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Web Hosting’s Essential Terms

Every website requires the service of web hosting in order to be accessible. Since there are many terms that are related to the field of web hosting, it becomes essential to know these in order to fully understand all the aspects of web hosting.

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Web Hosting’s Essential Terms

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Web Hosting’s Essential Terms

  2. Table of Contents • HackAlert Monitoring • High Availability • Horizontal Scaling • .htaccess • HTML • HTTP • ICANN • IP Address • IMAP • JavaScript and Java Applets • Joomla • Linux Server • Live Chat Support • Load Balancer • Managed Hosting • Mailing List and MX Record • Money Back Guarantee • MySQL

  3. HackAlert Monitoring • HackAlert refers to a monitoring service that is meant to analyze a website regularly, on a daily basis. This service sends a notification in the event that a website gets hacked or if it gets infected with any malicious code. • Every website is made accessible by the aid of some web hosting company that provides the server space and the necessary technologies for the website to remain up and running. There are different types of web hosting services that are provided by these web hosts. The best web hosts are often referred to as the “Best Web Hosting Company” or as the “Best Windows Hosting Company” or as the “Top Cloud Hosting Company”.

  4. High Availability • High availability of a system denotes its capability to ensure a level of uptime that has been agreed upon and which is generally higher than the normal level. It also refers to a system that is able to operate continuously for a substantially long period of time without encountering any failure.

  5. Horizontal Scaling • Horizontal scaling refers to scaling that is achieved by adding extra machines to the existing resources or adding more nodes to the system. Its example is the scaling that is involved when scaling from one web server to two or three. Horizontal scaling is done to scale wider for the purpose of coping with the requirements of website traffic.

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  7. .htaccess • .htaccess refers to hypertext access. It is a configuration file. It functions with the Apache-based web servers. It aids one in setting parameters for permissions that have to do with a file like setting, blocking certain websites and determining whether people can link to one’s pages. It can be used for improving the functionality of a website as well as SEO.

  8. HTML • HTML refers to HyperText Markup Language. It is the standard language which is used to create website pages. Original HTML is received by a web browser through a web server and then displayed as a page that is readable. • Every website that is available over the Internet has its files stored on the server of some web hosting company. The most reliable web hosting companies are often referred to as the “Best Web Hosting Company” or as the “Best Windows Hosting Company” or as the “Top Cloud Hosting Company”.

  9. HTTP • HTTP refers to HyperText Transfer Protocol, which is used to transfer hypermedia files that include images, text, videos etc. over the Internet. It serves as the base of the World Wide Web (WWW) and it consists of hypertext files that are interconnected.

  10. ICANN • ICANN is the abbreviation for Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. It is an organization that connects the unique identification factors which are assigned to all the computers that exist worldwide, in order for each computer to communicate with the others. The internet is able to perform its functions through this collaboration. The distribution of internet naming resources is also administered by ICANN. Moreover, certain responsibilities with regard to DNS management are undertaken by it.

  11. IP Address • IP is the abbreviation for Internet Protocol. It refers to a string of numbers and dots that is unique and which identifies an individual computer that is connected to the Internet. Every computer which uses the internet protocol for the purpose of communicating over a network is identified by an IP address.

  12. IMAP • IMAP is the abbreviation for Internet Message Access Protocol, which is a process to retrieve an email. An original email’s copy is stored permanently inside a server till it is deleted from the server. Those people prefer this process who have to work with multiple computers as well as email clients for the purpose of email tracking as per requirement.

  13. JavaScript and Java Applets JavaScript • JavaScript refers to a programming language which is a client-side technology. It aids developers in adding dynamic content to a website. JavaScript runs in the user’s web browser and not on a web server. Java Applets • Java Applets are those programs that are created with the aid of Java programming language. These can be added to an HTML page in the same manner as the images are added to it. In the event that one is using a browser that is Java-enabled for viewing a web page which includes a Java Applet, the applet’s code gets transferred to one’s system as well as gets executed by the Java virtual machine.

  14. Joomla • Joomla refers to a content management platform that is open-source. It is used for creating websites as well as blogs. Joomla is a CMS (content management system) which connects a website to MySQLi, MySQL or PostgreSQL databases for the purpose of content management.

  15. Linux Server • A Linux server refers to a server that is built on the Linux operating system which is open-source. It is preferred by many webmasters. • Linux-based web hosting is provided by many web hosting companies. A web hosting company provides server space as well as the necessary technologies and services that are needed by a website in order for it to be accessible over the Internet. The most efficient service providers in the field of hosting are often referred to as the “Best Web Hosting Company” or as the “Best Windows Hosting Company” or as the “Top Cloud Hosting Company”.

  16. Live Chat Support • A live chat support is a feature that is meant to provide customer service. It is used to chat with a web hosting company’s customer service representative at either a specified time or round the clock. One can discuss and try to resolve one’s website related issues by using live chat support that is provided by one’s web hosting company.

  17. Load Balancer • A load balancer refers to a system which is meant to distribute network resources and/or application traffic across servers. A load balancer is used to increase the capacity as well as the reliability of applications. It distributes perfectly the incoming network traffic across a collection of backend servers or server pool.

  18. Managed Hosting • Managed hosting is a type of web hosting in which a web hosting company manages processes, such as upgrades in software, changes in configuration, tasks related to system administration etc. This type of hosting is made available by web hosting companies through their web hosting packages that provide support and assistance to clients. It is an ideal option for such webmasters who are not comfortable when it comes to managing their own web hosting accounts. • Hosting service is provided by web hosting companies and the best web hosts are usually referred to as the “Best Web Hosting Company” or as the “Best Windows Hosting Company” or as the “Top Cloud Hosting Company”.

  19. Mailing List and MX Record Mailing List • A mailing list consists of a list of email addresses that are stored together. This enables one to send common emails to the email addresses that are in one’s mailing list in one go. MX Record • MX record is the abbreviation for Mail Exchange Record. This type of record denotes the mail server which is meant for receiving email messages of a domain. The DNS system stores the MX record.

  20. MySQL • MySQL is a database that is open-source. It can be operated through various applications that are installed on a website. MySQL aids in storing information in a form that is encrypted. This information can be retrieved as per requirement.

  21. Money Back Guarantee • With regard to a web hosting company, money back guarantee refers to the guarantee that is provided by it in the event that one is not satisfied with one’s web hosting services. This guarantee ensures that the web hosting company will return one’s payment, subject to the web hosting company’s terms and conditions.

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