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Reservoir Model of Northern Platform, Sacroc Field

Reservoir Model of Northern Platform, Sacroc Field. F. Jerry Lucia, Charles Kerans, Fred Wang, Hongliu Zeng Bureau of Economic Geology Jackson School of Geoscience The University of Texas at Austin. Salt Creek 356 MMBO. Cogdell 264 MMBO. Sacroc 1,264 MMBO. From oil atlas.

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Reservoir Model of Northern Platform, Sacroc Field

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Reservoir Model ofNorthern Platform, Sacroc Field F. Jerry Lucia, Charles Kerans, Fred Wang, Hongliu Zeng Bureau of Economic Geology Jackson School of Geoscience The University of Texas at Austin

  2. Salt Creek 356 MMBO Cogdell 264 MMBO Sacroc 1,264 MMBO From oil atlas Make small production table

  3. Structure Top of Sacroc North Platform

  4. Problem • Only porosity and gamma-ray logs available. • Highly variable rock fabrics typical of icehouse conditions. Approach • Calculate average apparent rock-fabric number from core data for each stratigraphic layer. • Calculate permeability profile for each well using apparent rock-fabric number from stratigraphy and total porosity from logs as input into global permeability transform. • Interpolate permeability between wells constrained by seismic stratigraphy.

  5. Apparent Rock Fabric Number Total Porosity (fraction)

  6. Apparent Rock Fabric Number Assuming total porosity = interparticle porosity ARFN =10^((9.7982+8.6711*LOG10(cpor)-LOG(Cperm))/(12.0838+8.2965*LOG(cpor))) ARFN = 2.8 Cycle 2 ARFN = 1.6 Cycle 1

  7. CN 3 CN 2

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