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Present, Future, Conditional, Reflexives, Direct & Indirect Objects. Alex Morrison & Allie Fletcher. Present. -er Verb Endings: Je: -e Tu: -es Il/Elle: -e Nous: -ons Vous: -ez Ils/Elles: -ent. -ir Verb Endings: Je: -is Tu: -is Il/Elle: -it
Present, Future, Conditional, Reflexives, Direct & Indirect Objects Alex Morrison & Allie Fletcher
Present -er Verb Endings: Je: -e Tu: -es Il/Elle: -e Nous: -ons Vous: -ez Ils/Elles: -ent -ir Verb Endings: Je: -is Tu: -is Il/Elle: -it Nous: -issons Vous: -issez Ils/Elles: -issent -re Verb Endings: Je: -s Tu: -s Il/Elle: -- Nous: -ons Vous: -ez Ils/Elles: -ent Par Exemple: Je chante Tu chantes Il/Elle chante Nous chantons Vous chantez Ils/Elles chantent Par Exemple: Je finis Tu finis Il/elle finit Nous finissons Vous finissez Ils/Elles finissent Par Exemple: Je descends Tu descends Il/elle descend Nous descendons Vous descendez Ils/elles descendent
Future • The future is formed by adding the personal endings to the infinitive. In -re verbs, the final e is dropped before the endings are added.
Conditional • To form the conditional of -er and -ir verbs, add the appropriate ending to the infinitive. For -re verbs, drop the final “e” before adding the ending:
Reflexive Verbs • The subject performs the action on itself. • Here are a few common examples: S’asseoir: to sit (down) S’habiller: to get dressed S’appeler: to be called Se laver: to wash S’arrêter: to stop Se lever: to get up Se brosser: to brush Se promener: to take a walk Se coucher: to go to bed Se réveiller: to wake up
Reflexive Verb Examples Se laver (Present Tense) Se coucher (Past Tense)
Direct Object Pronouns Personal object pronouns, direct and indirect, are placed immediately before the verbs of which they are the object (except in affirmative commands) Je vous comprends. I understand you Elle ne se lève pas tard. She does not get up late
Indirect Object Pronouns Personal object pronouns, direct and indirect, are placed immediately before the verbs of which they are the object (except in affirmative commands) Lui a-t-il téléphoné? Did he telephone her? Vous devez le lire. You must read it.
Interro leur • He buys books for them. Il ____ achète des livres. • I'm giving the bread to you. Je ____ donne le pain. • He would eat if he were hungry. Il _________ s'il avait faim. • She wrote to me. Elle ____ écrit. • I will get up. Je ___ lèverai. • We went to bed. Nous _____ sommes couchés. • Are you going to shave? Vas-tu ___ raser ? • I will go to the store tomorrow. _____ au magasin demain. • They will eat on the plane Ils _________ dans l'avion. vous mangerait m’a me nous te J’irai mangeront