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Boost Customer Satisfaction for Better Results | Save Money & Make More

Implement a customer satisfaction program to understand customer preferences and maximize profitability. Keep existing customers happy to save and make money. Click to continue.

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Boost Customer Satisfaction for Better Results | Save Money & Make More

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  1. If you have some kind of customer satisfaction program implemented now…good…we’ll show you how to save money and make it better. PLEASE CLICK TO CONTINUE

  2. If you don’t have a customer satisfaction program implemented, we’ll show you how to do it right. PLEASE CLICK TO CONTINUE

  3. What is a Customer Satisfaction Program? A means by which you can understand your customers likes and dislikes and use that information to MAKE MONEY. You might think they like you because you sell them a particular item or service… …but if you only knew that they were buying something you could carry or do for them from the guy down the street, you’d have that sale too. PLEASE CLICK TO CONTINUE

  4. What is a Customer Satisfaction Program ? Customer satisfaction can be Business to Consumer or it can be Business to Business. PLEASE CLICK TO CONTINUE

  5. What is a Customer Satisfaction Program ? • In this economy it’s more efficient and less expensive to keep customers and have them say good things about you than it is to go out and get new customers. You can MAKE MONEY by keeping customers happy. PLEASE CLICK TO CONTINUE

  6. What is a Customer Satisfaction Program ? • In this economy consumers are more choosy than ever about what they spend money on. You can MAKE MONEY by keeping customers happy. PLEASE CLICK TO CONTINUE

  7. What is a Customer Satisfaction Program ? • In this economy there are more choices available than ever before. You can MAKE MONEY by keeping customers happy. PLEASE CLICK TO CONTINUE

  8. What is a Customer Satisfaction Program ? • In this economy customer satisfaction is more important than ever before. You can MAKE MONEY by keeping customers happy. PLEASE CLICK TO CONTINUE

  9. What is a Customer Satisfaction Program ? "One customer, well taken care of, could be more valuable than $10,000 worth of advertising.“ Jim Rohn-world famous entrepreneur and motivational speaker PLEASE CLICK TO CONTINUE

  10. Five questions a Customer Satisfaction Program can answer for you. 1. How is this economy reallyaffecting my company or store? 2. What’s driving my customers decisions? 3. What do customers want that will help me make money? 4. What can I do to maximize the customers I have now? 5. What can I do to sell more of my product or service? PLEASE CLICK TO CONTINUE

  11. Customer satisfaction revolves around two different processes. 1. Tactical: Was the customer offered specific options or choices and were the fundamentals of the process performed during the buying- selling experience? 2. Perceptual: How well was the buying-selling experience conducted, to what degree was the customer satisfied with those process points and is there measured improvement over time? PLEASE CLICK TO CONTINUE

  12. Questions should be balanced between performance and predictive. • Performance: Did things happen the way they were supposed to… • “Were you offered the extended warranty?” • “Rate how friendly your salesperson was.” • “Were your questions answered?” • “Was the delivery on time?” PLEASE CLICK TO CONTINUE

  13. Questions should be balanced between performance and predictive. • Predictive: What kinds of behavior will happen with that customer in the future? • “When will you return?” • “Will you recommend us to your friends & family?” • “What items would you like to see us carry in the future?” • “What will influence your return to make a purchase?” PLEASE CLICK TO CONTINUE

  14. I already know what my customers think about my company or store. A lot of companies or stores think that too… “…a national brand we work with thought its customers were coming to them for the “experience”. The company spent lots of time and money telling people about the “experience”. The customers however, were coming to them because of the product. When the company discovered this and changed, sales doubled…” PLEASE CLICK TO CONTINUE

  15. I already know what my customers think about my company or store. Many times externalbrand messages and internalbrand messages are not the same. A customer satisfaction program will help Identify any critical disconnects that can impair brand growth and health and stand between you and MAKING MONEY. PLEASE CLICK TO CONTINUE

  16. What questions should I ask my customers about my company? No question should be asked unless you can take action on the answer. Sometimes a question is a “nice to know” but not a “need to know” question…We help you figure it all out. *Remember, a customer satisfaction program is not a complaint program. It is very important to understand that you need to know what they like about you as well. PLEASE CLICK TO CONTINUE

  17. What questions should I ask my customers about my company? Every company or store has a unique set of circumstances. The questions you ask must address your situation. We are experts at helping you design the right question set. Not only do you need to ask the right questions, but you need to ask them the right way. PLEASE CLICK TO CONTINUE

  18. How do my customers tell me the answers to my questions? In a customer satisfaction survey. You’ve probably seen good ones and bad ones. The key to obtaining great information is to ask them specific questions about their experience. Let’s face it, the customers you have now are like gold, treat them that way. A customer satisfaction program needs to show you what your customers want. Showing them you know the issues by the questions you ask is the place to start. PLEASE CLICK TO CONTINUE

  19. What will those customer answers do for me and my company or store? MAKE YOU MONEY… 1. The money they spend with you… …make sure that you get all the business from that customer that you can…start by knowing what they want more of…and…what they want less of. PLEASE CLICK TO CONTINUE

  20. What will those customer answers do for me and my company or store? MAKE YOU MONEY… 2. By the way they tell others to spend money with you… …your customers are your best sales people… find out what they are saying to their friends, co-workers and family…make your customer work force bring you new customers. PLEASE CLICK TO CONTINUE

  21. There are three ways businesses get their questions in front of customers. Way #1…A phone call… …sometimes the owner or manager makes a few phone calls here and there. That takes time from what they do best, manage or sell. Plus very few opinions are noted. The best way to use this methodology is a regular outbound phone program. This way can be effective but it is the MOST EXPENSIVE customer satisfaction program. PLEASE CLICK TO CONTINUE

  22. There are three ways businesses get their questions in front of customers. Way #2…A printed survey… …that takes a variety of forms. The questions are printed on a postage return card that is handed to them with their receipt with a sincere, engaging request for their opinion. This format has been done in one form or another for many years to various degrees of success. This is the second MOST EXPENSIVE customer satisfaction program. PLEASE CLICK TO CONTINUE

  23. The most efficient customer service program is online. Way #3…online… The benefits associated with conducting a customer satisfaction program online are many. Here are four. 1. Your return postage cost is reduced to zero. If you were to mail out your surveys to have the customer answer and send back, that postage cost is cut too. PLEASE CLICK TO CONTINUE

  24. The most efficient customer service program is online. 2. Your printing cost is significantly reduced. The customer is handed a business card sized piece instead of something considerably larger. PLEASE CLICK TO CONTINUE

  25. The most efficient customer service program is online. 3.You can change questions whenever you want. No waiting to use up the current survey pieces, you need to know about something now, it’s done. 4. Fast turnaround. Get information back that will make you money quickly. No waiting for the mail to deliver. PLEASE CLICK TO CONTINUE

  26. Is this another piece of paper on my already crowded check out counter? NO. Your customer service program cannot be treated that way. This has to be a very specific request (not to be confused with wordy) from you to engage them. If you treat it like a fast food survey and insincerely mumble through your request for their opinion, save your time and theirs. The request must be seen by the customer as an effort by you to super serve them. The better your program, the better your income. PLEASE CLICK TO CONTINUE

  27. The most efficient customer service program is online. We design the question set, host, program and maintain the site that has your brand identity. PLEASE CLICK TO CONTINUE

  28. The most efficient customer service program is online. We customize and submit reports to you as often as weekly. PLEASE CLICK TO CONTINUE

  29. What about my email data base? Can that be part of the program? YES. We can eblast the invitation to your email data base. We can divide your email data base into segments so that your customers won’t get an invitation to answer customer satisfaction questions too often.

  30. I don’t have an email data base. Can my customer satisfaction program still be online? YES. It really doesn’t matter whether you invite customers at your point of purchase location or you eblast to them, we can get you what you need to MAKE MONEY. PLEASE CLICK TO CONTINUE

  31. I don’t have an email data base. Can my customer satisfaction program still be online? If you haven’t started an email data base, it’s never too late to start. Developing an email data base is a very valuable tool in your effort to engage your customers. Never underestimate the power of this connection. When your program is built properly, your return is money in the bank. We have years of experience in constructing and sending emails that get the maximum open rate. PLEASE CLICK TO CONTINUE

  32. Why would my customers cooperate and answer my survey questions? Cooperation is critical. You have to inspire and incentive your customers to participate… … and you have to inspire and incentive your employees to invite the customers to participate…make it part of the sales model. PLEASE CLICK TO CONTINUE

  33. Why would my customers cooperate and answer my survey questions? Customers will cooperate if you follow a few guidelines: 1. Make your invitation sincere. Don’t tell them a story, but a smile and a genuine, sincere invitation to participate. We can train your employees in the technique quickly. PLEASE CLICK TO CONTINUE

  34. Why would my customers cooperate and answer my survey questions? 2. Make your questions count. We help you design what kind of questions you need from the specifics of your situation. Customers will appreciate you asking the right ones. PLEASE CLICK TO CONTINUE

  35. Why would my customers cooperate and answer my survey questions? 3. Make the incentive meaningful. If it’s not a cash drawing monthly or quarterly, then offer them something they come to you for…it doesn’t have to be big, it needs to be meaningful. PLEASE CLICK TO CONTINUE

  36. Why would my customers cooperate and answer my survey questions? 4. Act on the information they give you. We’ll help you understand the information the customers give you. We’ll discuss what the reports mean and what you should do to make money in this economy. PLEASE CLICK TO CONTINUE

  37. When is the best time to start a customer satisfaction program? • Yesterday. • In this economy, every day that goes by is day you can’t get back. PLEASE CLICK TO CONTINUE

  38. When is the best time to start a customer satisfaction program? • You can’t get back an unhappy customer… PLEASE CLICK TO CONTINUE

  39. When is the best time to start a customer satisfaction program? • You can’t get back the time you could have done something that could have prevented that unhappy customer… PLEASE CLICK TO CONTINUE

  40. When is the best time to start a customer satisfaction program? • You can’t get back the money you lost because you thought you knew your customers better than you did. PLEASE CLICK TO CONTINUE

  41. Call Steve Elliott Marketing Research 480-446-7316 www.steveelliottresearch.com steve@steveelliottresearch.com

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