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MazeBot Project

MazeBot Project. Plan. Before you start, you must write out your project plan in your notebook: Hardware plan Draw and describe what your robot will look like, what sensors, wheels, motors, etc. it will have.

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MazeBot Project

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MazeBot Project

  2. Plan • Before you start, you must write out your project plan in your notebook: • Hardware plan • Draw and describe what your robot will look like, what sensors, wheels, motors, etc. it will have. • In particular, show how the touch sensors and bumpers will be placed so that it can react to the right wall and left wall. • Software plan • Draw program blocks and describe how your robot will behave. Make sure you account for each of the four combinations of sensors touched/not touched.

  3. Problem – Part 1 • Your robot must navigate its way through a brick maze, or at least keep going without getting stuck. • The general strategy for this is: • If either sensor is pressed, move away from that wall. • If neither sensor is pressed, go straight forward.

  4. Problem – Part 2 • In this part, you must program your robot so that it is guaranteed to go out the other end of the maze.

  5. Documentation • Still Photos • Show important features of your robot’s hardware. • Videos • ~15 seconds of robot completing Part 1 • ~15 seconds of robot completing Part 1 • Screen Shots • Show important features of each program. • No screen shots of entire programs!

  6. Background Research • With your group, research and take notes on robot navigation – how do they move around, and how do they tell where they are? • Suggestions: • Mars rovers • Roomba • Robot navigation • Summarize relevant information, and cite it properly.

  7. Report • Your report must be in the form of a PowerPoint presentation. You only need one report for the group, but everyone must contribute. It must include the following sections: • Title • Purpose • Background • Method • Results • Conclusions

  8. Title • The title slide should have a short, meaningful title for your project. • It should also list the names of everyone in the group (first and last), and the period.

  9. Purpose • Tell what you are trying to prove or find out in this project. • Tell how this fits into the world beyond our classroom.

  10. Background • This is where you summarize relevant background research. • You should have at least 6-8 bullet points. • For each bullet point, you must tell where you got your information. • Your information must come from credible sources.

  11. Method • Hardware • Include at least 2 still photos of specific elements of your robot’s hardware. • Use words to explain what the picture is showing. • Software • Include at least 2 screenshots of specific elements of your programs. • Use words to explain what each screenshot is showing.

  12. Results • Link a 10-15 second video of your robot accomplishing Part 1, and another of it accomplishing Part 2. • (You must link your video – you cannot insert it.) • For each part, discuss what was most challenging and what was most successful for your robot.

  13. Conclusions

  14. Turn it in • On one group member’s flash drive, create a folder, and put the completed PowerPoint and the videos in this folder. • Make sure the links open the videos. If they don’t, fix them. • Bring the flash drive to me so I can copy the folder and grade your report.

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