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EQAVET Indicators Toolkit: Enhancing VET Quality Assurance

Explore the mandate and deliverables of Working Group on Indicators 2 aiming to develop tools and common language for quality assurance in vocational education and training. The toolkit includes principles, catalog of indicators, and dimensions for stakeholders.

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EQAVET Indicators Toolkit: Enhancing VET Quality Assurance

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  1. National Reference Points MeetingBrussels, 16-17 November 2010 Plenary Session Working Group on Indicators (WG 2) Maria Emília Galvão

  2. I KEEP six honest serving- men (They taught me all I knew);Their names are What and Why and WhenAnd How and Where and Who.In The Elephant's Child, Rudyard Kipling[1] [1]http://www.kipling.org.uk/poems_serving.htm Metaphorically speaking…

  3. Subgroup 1 Helene Babel (AT) Rhona Dempsey (IE) Katja Jeznik (SL) Egle Zybartiene (LT) Gabriela Jakubová (SK) Wolfgang Kreher ( DE) Nick Gibson (UK) Dace Ratniece (LV) Morten Smistrup (SP) Naomi Wauterickx(BE) Meetings 1&2 Meeting 2 Subgroup 2 Gunvor Krarup Vedstesen (DK) Anthony Saliba (MT) Michaela Marsikova (CZ) István Kiszter (HU) Juergen Holtz (NL) Gabriel Radu (RO) Anders Vind (SP) Rita Siilivask (EE) Carla Ferreira (PT) Murat Midas (TR) Katalin Szemeredi( SP) Meeting 1 No Meeting Who are the members of WG2?

  4. What is the WG’s Mandate? (cont.) • Objectives • to develop materials which will be useful to Member States, namely a Toolkit/ Users’ guide on the EQAVET indicators to be available as an on- line resource; • to develop a “common language” in the field of quality assurance in VET, particularly in the field of indicators; • to clarify key concepts/terms used in the EQAVET indicators • Goals • to foster a common understanding of the EQAVET indicators; • to support stakeholders in using the set of ten indicators.

  5. Strategies: goals and specific objectives will be achieved by building on the definitions developed and agreed by the ENQAVET Thematic Group on Indicators; capitalizing on the knowledge and experiences in relation to the use of indicators and outcome- based performance approaches for VET by Member States and such organizations as Cedefop, Eurostat, UOE, OCDE, etc.; using a matrix which will analyse each indicator under a set of 9 common categories /dimensions; cooperating with Working Group1. What is the WG’s Mandate? (cont.)

  6. Concrete deliverables The WGI will develop a Toolkit /Users’ Guide which: offers support to help the implementation of the tem EQAVET indicators in a non-prescriptive manner (indicators are indicative and not compulsory); uses a modular format to allow access to information depending on users’ needs ; illustrates Member States’ experiences in a showcase format; is a practical on-line resource attempts to develop a “common language”on VET indicators. What is the WG’s Mandate? (cont.)

  7. Section IIntroduction to theEQAVET Indicators’ Toolkit Introductory section in a Question & Answer format, through which information regarding the Toolkit is provided: why this toolkit has been developed, how it relates to other EQAVET initiatives, what its purpose is, whom it is addressed to, what goals and objectives underlie this instrument and how users should read it What will the WG’s deliverable look like?

  8. Section IIThe EQAVET Indicators This Section focuses on principles of Quality Assurance (its purposes & definitions and the role of stakeholders in QA); the role of Indicators in EQAVET ( definition of EQAVET indicator, the alignment of EQAVET indicators with European policy goals and main issues regarding the implementation of EQAVET indicators).

  9. Section IIITheCatalogue of Indicators This Section contains the bulk of information for the interpretation and application of the indicators under two headings: Key Information and Technical Notes The Key Information and the Technical Notes are presented in a modular format (one module for each indicator).

  10. SECTION III (cont.) Each module is structured around an Indicator entry focusing on 9 dimensions which are disclosed by a process of Q&A (Guiding Questions and Answers) Dimensions: the operational definition, the recommended use, related indicators, additional information, the indicator’s components, its formula, the usually reported subgroups, a display suggestion and sources. An illustration of existing practices in Member States is likely to be provided. A Glossary of concepts & terms ( an extension of the ENQAVET list of terms and definitions)

  11. Meeting 1 ( June 2010): defining the terms of reference for the WG To maximise the results of the ongoing Europe-wide cooperation; To support the implementation of EQAVET as a catalyst for change; To establish the scope of the work to be undertaken, to set the objectives of the WG, to agree a work plan, to determine the expected outcomes of the group and to define the concrete deliverables. How and when will WG 2 carry out its mandate?

  12. to establish the scope of the work to be undertaken, to set the objectives of the WG, to agree a work plan, to determine the expected outcomes of the group and to define the concrete deliverables. How and when will WG 2 carry out its mandate?

  13. Meeting 2 (Oct 2010): taking stock of the Q&A exercise • Discussing, in allocated subgroups and in plenary, a set of proposed questions; • Coming to a consensus about which questionsto keep, to drop or to add up; • Starting the discussion on possible answers to the selected questions. • How and when will WG 2 carry out its mandate?

  14. Currentlly, the twoSubgroupsare discussing on-line and offering Answers(comments & suggestions) to the agreed Questions as updated in the 2nd draft of the Catalogue; • identififying examples which may be presented as an illustration of an existing practice at MS level in a showcaseformat. • How and when will WG 2 carry out its mandate?

  15. Meeting 3 (December 2010):pruning and trimming the Toolkit On the basis of revised documents, the WGIwill reach a consensus on the 3rd Draft of Section III ( the Catalogue of Indicators) by analyzing, discussing and expanding on those Q&A which may still require further work; improve the content of Sections I and IIby examining its fitness for purpose and putting forward proposals to revise them. How and when will WG 2 carry out its mandate?

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