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7 Hardest Fish To Catch On The Planet - Your Next Trophy Fish

Fishing is not easy, but some fish dodge even the most talented of fishers. Here's the list of some of the most challenging freshwater and saltwater catches.

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7 Hardest Fish To Catch On The Planet - Your Next Trophy Fish

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  1. 7 7 Hardest Fish To Catch On The Planet Hardest Fish To Catch On The Planet Swipe Swipe

  2. 1 Marlin Marlin prefers to dive deep in warm waters. Marlins love live baits, but there are tackles made to lure them too. Troll the bait at a speed of about 8.5 knots. Marlin also are known to fight particularly hard after they strike! The largest may easily weight over 500 kg!

  3. 2 Wahoo Wahoo loves the warm waters of Florida and Louisiana. Warmer seasons are the best time to catch them. Its speed makes it the most difficult fish to catch– they can swim up to 60 miles an hour! Some use dead bait, others use live baits, and some swear by dragging multiple lures. During low tide, go for 200 to 400 feet depth. Use a planer to troll 12, 14, or up to 16 or 20 knots.

  4. 3 Tarpon This trophy fish is also known as the Silver King. They like warm summer months, particularly June, that’s a great time to try to catch them. They fight and jump once you catch them. To hook one, have at least a 30 lb line and crab or fish live bait. To catch Tarpons in piers or shallows troll the line at slow speeds, from 1.5 miles to 2.5 miles.

  5. 4 Dolphin Fish Also known as Mahi-Mahi & Dorado are fast swimmers and know how to avoid a hook. Mahi means “strong” in Hawaiian, and you will feel it why once they strike! These fish live in subtropical and tropical waters b/w 68 Fahrenheit & 83 Fahrenheit. They are surface dwellers and easier to spot near weed lines or temperature breaks. Cut fish of any kind, from squid to ballyhoo are a good bait for them. Use 30 to 50 lb line and troll usually no more than 6.

  6. 5 Permit Found in shallow waters and subtropical areas, Permits can be the difficult but prized catch. These fish can be easy to spot but are adept at throwing a line or pushing away hooks. While they can grow to approximately 20 lbs many skilled fishers consider them to be a challenge. Use bait like live crabs or dead crabs or lobster.

  7. 6 Tuna Tuna are notoriously difficult to catch. These fish can survive in cold water and can dive to depths from 500 feet to 1000 feet. Troll for tuna between 4.5 knots and 7.5 knots. Use live bait like mullet, herring, blue runners and other fish for more successful catch. This fish can be spooked easily and they have good eyesight which makes them a challenge to hook.

  8. 7 Goliath Tigerfish Goliath Tigerfish lives in Africa and is an extremely large predatory freshwater fish. Because its range is limited to the Congo, it is very hard to find. Their distinctive razor-sharp teeth and strong jaws make them dangerous, as they can shred bait easily. Surface fishing is recommended for this unique species. The biggest one on record was nearly 5 feet long and weighed 154 pounds.


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