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Uncovering UED Observables at the LHC: Discovery Potential and Signatures

Explore the Level 1 and Level 2 discovery potential of Universal Extra Dimensions (UED) observables at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Discover the key signatures such as 4 leptons + missing energy and dijet production enhancements. Learn how the gluon exchange and neutral LKP impacts detection strategies. Dive into analysis results and reach for resolving missing energy events with 5σ statistics. Discover the predictions for ΩB(1)h2 and KK-level excitations accessible at LHC.

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Uncovering UED Observables at the LHC: Discovery Potential and Signatures

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Presentation Transcript

  1. UED Observables at the LHC

  2. UED Observables at the LHC? • Level 1 Discovery Potential • 4 leptons + missing energy • Neutral LKP escapes detection • Level 2 Discovery Potential • f0 f0 → Z**→ l +l - • Dijet Production enhancement at high ECM • Exchange of gluon excitations g(2n)

  3. UED Level 1 Discovery • 4 leptons + missing energy • Q* pair production each decaying to V+j • WWjj, WZjj, ZZjj • ZZjj most promising with 4 charged leptons in final state • Each jet carries a LKP escaping detection, carrying away readily discernible missing energy

  4. Level 1 Discovery Diagrams pp collider → gluon fusion strongest channel for high PT events

  5. Existing Analysis for • hep-ph/0205314 Matchev, Cheng, and Schmaltz provide some analysis results

  6. Discovery Reach hep-ph/0205314 Matchev, Cheng, and Schmaltz • LHC can resolve with 5σ statistics missing ET events if R < 1 TeV after the first year (low luminosity = 10 fb-1) • LHC will be able to 5σ resolve missing ET events after 2nd year (@ high luminosity) if R<1.5 TeV

  7. UED Level 2 Signature Z(2)→l +l - • 2nd KK level excitation should still be accessible at LHC with mass ~2 TeV • KK parity conservation allows pair production through even /Z excitations • f0 f0 → Z(2) → l +l -

  8. Dijet Production • At high ECM, gluon excitations enhance jet production through virtual gluon exchange • Polessello, Laforge, Ferrag, Escalier, Balazs (hep-ph/0402295 pg. 95) have performed a PYTHIA simulation of these processes

  9. Dijet Production Left: Number of dijets vs. transverse momentum Pt Right: KK contribution to the cross section

  10. Servant, Tait • Hep-ph/0206071

  11. Prediction for ΩB(1)h2 • hep-ph/0206071 • Graph plotted in 2002 – slightly outdated • Lower band should span 0.09 to 0.13 corresponding to m = 750 - 950 GeV, using latest WMAP results

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