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Chain analysis

StMiniMcMaker StAssociationMaker : STAR makers matched reconstructed data and simulated data Output : minimc.root. Chain analysis. fz file. Done during the reconstruction Transparent for the user. MuDst.root minimc.root geant.root event.root McEvent.root. StRecTree Private maker

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Chain analysis

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Presentation Transcript

  1. StMiniMcMaker StAssociationMaker :STAR makers matched reconstructed data and simulated data Output : minimc.root Chain analysis fz file • Done during the reconstruction • Transparent for the user MuDst.root minimc.root geant.root event.root McEvent.root StRecTree Private maker Uses event.root to make recTree containing vertex and matched track information rectree.root All analysis (cd0,1,r) were done using this structure User_analysis.root Analysis should use STAR Framework (using minimc.root) • Does the minimc.root contains all the information needed to perform the same analysis as used before ?  If not, proposal to augment the current minimc tree with our needs HFT soft meeting, BNL

  2. StMiniMcTree structure StMiniMcTree • Global variable: • Event • Primary vertex … Track collections Matched Pairs Splitted Pairs MatGlobal Pairs McTrack Pairs Contam Pairs Merged Pairs Ghosts Pairs HFT soft meeting, BNL

  3. Comparison btw output structures • Event level : Reconstructed primary vertex position and geant primary vertex position Multiplicity, number of tracks, event id • Track level : Kinematic : Pt,Pz,η,φ Geant information : particle geant id, particle parent geant id, start and stop points • Detector hits : TPC, SSD PIXEL, IST TOF information : NTOF hits, TOF Tray Id, TOF module, TOF local hits, TOF pathLength ()means (not) in common in RecTree and minimctree HFT soft meeting, BNL

  4. Variables used for analysis • DCA : • in rectree : DCAXYPr (DCA in transverse plan wrt the reconstructed primary vertex) and DCAZPr (DCA along Z) are reconstructed via the 5 helix parameters (the same is saved also wrt the MC primary vertex) • in minimc: • dcaXYPr, dcaZPr,dcaXYPrMcV,dcaZPrMcV are saved : DCA of primary tracks wrt the reconstructed and MC primary vertex • The same for global track (dca of primary to vertex is ~0) HFT soft meeting, BNL

  5. Answer to question • 4) Then propose what info might be saved in minimc (e.g sec vertex x,y,z not just stopR) • This cannot be done : • Minimc has only information about reconstructed tracks • So it corresponds to daughters tracks and not the parent track • But this could be done using geant.root but require a bit more work : • Find pairs with same parent id • Then use the geant.root and take the stopR point of the corresponding track. HFT soft meeting, BNL

  6. Answer to question 5) Then propose some kind of structure for HFT (initial proposal) based on our 3rdprod. one and optimized (?) for Kalman • An immediate action would be to have the PIXEL and IST hits information in minimc : issue : code crashes in DEV (bug #2137) because of StIstHitLoader : • we fixed the code in DEV and implement this • or wait for the new geometry scheme  Add the full track (5 parameters instead of dcaXY and dcaZ) and its full matrix (array of 15 instead of array of 5 elements) HFT soft meeting, BNL

  7. What is needed for secondary vertex fit using Kalman • KFParticle.h, Mvertex.h, MTrack.h (in CVS) • Primary vertex position and its error  • Tracks information : • DCA : requires StDcaGeometry.h and THelixTrack.h (in CVS) dcaXYPr and dcaZPr (saved in minimc.root) are not enough to rebuild the full track. • Covariance matrix (5x5) There is an array of track errors in minimc but it’s only an array of 5 elements, so it might correspond to the diagonal terms  HFT soft meeting, BNL

  8. end HFT soft meeting, BNL

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