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Join us on April 2, 2015 for Education in Action at #EdVoicesRI. Tweet your experience and ideas, post a photo, and share your hopes for the night. Gain insights into the Strategic Planning Priorities & Strategies Review Team's role and progress, envision desired outcomes, review priority statements, explore strategies, and understand next steps.
STRATEGIC PLANNING PRIORITIES & STRATEGIES Strategy Review Team (SRT) Meetup #3 April 2, 2015 Education in Action #EdVoicesRI Tweet your experience& ideas Post a photo Share your hopes for the night
SRT Focus for the Night • Understand SRT role and where we are in the planning process • Gain a tangible sense of what the final product may look like. • Envision desired outcomes - aspirations for results over the next five years • Review the ADT’s latestpriority statements (WHATs) and provide feedback • Begin exploring strategies (HOWs) by priority statement (a step ahead of the ADT) • Understand next steps
Values = Why? Priority Areas = What? Strategies = How?
Values The 5-7 core principles that will be the drivers of the plan and the litmus test for eventual content SRT ROLE & SCHEDULE~Provide feedback to ADT between each prototype iteration Priority Areas & Key Outcomes Approximately 5 high level priority areas with ~ 3 key outcomes that characterize each Strategies The 3-5 significant actions that RIDE will take over the next five years to advance each priority area and achieve the key outcomes Established by RIDE: Measurable Objectives, Resourcing, and Operational Plans
Desired Outcomes & Impact VISIONING
Status of Priorities • Personalization: Design rigorous, interest-based learning experiences, school structures, and college and career pathways to achieve excellence. • Global Competency: Educate students to be globally competent through the exposure of diverse cultures and languages • Early Childhood: Ensure access to high quality early childhood programs (Birth to 1st Grade) • Resource Investment: Intentionally invest resources to deliver education opportunities that prepare students for success. (money, people, and facilities) • Assessment: Develop comprehensive assessment systems at the state and local levels • Professional Learning: Support professional learning…… (Notion of educator pipeline from recruitment to expert)
Reviewing Priorities – GALLERY WALK (3 min per priority): LIKES & WISHES feedback: Given the desired outcomes you just envisioned,what are your • LIKES • WISHES for improvement? Capture on post-its
By Priority Area STRATEGIES
WHO can enact the strategies? RIDE Local Education Agencies Community Partners
Strategy Defined • Definition of Strategy: the major actions that will occur to advance the priorities and achieve the key outcomes. • Role of Strategy: Strategies describe the bodies of work at a high-level and with clarity, but do not prescribe work plans or fine-grained tasks.
STRATEGIES - by Priority area • VOTE WITH YOUR FEET. Go to the Priority Area you’re most compelled to work on. • Explore specific strategies (HOWs) to manifest that priority. • For each strategy, identify the actor(s) - WHO’s Capture on chart paper provided.
What’s next, after tonight… • Even Wider Engagement for Inputs • Ongoing community partner convenings: “Education Exchange” • Externally facilitated, run and hosted (not by RIDE!) • For ADT, based on SRT feedback: • Refining values, priorities • Getting into strategies Next SRT Meet-up: Monday 4/27
#EdVoicesRI Tweet your thoughts on outcomes, priorities, strategies Post a photo Share an appreciation, key learning, hope