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Adolescent Reproductive Health Working Group. IAWG 8-10 October 2007 Nairobi, Kenya. 4.1 Advocate for better youth Programming. Policy Development – work with Government to develop an ARH policy Kenya established an Adolescent RH policy in May 2003 through efforts of Civil society actors
Adolescent Reproductive Health Working Group IAWG 8-10 October 2007 Nairobi, Kenya
4.1 Advocate for better youth Programming Policy Development– work with Government to develop an ARH policy • Kenya established an Adolescent RH policy in May 2003 through efforts of Civil society actors • South Africa has a strong ARH policy. Also just passed Children’s Act, moving age of majority from 21 to 18 • Sudan has no RH policy • Rwanda has strong policy environment for RH, but not ARH • Pakistan has a RH policy but it does not address Adolescent RH • Thailand has a RH policy for youth from late 90’s, but Refugees are not covered Emancipated minors - child head of household, young mothers, early marriage. Common in displaced populations and what are the implications for giving care and services.
4.2 Disseminate Guidelines and Tools There are existing guidelines that we can borrow from: Some examples: • WHO documents: STI among Adolescents, Sex without consent • FHI published criteria for effective Peer Educator guidelines • FHI – Guidance for Youth Friendly services and Youth.net (FHI) • Tools on RHRC website Method of information sharing: IAFM Adolescent Working Group is compiling ARH resources onto a CD and will also post on website.
4.3 Support Youth Involvement Research Studies Some of the research studies that are currently taking place should be put on the agenda for next years IAWG Current Research Examples: • SA - Modifying the CDC Risk Reduction Model for VCT • Thailand – survey of male and female adolescents target groups based on “GEM scale” Future Research Questions: • Look at the characteristics in determinates of the non-conflict environment and a conflict environment and how to move a child through that transition in a healthy way. • Construct of masculinity and the influence of conflict and/or displacement on that construct. The displaced setting has another set of expectations on male and female behavior. • Positive deviance (resilience) Need to be linking research with policy advocacy • Advocates need research to move their agenda and also to guide programming
4.4 Networking with other youth-serving organizations • Kenya: Association of agencies working on ARH • Rwanda: No strong networks for specifically ARH • Thailand: ARH networks work well. Been in place for many years and very successful from the community standpoint, but not from a sustainability standpoint in terms of funding and support. • South Africa: Pediatrics network and researchers network, but on community level no successful network for NGO capacity. Consortiums where different organizations meet once a month. • Sudan– Coordination Meetings take place for health but no specific ARH. Action Point: ARH should be on the agenda in Health Cord Meetings and RH Meetings in all countries
4.5 Programming for youth in refugee situations • Youth Programming – reaching youth with preventions and education before sexual debut. • Addressing gender roles, including meaningful involvement of young males in RH. • BCCommunication using multiple channels of communication to reach out to young people. (Ex: Soul City use of multiple media) • Curriculum for in-school and out-of-school youth. And starting RH education at early age: 10 years. • Youth Center concept – multi purpose center – offers sports, vocational training, health, etc… • Improving parent-child communication. Including trainings for youth and parents/teachers. • Youth Involvement in the design of programs • Key to be build on existing community organizations in youth programming
Way Forward in ARH • ARH should be on the agenda in all country Health Cord Meetings and RH Meetings • Research studies currently taking place should be put on the agenda for next years IAWG • Use of term Adolescent (10-19 yrs) instead of youth, etc. • ARH content and tools should be readily available to others - website, CD, etc. • Group will stay connected via E-mail