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Video Commentary 2

Video Commentary 2. Emilie Smolders. Alex (the singer) is singing in this dingy house full of people. The song is kind of psychedelic, as is his dancing, and the black and white of the video reflects the simple message.

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Video Commentary 2

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Video Commentary 2 Emilie Smolders

  2. Alex (the singer) is singing in this dingy house full of people. The song is kind of psychedelic, as is his dancing, and the black and white of the video reflects the simple message. They are going for a dark, hazy look, which is a bit different from their past, so this is a change for them. This setting is a realistic one, but not an every day one for most people. The genre is pretty dark, and he is shown with heavy shadows with a hazy background, not so much a stereotype as the reality shown by people into that genre.

  3. This scene is of the rest of the band, shown as silhouettes. The whole video is dark and quickly moving, but the band members don’t move too much, just like how they are always playing. In most videos the rest of the band members are shown as being aloof and cool in the background, and this is no exception. Generally bands don’t give concerts in a house full of people partying, so it is not too realistic in that sense. The dark sound of this song brings to mind dark silhouettes and unclear images of the band playing, like in this screen shot.

  4. This screenshot is of one of the random other people in the house, looking left out. In the song he is talking about this fantastic girl that he is infatuated with, and this girl looks and is dressed rather normally in comparison – and is sitting alone, and upset. They probably realize the people they are leaving behind with their new sound and those people are represented in this girl, but they don’t seem too concerned about it. This particular scene is very realistic, someone who perhaps doesn’t fit in entirely sitting alone at a party – and then leaving alone. It is stereotypical that some people are left out of the kind of lifestyle portrayed in this video.

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