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Learn the importance of customer satisfaction studies, interviewing skills, and conducting surveys in various industries. Understand the unique aspects and strategies of customer satisfaction research. Enhance your interviewing approach to ensure a positive survey experience for clients.
CMOR – MRA Interviewer Training Customer Satisfaction Interviewing Skills
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training • Objective of this module: • To give experienced interviewers an understanding and appreciation of the importance of a customer satisfaction study.
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training • What is a customer satisfaction study? • Customer satisfaction studies are unique in several ways, and this module clarifies some of the differences: • Unlike most research studies where the sponsor/client is not revealed, customer satisfaction studies reveal the client. • The respondent is a customer who has a relationship with the client and is not a random consumer.
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training • Customer satisfaction studies assess how well companies are performing in terms of satisfying their customers. • Customer satisfaction studies identify strategies to reinforce or improve customer satisfaction.
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training • This module will instruct the interviewer on what to expect and how to conduct interviews for customer satisfaction studies.
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training Examples of products and services researched may include the following industries: • Financial institutions (banks, credit card companies, etc.) • Automotive-related services (leases, dealerships, etc.) • Telecommunications (cell phones, long- distance carriers)
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training • What makes customer satisfaction interviewing special?
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training Most customers/consumers: • Assume you are calling directly from the company for which you are doing the research • Are skeptical about the legitimacy of the call (Is the company going to sell something? What else do they know about me or my history?) • See the call as an opportunity to voice concerns about the company (assume that the interviewer will forward complaints to company)
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training Most important of all: • The client expects the customer to have a positive survey experience. • The interviewer represents the company!
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training • The key to a good customer satisfaction survey is to conduct the interview as if you are a Customer Service Representative for the client.
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training The ABC’s of Customer Service
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training • Think about the last time you were a customer. What did you like or dislike about how you were treated? • What is the connection between customer service and your job? Who is your customer? • What comes to mind when you hear the phrase “customer service”?
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training • What is Customer Service: • Customer service is the art of treating your customer the way you would like to be treated.
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training • General Marketing Research vs. Customer Satisfaction Research • General marketing research is the collection and analysis of information about specific products and services. To avoid bias, client names generally are not identified. • Customer satisfaction research usually identifies the client and seeks information about a customer’s experience with the company, product or service. In other words, Customer satisfaction research is client specific, while general marketing research often seeks information about competitive products or services.
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training • General marketing research sample: • Phone numbers may be randomly generated by computer or may come from a client list • Customer satisfaction sample: • Almost always is provided by the client from its customer list
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training • Which of these factors most influences respondents? • Interest in and familiarity with the subject • The length of the interview • The actual questions • The personality and attitude of the interviewer
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training All of these factors are important but: • Your personality and attitude have the most influence on a respondent’s approach to an interview and his/her overall perception of the company
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training • The interviewer has no control over: • Length • Subject • Client sponsoring the study • The interviewer does control: • His/Her personality • His/Her attitude
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training • Give respondents an “incentive” to talk to you in the introduction: • Be respectful • Be courteous • Be positive • Be prepared
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training • You will get the interview started by being prepared to: • Be assertive • Use an assumptive approach
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training • Be respectful: • Treat each respondent with respect • Show respect for the respondent’s time • Keep the interview moving
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training • Be respectful: • Thank all respondents, even those who prefer not to participate or complete the study • They may be more willing to participate in a future study
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training • Be courteous: • Be patient • The respondent does not know the questions ahead of time and may need a few moments to process what you are saying
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training • Be positive: • Stress the benefit the customer will receive by helping the company do a better job
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training • Be prepared: • Know the product or service you are researching. Become familiar with the project by practicing the pronunciation of products, services and respondent names • Learn as much as possible about the company and how the public views it.
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training • Be prepared: • Answer respondent’s questions and concerns • Use scripted responses to respond to issues (e.g., Where did you get my number, what is this about, etc…) • The above leads to a confident and credible sounding interview
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training • Be assertive: • Talk smoothly and quickly as soon as the consumer answers the phone • Sound confident and do not hesitate while explaining the purpose of your call • Use an enthusiastic, professional and polished tone of voice
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training A Successful Customer Satisfaction Interview Includes Certain Do & Don’t Rules
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training • Do: • Be polite and courteous. Allow the respondent the option of choosing a more appropriate time to complete the interview if unable to finish the survey now. • Use voice inflection to sound enthusiastic and friendly at all times, and concerned if the consumer gets upset.
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training • Do: • Read the survey at a comfortable pace for the respondent. • Politely redirect the respondent back to each question.
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training • Do: • Ensure the respondent has a positive interviewing experience by treating all answers and reactions with respect. • Wait until the respondent hangs up before you hang up the phone.
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training • Do: • Offer a pleasant “good-bye.” This leaves the respondent with a positive impression of you and the company.
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training • Don’t: • Read too fast. This will cause the respondent to misunderstand questions and feel frantic to answer them quickly.
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training • Don’t: • Read too fast as this is one of the leading reasons interviewers are perceived as pushy or rude. Even if it appears the respondent is following along, you must make a mental note to keep the pace moderate.
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training • Don’t: • Read in a monotone voice. Why should a respondent be interested if you are not? Your voice must portray interest and professionalism.
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training • Don’t: • Abruptly interrupt a respondent. If a respondent seems to be off topic, politely redirect by rereading the question or the statements in your best professional tone.
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training • Don’t: • Dismiss respondents who refuse. Each client’s customer deserves equal respect and concern.
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training • Handling refusals: • When a respondent indicates he does not wish to participate in the survey, the interviewer should respect the request. • An interviewer should differentiate between a respondent refusal and a callback. • A callback is appropriate when a respondent indicates that it is dinner time, door bell is ringing, baby is crying, etc…
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training • Handling refusals: • Some customer satisfaction surveys indicate a second call: • If the refusal is weak: • Respondent says he/she is not interested without waiting for background. • Respondent says he has no time and hangs up before a callback can be arranged. • When not enough sample is available and every number is needed to reach the study quota.
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training • A polite and courteous tone must be used, even if the respondent is refusing • Don’t sound frustrated, rude or impatient, even if the customer is.
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training • When an interviewer gets frustrated, it only escalates the conflict. • To calm a respondent, the interviewer must first be a listener, allowing the respondent to vent.
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training • Next, the interviewer can acknowledge the respondent’s emotion and concern, regardless of the problem or issue. • Finally, the interviewer should tell the customer how he/she can help resolve the problem (refer details to client).
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training Examples of Handling Irate Customers: • Customer: I can’t believe you are calling me. I’m so angry with company X and how they treated me. • Interviewer: I’m sorry to hear that. It’s good that I called, then. This is your opportunity to tell the company about your level of satisfaction.
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training Examples of Handling Irate Customers: • Customer: Let me tell you what happened... Here’s what I need your company to do… Why should I answer your questions… • Interviewer: I want the company to know what you need/what happened. Since I don’t have access to your account information, I’m going to forward your name and phone number to the company’s customer service department. I’m going to ask them to call you back with all your account information at hand, so your problem can be addressed.
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training Examples of Handling Irate Customers: • Customer: I hate your company… I’m so mad… I’m going to sue your company… I never want to deal with you again. • Interviewer: I understand you are angry… I’m so sorry you feel so frustrated… I hear you and I want to help get your problem to the right person to handle it.
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training Examples of Handling Irate Customers: • Customer: Why can’t you help with this problem? Fix this error? • Interviewer: I can help get your problem/error into the right hands very quickly. I’m in the Research Department/work for a Research Company, and can’t access your records from my computer. What I can do is take your name and phone number and have someone who is responsible for the resolution call you back.
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training Examples of Handling Irate Customers: • Interviewer: In addition to bringing your particular problem to the person to fix, let me also get your input on your satisfaction level. Your answers to the questions are combined with all the other answers and read by company decision makers. This is the best place to let your dissatisfaction be known. My first question is…
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training • Instructions for Handling Customer Complaints: • Write down name, phone number and customer ID clearly and accurately. • Include as many details as possible, but be concise. • Turn in the complaint forms at the end of your shift to your supervisor.
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training • Wait until the respondent hangs up before ending the call. • A customer satisfaction interview should never be an uncomfortable experience . • Use the closing script when a respondent refuses (e.g., On behalf of …thank you for your time).
Customer Satisfaction Interviewer Training • Results & benefits of a good survey: • Confident and credible-sounding interview. • A more comfortable interviewing experience for the respondent (reduction in complaints).