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Source Apportionment of VOCs in Pensacola, FL 2003

Source Apportionment of VOCs in Pensacola, FL 2003. Term paper for EAS6792/CEE6792 Fall 2003 Sangil Lee. What VOCs can do…. Ozone Formation NO 2 + hv NO + O O + O 2 + M O 3 + M O 3 + NO NO 2 + O 2

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Source Apportionment of VOCs in Pensacola, FL 2003

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  1. Source Apportionment of VOCs in Pensacola, FL 2003 Term paper for EAS6792/CEE6792 Fall 2003 Sangil Lee

  2. What VOCs can do…. • Ozone Formation NO2 + hv NO + O O + O2 + M O3 + M O3 + NO NO2 + O2 VOCs + OH Organic Radicals Organic Radicals + NO NO2 • Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation VOCs + OH,O3,NO3 low volatile compounds condense on the available particles. • Hazardous Air Pollutants

  3. Chemical Mass Balancereceptor model • Quantify the source contribution to the receptor. • Cik =fijSjki = 1,…n (chemical species) j = 1,…,m (sources), k = 1,…,l (samples). Cik : observed conc. of species i in sample k. fij : fraction of species i in source j. Sjk : conc. of VOCs from source j in the sample k. • Assumption: 1) compositions of source emissions are constant, 2) chemical species do not react with each other, 3) all sources contributing significantly to the receptor have been included in the calculation, 4) the number of sources is less than or equal to the number of species, 5) the source profiles are sufficiently different from one another, 6) measurement uncertainties are random, uncorrelated, and normally distributed. m j = 1

  4. Chemical Mass Balancereceptor model • Source profiles ; diesel exhaust, gasoline exhaust, liquid gasoline, evaporated gasoline, refinery fugitives, industrial coating, primers & enamel, printing (Watson et al., 2001). • EPA CMB8 is used for the calculation. • VOCs collected by using air canisters are analyzed by GC/FID at UC, Irvine.

  5. Measurement SitePensacola, FL Measurement site 4 VOC samples collected per day (at 07:00, 12:00, 17:00, 23:00) from July 18 to Aug. 13, 2003

  6. Comparison between measured and Calculated concentration

  7. Estimated Source Contribution

  8. Diurnal Pattern of Source Contribution

  9. Summary • Calculated Concentrations agree with measured concentrations well. • Gasoline (gasoline exhaust, evaporative gasoline) is a dominant source. • Increased Conc. of VOCs at early morning & midnight. • CMB captures the diurnal pattern of biogenic emission.

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