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HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) codes indicate a URLu2019s status and include various 3-digit error messages which describe the issues that are being encountered by the visitors.
Table of Contents • 500 Internal Serve Error • 501 Not Implemented, 502 Bad Gateway • 503 Service Unavailable • 504 Gateway Timeout, 505 HTTP Version Not Supported • 506 Variant Also Negotiates, 507 Insufficient Storage • 509 Bandwidth Limit Exceeded, 510 Not Extended • Introduction • Introduction (Continued) • 4xx Errors • 400 Bad Request, 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden • 404 Not Found • 5xx Errors
Introduction • HTTP is the abbreviation for Hypertext Transfer Protocol, which is an application layer protocol and servers as data communication’s foundation on the Internet. • To digress, the Internet is replete with websites which are made accessible to us through the service of web hosting provided by web hosting companies. The most reliable hosting services are often referred to as the “Best Windows Hosting”, the “Best Cloud Hosting”, the “Best Website Hosting”, etc.
Introduction (Continued) The status of a URL is described by HTTP codes during any visitor’s attempts to access it. Error messages are included in HTTP codes. These error messages describe the issues that are encountered by visitors. Such error codes are 3-digit numbers. Described below are the 5 classes of HTTP codes, which have been divided into categories, based on the 1st digit. • First digit as 1, 2, or 3 – A fully functional request is represented by it. • First digit as 4 – Represents a client-side error. The commonest error codes range from 400 to 404. • First digit as 5 – An error on the server side is represented by it. The commonest error codes range from 500 to 510. The various errors are described next.
4xx Errors • These errors are caused by certain problems with the request of the client, such as the browser. These frequently indicate some issue on the website. An example is receiving a 404 error when a faulty link on the home page is clicked by visitors. • It is recommended that such errors be monitored and their causes be investigated. Since this error is found very often, it is advised that the error page be customized on the Error Pages interface in cPanel. cPanel >> Home >> Advanced >> Error Pages
400 Bad Request, 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden • 400 Bad Request – It indicates that there is an incorrect syntax in the request of the user. • 401 Unauthorized – It indicates that authentication, which involves a username and password, is required by the requested file. • 403 Forbidden – It indicates that the requested file will not be accessed by the visitor as the server won’t allow it. The permission settings of the file need to be checked when such an error code is received by the visitor. It can be confirmed in the Indexes interface in cPanel that whether the file is being protected by the system. cPanel >> Home >> Advanced >> Indexes
404 Not Found • The 404 Not Found, 404 Error, or File Not Found indicate an error message. This is an HTTP standard response code. It lets us know that the browser successfully communicated with a server but the server failed to find what had been requested. This error might indicate the situation where a server does not want to disclose if it has the information that has been requested. This error usually appears when a URL is mistyped by a visitor. • A “404 Not Found” web page will be typically generated by the web server when attempts are made by a user to follow a link that is broken or dead. This results in the 404-error turning out to be the most recognizable error on the Internet.
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5xx Errors • A 5xx error usually occurs when an apparently valid request of a visitor cannot be fulfilled by the server. The system administrator needs to be contacted for resolving such an issue. • Often an HTTP request is handled by a chain of servers. This needs to be considered as the returned error might come from a web server that is different than yours.
500 Internal Serve Error • It indicates that something unexpected occurred with the server. This is a multipurpose error and appears when the server is unable to collect any specific information about the issue. This error is usually encountered when an application request cannot be fulfilled by the server due to an application that is misconfigured. • The system administrator needs to be contacted for the resolution of the issue.
501 Not Implemented, 502 Bad Gateway • 501 Not Implemented – This error indicates that the server does not support the HTTP method chosen by the client. This error rarely happens but when it does, it is usually encountered due to the server being out of date. The system administrator needs to be contacted for the resolution of such an issue. • 502 Bad Gateway – The 502 Bad Gateway error is caused by such proxy servers that are not properly configured. Additionally, this error can be encountered due to poor IP communication between backend computers, as well as overloading of the ISP (Internet Service Provider) of the client. It can be caused by the improper functioning of a firewall. The first step for resolving this issue involves clearing the cache of the client. This action causes the use of another proxy for resolving the content of the web server.
503 Service Unavailable • The 503 Service Unavailable error indicates that a temporary overload has rendered the server unable to handle requests. This error can also result from the server being temporarily closed for causes, such as maintenance. It is indicated by this error that the unavailability of the server is temporary. Other errors can be received in place of the 503 error. The system administrator should be contacted for the resolution of this issue.
504 Gateway Timeout, 505 HTTP Version Not Supported • 504 Gateway Timeout – This error indicates that a timely response was not received by the server from another server. This error happens due to the slow communication between upstream servers. The system administrator needs be contacted for the resolution of this issue. • 505 HTTP Version Not Supported – This error lets us know that the HTTP protocol specified by the client computer is not being supported by the server. When the client computer is not able to correctly specify the protocol then this error appears. Having a current installation of cPanel & WHM ensures that this error is averted.
506 Variant Also Negotiates, 507 Insufficient Storage • 506 Variant Also Negotiates – This error is encountered when the server is not configured properly. This issue can be resolved by the system administrator. • 507 Insufficient Storage – This error indicates that the server has run out of free memory. The cause of this error is the inability of a requested application to allocate the required system resources, in order to function. The system administrator should be contacted for the resolution of this issue.
509 Bandwidth Limit Exceeded, 510 Not Extended • 509 Bandwidth Limit Exceeded – It is indicated by this error that the server has reached the bandwidth limit imposed by the system administration. The resolution of this issue involves waiting for the limit to reset in the following cycle. Alternatively, the system administrator needs to be contacted for the resolution of this issue. • 510 Not Extended – This error indicates that an extension attached to the HTTP request is not supported by the web server. The system administrator should be contacted for this issue’s resolution.
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