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Grand Banks Bottom Trawling Impacts Assessment

Explore the model components, methodology, GIS analysis, impacts assessment, and key issues surrounding Grand Banks fishing. Dive into stock assessments, economic impacts, ecosystem effects, and important policy considerations. Don't miss this informative presentation highlighting the complexities of bottom trawling impacts.

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Grand Banks Bottom Trawling Impacts Assessment

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Presentation Transcript

  1. This presentation will probably involve audience discussion, which will create action items. Use PowerPoint to keep track of these action items during your presentation • In Slide Show, click on the right mouse button • Select “Meeting Minder” • Select the “Action Items” tab • Type in action items as they come up • Click OK to dismiss this box • This will automatically create an Action Item slide at the end of your presentation with your points entered. Grand Banks Bottom Trawling Impacts Assessment Michael Sutherland, Yanlai Zhao, Dan Lane, C-FOAM and OMRN School of Management University of Ottawa Michael Sutherland, Yanlai Zhao, Dan Lane, C-FOAM and OMRN School of Management University of Ottawa CORS National Meeting 2007

  2. PRESENTATION • Model components • Methodology • GIS model of the Grand Banks • Impacts analysis • Issues CORS National Meeting 2007

  3. MODEL COMPONENTS • Space – Grand Banks mapping • Planning period – 1977-2005; 2006-2010 • Grand Banks fish stocks (10) • Fleets: (5) Harvesting and Processing • Communities: Newfoundland (10) and Nova Scotia (5) CORS National Meeting 2007

  4. METHODOLOGY SpatialTemporal Stock Assessments Module 1 Stock Status Data Stocks Fishing Mortality Fleets Attribution Annual Catch Schedule per Stock Module 2 ZIFF Files Fleet Harvesting Costs & Revenues Module 3 Fleets Characterization Fleet Integrated Economic Performance Harvesting and Processing Employment & Labour Earnings Community Population Module 4 CORS National Meeting 2007

  5. GIS MODEL • Mapping using ArcGIS and Google Earth • Species presence, catch, effort and value • GIS analysis • Spatial-temporal animations CORS National Meeting 2007

  6. IMPACTS ANALYSIS • Species and Gears • Economic impacts – historical and projections • Report conclusions and issues CORS National Meeting 2007

  7. Grand Banks Stocks CORS National Meeting 2007

  8. Grand Banks Fishing Gears CORS National Meeting 2007

  9. Shrimp 2 Skates Capelin 5 1 Crab Cod Skates Plaice Ytail 5 2 Cod Skates 3 Redfish Plaice Witch 1 1 Ytail Turbot 3 3 4 2 5 CORS National Meeting 2007

  10. Annual Grand Banks Catch 1977-2010 CORS National Meeting 2007

  11. Economic Inputs - Historical CORS National Meeting 2007

  12. Historical Economic Impacts and Projection Scenarios 2006-2010 • Status Quo – extension of recent history (post 1995) • Negative – “worst case”, decline in stock-recruitment, depressed prices, homogeneous gear allocations • Positive– “best case”, improved stock-recruitment, improvements in prices, homogeneous gear allocations CORS National Meeting 2007

  13. Economic Impacts – SQ Harvesting CORS National Meeting 2007

  14. Economic Impacts – SQ Processing CORS National Meeting 2007

  15. Economic Impacts - Negative CORS National Meeting 2007

  16. Economic Impacts - Positive CORS National Meeting 2007

  17. Communities Impacts CORS National Meeting 2007

  18. Ecosystem Impacts of Trawling • Studies of small relative areas • Kenchington et al (2006) – Maritimes review • Gilkinson et al (2006) – NL review • Rice (2006) – International review • Results depend on extent of trawling • Larger impacts on heavily trawled ecosystem communities CORS National Meeting 2007

  19. ISSUES • Policy/Management need for understanding spatial-temporal impacts • Data requirements and availability • Can’t extend small-scale analysis • Exercise in system validation through data analysis CORS National Meeting 2007

  20. ISSUES • Model good for testing “what-if?” hypotheses for ecosystem interactions • Benefits for integrated strategic planning • Policy evaluation tool CORS National Meeting 2007

  21. This presentation will probably involve audience discussion, which will create action items. Use PowerPoint to keep track of these action items during your presentation • In Slide Show, click on the right mouse button • Select “Meeting Minder” • Select the “Action Items” tab • Type in action items as they come up • Click OK to dismiss this box • This will automatically create an Action Item slide at the end of your presentation with your points entered. Grand Banks Bottom Trawling Impacts Assessment Michael Sutherland, Yanlai Zhao, Dan Lane, C-FOAM and OMRN School of Management University of Ottawa Michael Sutherland, Yanlai Zhao, Dan Lane, C-FOAM and OMRN School of Management University of Ottawa THANK YOU CORS National Meeting 2007

  22. Estimated Groundfish Stock Biomass CORS National Meeting 2007

  23. Stock Assessment Profile: 3LNO American Plaice CORS National Meeting 2007

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