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Ch. 10 TEST REVIEW. Who WON the War of 1812 ?. There was no clear winner. • What was the primary purpose of MOST of the treaties that were made with the Indians between 1789 and 1817?. • to acquire (get) more land for White settlers.
Who WON the War of 1812? • There was no clear winner
• What was the primary purpose of MOST of the treaties that were made with the Indians between 1789 and 1817? • toacquire (get) more land for White settlers
In the ‘Treaty of Greenville’ (9.2flashback), 12 Indian tribes agreed to cede, or surrender, much of present-day…. what? • Ohio and Indiana
• President Jefferson gave Lewis & Clark three (3) primary instructions to accomplish while exploring the new Louisiana Territory… what? explore the Missouri River and look for a water route across the continent... establish good relations with the Indian tribes... describe the landscape, plants & animals that they saw...
Whoseideasstill provide the guiding principles of the U.S. Government...?? •George Washington &Thomas Jefferson’s ideas about government...
Jefferson’s foreign policy was... • friendship with all nations, but no entangling alliances...
The U.S. Navy Lieutenant who led a raid on the pirate stronghold of Tripoli... • Lt. Stephen Decatur
The use of a navy to prevent trade, export or import... • blockade
The kidnapping of American sailors on the high seas to work on British Navy ships... • impressment
This British Navy ship attacked the American ship, Chesapeake off the coast of Virginia, and killed 3 U.S. Sailors... The Leopard
Jefferson asked Congress to pass this bill to punish Britain & France... Embargo Act of 1807
Jefferson’s Embargo Act of 1807 was a flop. What was Madison’s solution? resume trade with Britain & France when they agreed to respect American ships...
He won the Battle of Tippecanoe and was Governor of the Indiana Territory... William Henry Harrison
In what ways did England & Franceinterfere with American trade, during Jefferson’s presidency? • British ships seizing American ships carrying goods • to France... • French ships seizing American ships carrying goods • to England... • British ships taking American sailors for impressment..
His goal was to stop the loss of Indian land to white settlers... Tecumseh
The Chiefs of the Miami, Delaware, and Potawatomi tribes agreed to sell over 3 million acres of land to the United States... this agreement, or treaty, was called... The Treaty of Fort Wayne
This battle was a major defeat for the Shawnee tribe , and for Tecumseh... Battle of Tippecanoe
He was a Congressman from Kentucky who was majorly angered about British aid to the Indians, and wanted it stopped... Henry Clay
These Western Congressmen wanted to declare war with England... War Hawks
President Jefferson hand-picked this man to lead an expedition into the newly acquired Louisiana Territory.... Meriwether Lewis
He was 2nd in command of the Corps of Discovery, a skilled mapmaker, and an avid outdoorsman. William Clark
The Supreme Court’s power to declare a law unconstitutional is called judicial review
We know it as the Lewis & Clark Expedition, but Lewis and Clark called it..... ....what? The Corps of Discovery
She was a Shoshone woman who helped Lewis & Clark on their expedition... Sacagawea
What did Lewis & Clark, and the Corps of Discovery, bring back to President Jefferson? valuable scientific and geographic information
While Lewis & Clark explored the Northwest, this leader explored the southern part of the Louisiana Territory... Zebulon Pike
Zebulon Pike’s mission was to explore the southern part of the Louisiana Territory, and to .... what? find the headwaters of the the Arkansas & Red Rivers
During their southern exploration, and while looking for the headwaters of the Red River, Pike and his men became lost, built a fort for the winter, and were captured by...who? the Spanish
Pike brought back valuable information on the Great Plains and the valley of the Rio Grande
What was the most significantoutcome of the War of 1812? the independence of the United States was cemented and confirmed
When the War of 1812 began, what was the status of our ArmyandNavy? • the army was small & poorly trained • the army was led by inexperienced officers • the navy only had 16 ships
What was the goal of most treaties between the Indian tribes and the United States? to make more land available for white settlement
When the British were interfering with our ships on the sea, what was Jefferson’s response? getting Congress to pass a law (the Embargo Act of 1807) stopping all foreign trade...
What were the 2 main reasons why Congress ended up declaring war against England in 1812? • the constant British attacks and violations • of American rights at sea... • to stop the British from inciting and • aiding the Indians against Americans...
This city port was very important for farmers & merchants wanting to ship their goods from the Ohio Valley New Orleans
When Napoleon offered the Louisiana Territory to America at a bargain price, Jefferson was hesitant to buy it outright... why? the Constitution said nothing about a President’s right to buy land...
Why was John Marshall & the Supreme Court’s decision in Marbury v. Madison so important? It established the Supreme Court’s power of judicial review
According to Article 2-Section 3, of the Constitution, when there was a tie for President, how was this to be settled? in the House of Representatives
Who was it that thought that some public debt gave citizens an interest in good government? Alexander Hamilton
TEST Thursday! ( Meat atE-5 )