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Social Media in emergency situations

Social Media in emergency situations. This too can be prepared for. Pascale Paulin , Communications Specialist . Bachelor’s Degree in information/communication technology Social Media Certificate Communications Consultant for Radio-Canada, Assumption Life City of Dieppe

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Social Media in emergency situations

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Social Media in emergency situations This too can be prepared for

  2. Pascale Paulin,Communications Specialist Bachelor’s Degree in information/communication technology Social Media Certificate Communications Consultant for Radio-Canada, Assumption Life City of Dieppe Project Manager: AFMNB School of Public Service Instructor in change management Instructor in communications Owner of Forté Communication

  3. What we have just lived through… #prayformoncton#monctonshooting#monctonSTRONG

  4. Communication in an emergency situation • 6 important principles: • Simple • Timely manner • Precise • Repeated • Credible • Consistent

  5. And social media? • What they are known for: • Rapidity • Precision (if well done) • Wide propagation • Repetition (due to sharing) • Accessible

  6. 1st step: being there!

  7. 2nd step: being present Regular presence + Interesting content = Increased visibility

  8. 3rd step: include in your plan • Perfect recipe: Social AND Traditional Media • Add on to your current plan to include social media. • Training for people able to pass on the messages through social media. • The understanding by the authorities - social media governance.

  9. 4th step: engage your citizens • They have to know that you are using social media to discuss emergency situations: • Regular advice • Reminders that the info will be available • Links to the Web

  10. Your Click-word : #important • Allows your various audiences to follow you and have a common place where they can find information quickly or ask for help. • Facilitates monitoring. • Must be the same for all agencies and organizations working with you during the crisis situation.

  11. During the crisis • Clear instructions • Consistent information • Fact rectification • Relaying messages • Answers to questions asked

  12. #rcmpNB


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