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This survey paper discusses various analyses of observables related to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the models with large extra dimensions. It includes discussions on virtual graviton exchange, gg → γγ, q-qbar → γγ processes, as well as Feynman diagrams. The paper also presents 2σ and 3σ limits and the discovery reach of different experiments.
Eboli, Han, Magro and Mercadente • hep-ph/9908358 • virtual graviton exchange • gg → γγ • q-qbar → γγ • 2σ limits
Atwood, Bar-Shalom, Soni • hep-ph/9906400 • Assumed n = 4 • ∫Ldt = 30 fb-1 • pp → VV, jj • Results compatible with hep-ph/9908358 • 3σ resolution if MD < 6 TeV
Hinchliffe, Vacavant • J. Phys G 2001 Vol. 27 p. 1839 • gg → gG→ j + missing ET • gq→ qG→ j + missing ET • q-qbar→ gG→ j + missing ET
Other Important Points • n = 6 cannot be probed at LHC, as the cross section for graviton emission is too small • The authors point out cosmological observations of SN 1987a imply MD > 50 TeV for n = 2, in apparent contradiction to their own analysis.