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powerpoint presentation designed by claro ruiz vicente clarovicente.weebly

Explore the symbolic meaning of clothing in the Bible and the truths it represents. Dive into lessons from biblical figures' attire and the message behind their garments.

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powerpoint presentation designed by claro ruiz vicente clarovicente.weebly

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  1. Adult Bible Study Guide Apr • May • Jun 2011 powerpoint presentation designed by claro ruiz vicente http://clarovicente.weebly.com

  2. Office of the Adult Bible Study Guide Staff Principal Contributors

  3. Garments of Grace Contents 1. In the Loom of Heaven 2. From Exalted to Cast Down 3. A Garment of Innocence 4. The Coat of Different Colors 5. The Priestly Garments of Grace 6. Elijah’s ang Elisha’s Mantle 7. In the Shadow of His Wings 8. Garments of Splendor 9. A Brand Plucked From Fire 10. The Prodigal’s New Clothes 11. The Wedding Garment 12. More Clothing Imagery 13. Clothed in Christ

  4. Garments of Grace Our Goal {169} This quarter’s lesson focus on biblical symbolism of a certain kind: clothing imagery. We will consider the garments that people in the Bible wore and what that clothing really meant, what truths it symbolized, what realities it pointed to, and what lessons we can learn from it.

  5. Garments of Grace Lesson 7, May 14 In the Shadow of His Wings

  6. In the Shadow of His Wings Key Text Psalm 63:7 NKJV Because You have been my help, therefore in the shadow of Your wings I will rejoice.”

  7. In the Shadow of His Wings Initial Words {243} The eagle is majesty, power, and grace. The eagle is all these metaphors, yet greater than their sum. David turned to a similar image in his psalms about being sheltered under the wings of God. We will meditate through his psalms on how God shelters us and covers our sin. We will look at the events that inspired his need for these coverings.

  8. In the Shadow of His Wings Quick Look 1.Kingly Robes VS Garments of Humility(2 Samuel 12:7, 8, 13) 2.David’s Concealing VS God’s Covering (Psalm 32:1-4) 3.Dirty Laundry VS Cleansing Agent (Psalm 51:7, 10)

  9. In the Shadow of His Wings 1. Kingly Robes VS Garments of Humility 2 Samuel 12:7, 8, 13 NKJV Nathan said to David, You are the man! Thus says the LORD God of Israel: ‘I anointed you king over Israel…. I would have given you much more!’ David said to Nathan, ‘I have sinned against the LORD.’ And Nathan said to David, ‘The LORD also has put away your sin, you shall not die.’ ”

  10. Kingly Robes VS Garments of Humility The Naked Truth {244} Like the eagle, David soared high. The shepherd-king reached heights of greatness few monarchs ever attain. He was clothed in the spoils of military victory and covered with honor and glory. But David forgot that his kingly robes were a gift from God. They could not hide even a king’s sins from God’s sight.

  11. Kingly Robes VS Garments of Humility The Naked Truth {244} At the pinnacle of greatness, David faces his fiercest battle. The war isn’t waged on the bloody fields of Rabbah but over the six inches of mental turf that lies behind David’s frontal lobe. What Goliath with his monstrous lance failed to do to David, a bathing woman, seen from the king’s rooftop, does. How easily a “giant” is felled by one small stone or, in this case, one small glance.

  12. Kingly Robes VS Garments of Humility Nathan Bares All {246} David hides his sin under a veil of deceit. Sin hardens David’s heart to stone. But God sends Nathan to break it. He removes his kingly robes and puts on the garments of humility and mourning. He prostrates himself openly before God in repentance. A year earlier, under the cover of darkness, David prostrated himself in lust secretly with Bathsheba on that fatal eve his dying child was conceived.

  13. In the Shadow of His Wings 2. David’s Concealing VS God’s Covering Psalm 32:1-4 NKJV Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man to whom the LORD does not impute iniquity, and whose spirit there is no guile. When I kept silent, my bones grew old through my groaning all the day long. For day and night Your hand was heavy upon me.”

  14. 2. David’s Concealing VS God’s Covering Blessed Is He Whose Sin is Covered {248} David covers his sin of adultery with lies and bloodshed, but the weight of his own guilt crushes him. David casts himself in true humility and repentance on the sure mercy of God. In his cry for forgiveness, David does a number of things that are instructive for all who seek God’s covering of forgiveness:

  15. 2. David’s Concealing VS God’s Covering Blessed Is He Whose Sin is Covered {248} (1) David makes no excuse for his sin; (2) he makes no attempt to justify himself; (3) he does not find fault with God’s law for condemning him; (4) he blames only himself for his sin; and (5) he genuinely hates the sin that separated him from God and turns from it. And God covers it.

  16. 2. David’s Concealing VS God’s Covering Blessed Is He Whose Sin is Covered {248} God does not overlook sin. But sin is covered, meaning its guilt is no longer to be imputed, or brought against, the sinner when it is repented of. Confession alone is incomplete without repentance. We must not only be sorry for our sin, we must turn away from it in God’s power. SINIS COVERED

  17. 2. David’s Concealing VS God’s Covering Blessed Is He Whose Sin is Covered {248} God can forgive and cover all sin. His grace not only forgives sin but accepts the repentant sinner as though he or she never sinned! That is the power of Jesus, our Substitute, upon whom God lays the sin. In this way, Christ’s righteousness is imputed to the repentant sinner.

  18. In the Shadow of His Wings 3. Dirty Laundry VS Cleansing Agent Psalm 51:7, 10 NKJV Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”

  19. 3. Dirty Laundry VS Gleansing Agent Whiter Than Snow {250} Psalm 51 also alludes to the imagery of garments as a sin covering. But here the emphasis is on the washing and whitening agents used to clean garments and on their spiritual significance. In other words, in this psalm, David metaphorically does his “dirty laundry.”

  20. 3. Dirty Laundry VS Gleansing Agent Whiter Than Snow {250} Purge suggests the idea of making atonement for sin. Hyssop, a gray-green marjoram plant, was used as a spice and had medicinal properties. Thus, it was both a nutritive and a healing agent. David understood that only the remedy with the greatest purifying power could cleanse him from sin’s defilement. And that remedy is the atoning blood of our Savior.

  21. 3. Dirty Laundry VS Gleansing Agent Whiter Than Snow {250} God does not merely cleanse the heart from iniquity; He creates in His forgiven child a new heart. A new heart is a new mind. Prayer for forgiveness always should be united with prayer for heart renewal and holy living. David desires to be clothed in an entirely new mental and moral nature. He prays to be steadfast in obedience and not to be deprived of the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

  22. In the Shadow of His Wings Final Words {349} God’s mercy, like the wings of the eagle, shelters those who forsake their sins, no matter how deep they may have fallen. But unlike the guilt of our sin, which is blotted out, the consequences or results of sin often may not be removed. May we all take heed!

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