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Essential Nutrients Carbohydrates Fat Protein Vitamins Minerals Water

NUTRITION. Essential Nutrients Carbohydrates Fat Protein Vitamins Minerals Water. Provide Energy. Facilitate energy use, growth, repair and reproduction. Replace fluids in cells and tissues. NUTRITION TYPICAL vs.RECOMMENDED. http://www.webmd.com/video/nestle-americas-nutrition.

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Essential Nutrients Carbohydrates Fat Protein Vitamins Minerals Water

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  1. NUTRITION • Essential Nutrients • Carbohydrates • Fat • Protein • Vitamins • Minerals • Water Provide Energy Facilitate energy use, growth, repair and reproduction Replace fluids in cells and tissues


  3. http://www.webmd.com/video/nestle-americas-nutrition http://www.webmd.com/video/bariatric-surgery http://download.eastbaymediac.com.edgesuite.net/anon.eastbaymediac.m7z.net/ebm-origin/podcast_media/NutritionFreeLecture.mp4

  4. NUTRITION Calories = measure of the energy content foods provide. 1 Calorie (Cal.) = 1 kilocalorie = 1,000 calories 1 calorie (lowercase c) can raise 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius 1 Calorie (uppercase C) can raise 1 kilogram of water 1 degree Celsius http://www.webmd.com/video/nestle-what-is-calorie

  5. PROTEINS • Proteins: • Abt. ½ of non-water body weight • repair, build cells • structure • cell and body functions • antibodies, enzymes, hormones • transport CO2, O2, nutrients • 1 gram = 4 Calories • 10-12% of daily calories

  6. PROTEINS Amino Acids = building blocks Essential = 9 amino acids Non-essential = 11 amino acids Complete protein = 20 amino acids = 9 Essential + 11 Non-essential

  7. PROTEINS Complete proteins all 9 essential amino acids animal products Incomplete proteins lack some of the 9 essential amino acids plant products .


  9. PROTEINS What’s the deal with High Protein Diets? Ketone Bodies http://www.webmd.com/diet/slideshow-high-protein-diet

  10. CARBOHYDRATES • Carbohydrates (CHO) • Energy • 45-65% of calories • 1 gram = 4 Calories

  11. Simple VS. Complex • Simple carbohydrates (sugars) • Glucose and glycogen • Direct energy source • Protein sparing effect • Complex carbohydrates • source of vitamins and minerals, • “time release” energy source, • fiber

  12. Fiber • Insoluble Fiber – • absorbs water • aids digestion • Soluble Fiber • gel-like • paces the absorption of carbohydrates • 25-38 grams of fiber a day recommended http://www.webmd.com/diet/fiber-health-benefits-11/slideshow-high-fiber-foods

  13. FATS Fats Energy - supply and store Insulation Cell function and structure 20-30% of Calories (20% unsaturated) (10% saturated) 1 gram = 9 Calories 1 pound of fat = 3500 Calories

  14. FATS • Fats = lipids=fats and oils • Triglyceride = • Saturated: • Unsaturated: • a. Polyunsaturated • b. Monounsaturated

  15. Trans-Fatty Acids • Trans-fatty acid • Hydrogenation

  16. FATS = essential Omega 6 = linoleic Omega 3 = linolenic http://www.webmd.com/diet/slideshow-omega-3-health-benefits

  17. Vitamins • metabolic function. • A,D,E, and K are fat soluble • B and C are water soluble. • best from food. • .

  18. Minerals • enzyme function • Macro = major • calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, chloride • Micro = trace • iron, zinc, copper, selenium, fluoride, chromium • Sodium • 2400 mg a day recommended • 3100-4700mg typical,



  21. http://www.choosemyplate.gov/


  23. Energy Balance Equation Caloric Intake from Fats, Carbohydrate, Protein, • Caloric Expenditure • BMR 60-75% • Thermogenesis 10-30% • Physical Activity 15-30% • N.E.A.T.

  24. BASEL METABOLIC RATE = BMR HAMWI EQUATION: Women 100 Calories for first 5 feet and 5 Calories for each inch over % feet. Men 106 Calories for first 5 feet and 6 Calories for each inch over 5 feet.

  25. IDEAL BODY WEIGHT % total body weight minus % fat weight = % fat-free weight Example: Male college student 185lbs. and 25% body fat. He wants to be at 10% body fat 75% times 185 lbs. = 138.8 lbs. of fat free weight 138.8 ÷ .90 = 154.2 lbs.

  26. CALORIC TRICKS Water not sugar drinks Whole foods – fresh vegetables and fruits Nutrient Dense Foods – ¼ pounder w/ cheese vs. 6 inch turkey sub. High volume, Low Calorie Foods –high water and fiber content soups, fruit, vegetables High fiber foods – brown rice, whole grain breads Limit fried foods Limit added simple sugars

  27. Nutrition and Fitness •  Complex Carbohydrates • provide energy •  Protein (lean natural sources) • Repair tissues •  Fats (saturated) ( essential fats) • Vitamins and minerals • best from natural sources • Water • energy and electrolyte drinks unnecessary

  28. DAILY CALORIC NEED BMR = 60-75% of total Calories MyPlate.gov

  29. ORGANIC FOODS http://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/slideshow-to-buy-or-not-to-buy-organic

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