protect us. I don’t want to travel alone, and don’t have enough money for the train. I am in no hurry to get there. Dusty trails- Here I Come!” Mrs. Steurer's S.S. Class

  7. Step 6: Develop Criteria forJudging Effectiveness • After you complete your option, reflect. • Decide how effective was you option. • How well did the solution work • Determine your criteria • Was that I good choice I made to travel by stagecoach? • Was it cost effective? • Was it safe travel? • Did I spend the time with my family that I wanted? • Would I recommend covered wagon travel to someone else? Mrs. Steurer's S.S. Class

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