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Analytics and Data

Analytics and Data. LESSON 4 RECAP. Last week we looked at: Time Management Further Scheduling Creating Content Useful Tools http://bit.ly/2nUEBuM. Login to Computers shortcourses U niv3rsit Y2. Login to WIFI AUB_GUEST 50382280. LESSON FIVE ANALYTICS AND DATA.

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Analytics and Data

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Analytics and Data

  2. LESSON 4 RECAP Last week we looked at: Time Management Further Scheduling Creating Content Useful Tools http://bit.ly/2nUEBuM Login to Computers shortcourses • Univ3rsitY2 Login to WIFI AUB_GUEST • 50382280




  6. WHAT DATA DO YOU NEED? With so much information available to you, it’s important to only track the data you need.There is lots of ‘glamour data’ available, but is it helping you to get what you want from your Social Media and informing your goals?

  7. CONSUMPTION Typically the easiest metrics to measure.How many people viewed, downloaded, or listened to this piece of content we shared? Page Views Video Watches Post Impressions This is good to collect if you’re looking for Brand Awareness.

  8. SHARING Did your post connect with your audience? How resonant is this content, and how often is it shared with others? Likes Retweets Shares This data will be useful if you want to turn followers into Brand Advocates.

  9. LEAD GENERATION How often does content consumption result in a new lead? Are your Social Media sites driving users to your site, or maybe to a form for to collect data? Click throughs Messages Form Completions One to watch if your goal is Business Development.

  10. SALES Did the post make you any revenue? This can be hard to track for non-paid for posts, but for ads and boosted content you can clearly see how your post is performing in real time. Defined Conversions Purchases Downloads This is useful for everyone to track!

  11. CONVERSATION Comments & Replies AMPLIFICATION Retweets & Shares ECONOMIC VALUE Revenue made APPLAUSE Likes & +1’s


  13. DATA EVERYWHERE All the platforms you use for personal and social use collect data about your usage habits. As a business, you can use this data to help track your success against your S.M.A.R.T goals and report on the ROI of your Social Media Marketing efforts. Facebook Insights Twitter Analytics Instagram Insights

  14. FACEBOOK INSIGHTS The Overview tab gives you the most important data about your page at a glance, including new page likes, post reach, and engagement for the last week. The Likes tab shows your page’s fan growth How much reach your Facebook posts have received from organic and paid sources The areas of your Facebook page that people visit most When your fans are online Types of posts on your page that get the most engagement Demographic information about your fans,

  15. OVERVIEW The Overview tab gives you the most important data about your page at a glance, including new page likes, post reach, and engagement for the last week. You can also increase this range up to the last 28 days using the drop down. Clicking on any of the sections will take you to more detailed analytics.

  16. OVERVIEW Beneath the section overview, you’ll see data about your most recent page posts, including the type of post (link, photo, etc.), targeting, reach, clicks, and engagement (likes, comments, and shares) alongside the amount you spent promoting your posts using Facebook Ads. You can also watch other pages and see how you’re measuring up!

  17. TWITTER ANALYTICS You need to turn Twitter Analytics on, if you haven’t already. Tweet impressions and engagement data Clicks, Retweets, Likes and Replies Topics your followers are interested in Gender, age and location demographics Mobile footprint data and device details Events that are taking place and the global interest/demographics Additional Campaign dashboards too!

  18. HOME The Home tab is your Twitter report card, with high-level statistics tracked from month to month.

  19. HOME It’s also a gallery of your greatest hits with a spotlight on your top-performing Tweets and introductions to the influencers in your network.

  20. TWEETS Your Tweet activity dashboard is where you’ll find metrics for every single one of your Tweets. You’ll know exactly how many times Twitter users have seen, Retweeted, liked and replied to each Tweet.

  21. AUDIENCE Your audience insights dashboard contains valuable information about the people who follow you on Twitter. You can track your follower growth over time and learn more about your followers’ interests and demographics.

  22. INSTAGRAM INSIGHTS Instagram Insights are currently only available in app and you need to have activated a business account. The number of times your ads were on screen. Number of unique accounts who viewed your posts and stories The number of clicks to links you've included in your business profile description The number of unique accounts who've visited your business profile Currently there aren’t any analytics for when you go live but this is in the pipeline!

  23. POSTS As well as demographic and time data you can also see the number of unique accounts that saved your posts, total number of times your video was viewed and other engagement data.

  24. STORIES You’ll see how many impressions your story had. The reach, which is the number of unique accounts who viewed the story. As well as replies and how many people swiped away from your story.


  26. KEEPING TRACK OF PROGRESS Having a record of your stats and metrics can help you to make informed business decisions and invest time and budget where you get the most return. Use the template below and fill it out with the data from your Social Media sites. Easy: https://goo.gl/M2FuoZ Hard: https://goo.gl/MMrPBC If there are any anomalies, spikes or dips in the stats, try and identify the cause for reporting. Analyse which posts did well for future reference.


  28. HOW ARE WE DOING? The best way to find out what your followers, customers and clients want is… to ask them! You could offer an incentive for customers to take part in an interview, but this could be time consuming and expensive. Using online forms is a quick way to get a high response and gather data specific to you and your business.

  29. SET UP A TYPEFORM Think about what information you’d most like to get from your customers. Create a Typeform to gather this data from them and share it on your Social Media Channels. https://www.typeform.com/



  32. NEXT WEEK Using Data Refining Content New Social Streams

  33. OPTIONAL TASK Try holding a native poll on Twitter or Instagram stories to get interaction and data from your followers. It can be a fun question, or asking them for feedback on what kinds of posts, services etc they’d like to see from you!


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