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How to become and Eco-School Andrew Suter Education Projects Manager. ENCAMS. Founded in 1954 by the Women’s Institute who ran the Keep Britain Tidy Campaign Receive core grant from Defra and additional funding through other projects and funding streams
How to become and Eco-SchoolAndrew SuterEducation Projects Manager
ENCAMS • Founded in 1954 by the Women’s Institute who ran the Keep Britain Tidy Campaign • Receive core grant from Defra and additional funding through other projects and funding streams • Work closely with other government departments such as Home Office, DCLG (formerly the ODPM)
ENCAMS • Carry out Local Environmental Quality Surveys of England for Government • Run public campaigns to change public behaviour on LEQ and ASB issues • Programme activity: CSG Network, Blue Flag/Seaside Awards, Eco-Schools
Programme developed by FEE in 1994 following the Earth Summit in Rio, 1992 Need to involve young people in finding solutions to environmental & sustainable development challenges - LA 21 Introduced into UK in 1995 Eco-Schools Award SchemeBackground
Global Participation • Eco-Schools operates in over 35 countries • Approx 20,000 Schools are registered world-wide • More than 5000 schools have achieved Green Flag status • 5654 schools are working towards achieving green flag status in England • 609 schools currently fly the green flag in England
The Wildlife Trusts BTCV Local Authorities Healthy Schools Global Action Plan Eco-Schools Groundwork Safe Routes to Schools The Globe Programme Learning through Landscapes CREATE Delivered with the help ofDefra and our Partners
What is the Eco-Schools Programme? An international programme aiming to make environmental awareness and action an intrinsic part of the life and ethos of the school • It encourages whole-school action for the environment • It is a recognisedaward scheme, rewarding & accrediting schools committed to improving their environmental performance • It is a learning resource, raising awareness of sustainable development & citizenship issues through active involvement • Provides international links for registered schools via www.eco-schools.net
Environmental Review/Audit Key Environmental Areas • Litter • Waste Minimisation • Energy • Water • Transport • School Grounds • Healthy Living • Biodiversity • Global Perspective*
First Steps: The Action Team The Action Team must include: • Pupils – representing as many year groups as possible • Teaching staff The Action Team can also include: • A governor • A parent • A non-teaching staff member • The caretaker or site manager • A representative from the local authority
First Steps: The role of the Action Team The Action Team must: • Ensure that the whole school is aware of the existence of the Eco-Schools programme. • Take the lead in carrying out the initial Environmental Review. • Ensure that all sectors of the school community are represented in the decision-making process. • Provide a link between pupils, teachers, senior management and the whole school community. • Write an Action plan.
Next Steps: Implement the Action Plan The Action Team should: • Prioritise their action plan. • Separate the actions into short, medium and long term. • Deliver their first project • Ensure the whole school is aware of and wherever possible involved in progress
Informing and involving • Eco-Schools notice board • Eco-Schools activities are being reported in assemblies and at governors meetings. • Communication to parents and the wider community about Eco-Schools. • The school has agreed, adopted and displayed an Eco Code. • The school is willing to share good practice with other schools who wish to join the scheme.
The Four Stages of the Award Scheme • Stage 1 - Registration • Stage 2 - Implementing the Eco-Schools Programme • Stage 3 - Applying for the Award • Bronze level Award • Silver level Award • Green Flag Award (assessors visit the school ~1.5 - 2 hour visit ) • Stage 4 - Award Renewal (every 2 years) www.eco-schools.org.uk
Pupil involvement Eco Schools activity is pupil led Eco Schools activity is teacher led
Improve the school environment Reduce litter & waste Generate wildlife habitat & increase biodiversity Increase environmental awareness Reduce fuel & water bills Improve links with the local community Gain business support & generate local publicity Develop independent thinking and leadership skills Improve Europe/global links Eco-Schools - The Benefits :
Links to other Programmes/Initiatives • Education for Sustainable Development – DFES (All schools quoted by the Dec document are Eco-Schools) • Every Child Matters (Be healthy & safe, Enjoy and Achieve, Positive contribution, Economic well being) • School Travel Plans • Healthy Living (Food, Sport and Physical Activity) • Learning Outside the classroom • Local Authority priorities
Real opportunities to address cross-curricular issues : Citizenship Sustainable Development Health Education Personal & Social Education Global Issues ..and more formal curricular areas : Science Geography & History Modern Studies Maths & ICT PE, Drama English & Modern Languages Craft, Design & Technology Curriculum Linking Schools provide examples of curriculum links in the application form
Comments from OFSTED “By the end of KS1, children’s appreciation of environmental issues is well above average. This reflects the opportunities children have to participate in the Eco-Schools Project” “Participation in the Eco-Schools project is encouraging a sense of responsibility towards the environment and the community.” “The School’s participation in the Eco-Schools initiative has encouraged pupils’ interest in geographicaltopics.”
Contact information Website: www.eco-schools.org.uk E-mail: eco-schools@encams.org FEE: www.eco-schools.org International links: www.eco-schools.net ENCAMS Elizabeth House The Pier Wigan WN3 4EX Tel. 01942 612621
Bronze Award criteria • The School has identified an Action Team, and the team has met on at least TWO occasions. • completed an Environmental Review, formal or informal. • produced a basic ‘Action Plan’ and shared this plan with the school community. • identified progress towards achieving elements of the Action Plan • indicated that some environmental issues have been covered within curriculum work. • got a dedicated notice-board/web-pages or newsletter page detailing the activities being undertaken.
Silver Award • identified an Action Team including support from a parent or governor, and the team has met on at least FOUR occasions. • completed a formal Environmental Review and recorded the results. • produced a detailed ‘Action Plan’, including timescales and targets, and shared the plan with the school community. • identified progress towards achieving elements of the Action Plan. • identified progress towards one large-scale project and indicated involvement with two others (one of which must be waste related). • got a dedicated notice-board/web-pages or newsletter page detailing the activities being undertaken. • informed parents and the wider community about the good work being undertaken in the school towards Eco-School status. • got an agreed, adopted and displayed Eco–Code.
Green Flag Award 1 • identified an Action Team, and the team has met on at least SIX occasions. The team has the support of a parent and/or governor. Pupils take significant responsibility for the running of the team. • completed a formal Environmental Review, recorded the results and undertaken a follow-up review. • produced a detailed ‘Action plan’, including timescales and targets, and shared the plan with the school community and updated it based upon the follow-up review. • identified progress towards achieving most targets in the Action Plan and can produce physical evidence of data collection and analysis (graphs etc). • identified substantial progress towards one large-scale project and indicate involvement with two others (one of which must be waste related).
Green Flag Award 2 • have a prominent, dedicated notice-board/web-pages or newsletter pages detailing the activities being undertaken towards Eco-Schools. Eco–Schools activities are being reported in assemblies and at governors meetings. • regularly communicate with parents and the wider community about the good work being undertaken in the school as a result of Eco-Schools. • have an agreed, adopted and displayed Eco–Code. • share good practice with other schools who wish to join the scheme