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Aspects and Impacts Assessment

Aspects and Impacts Assessment. Ranking Environmental Health and Safety Aspects and Impacts. "EMS Models and Strategies: ISO 14001 and Beyond. Gaining Competitive Advantage through Environmental Management Systems". Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Management Systems.

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Aspects and Impacts Assessment

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Aspects and Impacts Assessment Ranking Environmental Health and Safety Aspects and Impacts "EMS Models and Strategies: ISO 14001 and Beyond. Gaining Competitive Advantage through Environmental Management Systems"

  2. Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Management Systems Goals for this presentation • Rationale for integrating health and safety into your Environmental Management System (EMS) • How to identify environmental health and safety aspects, impacts and their significance

  3. EHS Management Systems Why you should consider integrating Health and Safety into your EMS?

  4. EHS Management Systems Why you should consider integrating Health and Safety into your EMS? • Leverage clear relationship between health/safety and environmental impacts

  5. EHS Management Systems Why you should consider integrating Health and Safety into your EMS? • Leverage clear relationship between health/safety and environmental impacts • Prioritize health and safety risks

  6. EHS Management Systems Why you should consider integrating Health and Safety into your EMS? • Leverage clear relationship between health/safety and environmental impacts • Prioritize health and safety risks • Improve health and safety performance

  7. EHS Management Systems Why you should consider integrating Health and Safety into your EMS? • Leverage clear relationship between health/safety and environmental impacts • Prioritize health and safety risks • Improve health and safety performance • Leverage existing environmental management system

  8. EHS Management Systems Why you should consider integrating Health and Safety into your EMS? • Leverage clear relationship between health/safety and environmental impacts • Prioritize health and safety risks • Improve health and safety performance • Leverage existing environmental management system • Organizational convenience

  9. EHS Management Systems Why you should consider integrating Health and Safety into your EMS? • What are the precautions to integration? • Not recommended when you are implementing your EMS

  10. EHS Management Systems Why you should consider integrating Health and Safety into your EMS? • What are the precautions to integration? • Not recommended when you are implementing your EMS • Could complicate third-party certification

  11. Identifying Health and Safety Aspects • Regulatory

  12. Identifying Health and Safety Aspects • Regulatory • Historical review

  13. Identifying Health and Safety Aspects • Regulatory • Historical review • Production processes

  14. Identifying Health and Safety Aspects • Regulatory • Historical review • Production processes

  15. Identifying Health and Safety Aspects • Regulatory • Historical review • Production processes • Facilities services (e.g. utilities)

  16. Identifying Health and Safety Aspects • Regulatory • Historical review • Production processes • Facilities services (e.g. utilities) • Consider the supply chain

  17. How to Identify EHS impact and significance Organizes EHS impact in the form of a consequence and frequency matrix

  18. Environmental Health and Safety and Supply Chain ManagementQuestions and Discussion "EMS Models and Strategies: ISO 14001 and Beyond. Gaining Competitive Advantage through Environmental Management Systems" Dames & Moore

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