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Tau Physics

Tau Physics. Section Editors BaBar: Mike Roney Belle: Hisaki Hayashii Theory: ?. B-factories Legacy Book Meeting SLAC, Oct 30-31. Papers. Belle Published 1) Mtau 2) LFV 3) various strange decays 4)non-strange SF: Rtau (2pi)

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Tau Physics

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tau Physics Section Editors BaBar: Mike Roney Belle: Hisaki Hayashii Theory: ? B-factories Legacy Book Meeting SLAC, Oct 30-31

  2. Papers Belle Published 1) Mtau 2) LFV 3) various strange decays 4)non-strange SF: Rtau (2pi) 5) EDM6) various decays with eta's Foreseen papers in time to be included in the book : 1) Strange spectral functions 2) 2nd class current 3) CP violation in tau decays. 4) Vector/Axial Vector Scalar Form Factors ? BaBar Published 1) Mtau 2)Various LFV 3) Various strange decays 4) various high mulipliciaty hadronic Foreseen papers in time to be included in the book: 1) Universality 2) strange spectral functions 3) R_tau 4) lifetime 5) 2nd class currents Summary of papers (BaBar+Belle): 1) PRL: # 2) PRD: # 3) ....

  3. Sectionsubdivision

  4. Inter-correlation Section (Tau Physics) (Subsection (Vus)) (Papers - various strange decays) Foreseen resolution: cross-referencing & division of topics ... related to OPE formalism Section (?) Section (Tau Physics) (Subsection (all)) (Paper (all)) Section (Tau Physics) (Subsection (Hadronic Rtau)) (Paper Belle) Section (Tau Physics) Subsection: lifetime No paper yet Foreseen resolution: cross-referencing related to tools: PID related to ISR pipi etc g-2 Foreseen resolution: combined section on g-2 related to Charm lifetime ratios Foreseen resolution: cross-referencing

  5. Contributors Confirmed (beside section editors) BaBar: Lusiani, Cervelii, Banerjee, Igokina, Belle: Hayashii Un-confirmed BaBar: Sobie, Hast, Lafferty Belle: Shwartz, Solodok, Inami


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