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Strategic Technology Planning and Development Course Summary. Topics: What problem are we trying to solve? How will we solve it? Why will this solution work? How do you get this going?. What do we want? New products, services, and businesses
Strategic TechnologyPlanning and Development Course Summary STPD Course Summary
Topics: • What problem are we trying to solve? • How will we solve it? • Why will this solution work? • How do you get this going? STPD Course Summary
What do we want? • New products, services, and businesses • That are high value- Generate high sales and profits, • And have sustainable competitive advantage- Continue to be better than our competitors. Our Specific Goal: We want to develop new technologies for these new products and services. OK! What’s the problem? STPD Course Summary
What problem are we trying to solve in this course? Valuable resources (you!) are applied… To technology development activities… That do not generate adequate… Sales and profits, and… Sustainable competitive advantage. STPD Course Summary
What did we learn here? • We learned the basic elements of a • strategic technology planning and development process that can: • Make better use of resources, • Generate greater sales and profits, • Generate products/services with sustainablecompetitive advantage. STPD Course Summary
Topics: • What problem are we trying to solve? • How will we solve it? • Why will this solution work? • How do you get this going? STPD Course Summary
The Big Picture: How do we decide what to innovate on? How we decidewhat to work on Technology Forecasting - Where is technology going? Strategic Technology Planning - What should we do? Comparative Assessment - What are others doing? Our focus here:How do we decide what to work on? TechnologyDevelopmentProjects ProcessImprovementProjects The things we decideto work on Our Goal: Innovative products for profitable, sustainable growth STPD Course Summary
NewConceptIdeation TechnologyRoadmapping Voiceof theCustomer IntellectualPropertyGeneration The Big Picture: Technology Forecasting Comparative Assessment Stage GateTechnology Developmentand Review Strategic Technology Planning and Development must be conducted in parallel with Technology Forecasting and Comparative Assessment. STPD Course Summary
Topics: • What problem are we trying to solve? • How will we solve it? • Why will this solution work? • How do you get this going? STPD Course Summary
Voice of the Customer Input Process: • Purpose ~ Validate our perceptions and plans - what we do know. ~ Reveal unrecognized customer needs - what we don’t know. • Desired Strengths ~ Systematic vs. anecdotal – turns over most of the rocks. ~ Fact-based vs. opinion-based prioritization of needs. • Potential Weaknesses ~ Can create inappropriate customer expectations. ~ Risks compromising intellectual property – tip our hand. ~ Can keep us from being more inventive than our customers. STPD Course Summary
New Concept Ideation Process: • Purpose ~ Generate breakthrough solutions (stimulates research). ~ Generate/discover new customer needs (stimulates markets). • Desired Strengths ~ Improves effectiveness of “brainstorming” (ideas per minute). ~ Liberates inventors from artificial/inappropriate constraints. ~ Inclusive - provides equal opportunity for all ideas/inventors. • Potential Weaknesses ~ Can lack focus (afraid to miss cool ideas). ~ Can miss the customer value proposition (cool but useless ideas). ~ Needs a destination for ideas (good ideas can drift off into space). STPD Course Summary
Intellectual Property Generation Process: • Purpose ~ Provide sustainable competitive advantage (we can). ~ Limits competitors’ offerings (they can’t). • Desired Strengths ~ Supports intangible asset based growth (vs. tangible asset). ~ Stimulates an “innovation mentality”. ~ Foundation for internal technology transfer. • Potential Weaknesses ~ Needs novel, non-obvious inventions = high-grade raw materials. ~ Needs useful, profitable inventions = valid value proposition. ~ Needs purpose, direction, priorities = strategic focus. STPD Course Summary
Technology Roadmapping Process: • Purpose ~ Define and communicate technology directions, associated opportunities, and resource requirements to all stakeholders (what, why, how). ~ Explicitly highlight technology gaps (can’t get there from here). ~ Create a mindset and provide structure for conceptualizing and capturing a technology vision for the future (means as an end). • Desired Strengths ~ Forces clear understanding and articulation of direction (no hand waving). ~ Provides convenient portal/linkages to lower planning levels (projects). • Potential Weaknesses ~ Easy to roadmap what we know, hard to roadmap unknown routes. ~ Can induce tunnel vision - is this where customers want to go? ~ Just a map - no built-in mechanism for driving to the end: New technology transferred into new products. STPD Course Summary
Process Weaknesses and Implications: These are the problems we are trying to solve! STPD Course Summary
Why an “Integrated Environment”? • Significant improvements in results for each element are achieved when all of these elements are integrated. • In an integrated environment, outputs (document deliverables) from each of these processes serve as direct inputs to all the other processes. • Inherent weaknesses in each process are compensated for by input from other processes. • The result is significantly enhanced benefits from each process. STPD Course Summary
Interaction Compensates for Process Weaknesses: STPD Course Summary
An integrated system compensates for weaknesses: • Table shows links from each element of the environment to the other elements. • Read as (example): New Concept Ideation (From) prevents atrophy of the Technology Roadmap (To). STPD Course Summary
Topics: • What problem are we trying to solve? • How will we solve it? • Why will this solution work? • How do you get this going? STPD Course Summary
NewConceptIdeation TechnologyRoadmapping Voiceof theCustomer IntellectualPropertyGeneration • Application Notes: • How do you actually make it work?! Easy: • You’ve got to run the four elements of the strategic technology planning and development process as projects. • No project is complete until the output deliverables are completed and communicated to the other elements of the project. • You can’t start any element until you have the output deliverables from the other processes. OK, but how do I start doing STPD?! STPD Course Summary
Possible First-Time Implementation Sequence: • V-O-C Input • Will get other processes off on the right course right away, but highest risk (no input from other processes) in most sensitive area (customer interface). • Ideation • High-energy process, keeps things moving at a critical time. • Technology Roadmapping • Putting this third will make it more a roadmap to the future, vs. a roadmap of how you got where you are. • IP Generation • It’s kind of a waste to do without good input from the previous processes. • After this, all processes should be running in parallel all the time. STPD Course Summary
That’s all I have to say about that. STPD Course Summary