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The Forth Language. CSC 507 – Roy Ford November 22, 2005. Components of Language. Stack Stores intermediate results as 32 bit integers Dictionary Stores all command words for the language Interpreter
The Forth Language CSC 507 – Roy Ford November 22, 2005
Components of Language • Stack • Stores intermediate results as 32 bit integers • Dictionary • Stores all command words for the language • Interpreter • Interpretively executes commands found in the dictionary using the stack to store calculations
Language History • Charles Moore Started to work on Forth around 1970 • First official Forth was FIG (Forth Interest Group) Forth in late 70’s • Forth 79 was the basis for the first commercial implementations • Forth 83 tried to fix Forth 79, but caused inconsistency • ANS Forth defined in 1994 to consolidate Forth 79 and 83, and allow for things like 32 bit integers • My testing was with Win32Forth, an extension of ANS Forth with OOP, floating point, file I/O, etc
Stack Ptr Stack Ptr Stack Ptr Stack Ptr Simple Forth Example The order of operations in Forth is Postfix (or Reverse Polish) Notation 5 4 + . 9 ok . 5 4 + 5 4 9 5 Other operations include + - * / mod 1+ 1-
Stack Operations • As this is a stack machine, there are a few operations that focus on manipulating the stack • DUP – duplicates the top of the stack • SWAP – swaps the top 2 elements • DROP – drops the top element of stack • ROT – Rotate the top 3 numbers
Store & Fetch Variables • The variable<name> word allocates storage for an integer in the dictionary and assigns it to <name> • When you use the variable name, the address of the variable is placed on the stack • ! stores stack values into a variable variable year 2005 year ! (stores 2005 into year • @ fetches variables and places them on the stack year @ . (displays 2005
Adding a word : <name> <body>; : defines the start of the word and ; ends the word : square dup *; When you type 2 square . 4 ok 2 is placed on the stack, duped and multiplied
Conditional Operations • In Forth, true has the numeric value of -1 and false has the numeric value of 0 • Conditional operators pops the top 2 values on the stack and push the true or false value onto the stack • Conditional operations remove values from the stack • Operators include not, <, >, = • <= is written as > not
Stack Ptr Stack Ptr Stack Ptr Conditional Example 5 4 < 4 < 5 4 0 5 5 In this example, the < word removes 5 & 4, from the stack, does the comparison 5 < 4, and as this is false pushes 0 on the stack
Control Structures • If/Else/Then • Do/Loop • Begin/Until • Begin/While/Repeat
If/Else/Then • If tests the top of the stack. • If TOS not equal 0, code from If to Else is executed • If TOS = 0, then code from Else to Then is executed
If/Then/Else • Normally, a conditional word is used before the If for the test : absolute dup 0 < if -1 * then ; • Duplicates the variable on the stack (to save it), tests if less than 0 and multiplies stack by -1 if it is -1 absolute . 1 ok 1 absolute . 1 ok -10 absolute . 10 ok 10 absolute . 10 ok
Do/Loop • Do loops are one of 3 looping structures in Forth • 2 parameters need to be pushed on the stack for the Do loop • Limit – The maximum number of iterations • Index – The starting index for the loop (usually 0) • Do loop copies Limit and Index to a special return stack for iteration • I is a special word that pushes the value of index from the return stack back to the main stack • J is like I and is used for nested Do loops • Leave breaks out of a do loop (like a break in C)
Do/Loop example <limit> <index> do <forth words> loop : testdo 10 0 do i . loop ; testdo 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ok Note how i increments from the index of 0 to 9 and stops when i = limit. Index can be set to any start value In Win32Forth, if index is bigger than limit, the do becomes infinite
Do/+Loop • Like a Do loop, except at the end of the loop, the value on the stack is added to the index : test+loop 0 do i . 3 +loop ; ok 9 test+loop 0 3 6 ok
Begin/Until & Begin/While/Repeat • begin <forth words> <condition> until • Similar to a do while loop • begin <condition> while <forth words> repeat • Similar to a while loop
Arrays • create and allot • Arrays are created by extending the parameter area of the dictionary for the variable we want to create • extensions to the parameter area are done with the allot word • Indexing the array requires explicit pointer arithmetic
Creating an Array • variable myarray 12 allot • The variable myarray is created in the dictionary • A parameter field is created to store the integer variable • an additional 12 bytes is added to the end of the parameter field to store the rest of the array • An integer is stored as 4 bytes, so the size of this array is 16 bytes total, or 4 integers • create myarray 12 allot • Similar to variable myarray, but a parameter field is not defined by the create command, making an array size of 3 integers (12 bytes)
Accessing an array • Like pointer arithmetic, you need to calculate the index into the array create myarray 12 alloc 100 myarray ! (100 in index 0 200 myarray 4 + ! 300 myarray 8 + !
Strings • Strings are allocated just like arrays • Instead of ! and @ to store and retrieve integers from the array, c! and c@ are used as they only store and retrieve 1 byte
Readability • Forth is not very readable • The base language is simple, but as the dictionary is expandable it can go rapidly out of hand (4000+ words in Win32Forth) • The only parameter passing mechanism to forth words is the stack, as such it is difficult to decipher what parameters are being passed to a forth word without explicit documentation • do loops and if/then/else structures do exist, but they are convoluted due to having to place execution parameters on the stack. • Forth makes you write programs that manipulate the stack, it does not encourage the creation of variables that help to document
Writeability • Forth is a writable language • Charles Moore’s purpose for writing Forth was to rapidly write code • Once you learn it, RPN is a natural way to do calculations • By building applications up from smaller words, the program can take advantage of abstraction
Reliability • Major weak point is the pointer arithmetic for arrays, but some of this can be hidden • There is no type checking, because the type is integer • Exception handling has been written into Win32Forth • It has been used in a number of process control applications, where reliability is a must
References • “The Complete Forth”, A. Winfield, Sigma Technical Press, Cheshire, UK, 1983 • “The Evolution of Forth, and Unusual Language”, C. Moore, Byte, Volume 5, Number 8, August 1980, McGraw-Hill Publication • “What is Forth? A Tutorial Introduction”, J. James, Byte, Volume 5, Number 8, August 1980, McGraw-Hill Publication • “FORTH Extensibility, Or How to Write a Compiler in 25 Words or Less”, K. Harris, Byte, Volume 5, Number 8, August 1980, McGraw-Hill Publication • http://www.forth.org/ • http://www.taygeta.com/forth/dpansd.htm#D.1 • http://win32forth.sourceforge.net/
Forth Dictionary • The Forth Dictionary is a table that contains all of the defined words, variables and constants used in the execution environment • The table contains • The length and name of the word • A Link address to the previous table entry • A code pointer to the actual code that is executed • A variable length parameter field
Dictionary Example Name Executable code Associated with word Link Code Parameter Name Link Code Executable code Associated with word Parameter Name Executable code Associated with word Link Code Parameter
Dictionary Entry for + + Name Ptr to Previous Word Link Machine code to take 2 numbers off stack, and them and place results on stack Code Parameter field is null
Dictionary Entry for a Variable Name of Variable Name Ptr to Prev Entry Link Code Machine code that takes the address of the parameter field and places it on the stack 32 bit storage area for variable Parameter
Dictionary Entry for : ; : square dup *; Machine code for the : command Name square Link Ptr to Prev Word Code dup Parameter 1 Parameter 2 * Parameter 3 ;
Create/Does> • Create/Does creates defining words, words that are used to create other words • This is very similar to a crude class, in that it defines how to create the word, and what to do when the word is executed : array create 4 * allot does> swap 4 * + ; ok 10 array p ok 4 p ? 0 ok 5 p ? 0 ok 100 4 p ! ok 4 p ? 100 ok • in this example, 100, 4 and • the address of p are pushed • onto the stack, then the does> • statements • swap 4 * + • are executed Note : This is a modification of “The Complete Forth”, A. Winfield, Sigma Technical Press, Cheshire, UK, 1983, page 87