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Lithuanian Researchers’ Mobility Center Launch Conference ( May 31 st 2005, Vilnius). Greek Mobility Centres Network. D. Sanopoulos. National Coordinator. The Greek Mobility Centres Network is a part of the European Network of Mobility Centres (ERAMORE) Main Objectives
Lithuanian Researchers’ Mobility CenterLaunch Conference(May 31st 2005, Vilnius) • Greek Mobility Centres Network D. Sanopoulos National Coordinator
The Greek Mobility Centres Network is a part of the European Network of Mobility Centres (ERAMORE) Main Objectives To offer global and integrated services of information and proximity assistance to mobile researchers in matters such as: entry conditions visas work permits recognition of diplomas job opportunities salaries taxation pension rights health care social security accommodation day care, schooling, language courses access to the culture of the host country, etc. PRESENTATION OF THE GREEK MOBILITY CENTRES NETWORK
ACTIVITIES FOR REACHING THE OBJECTIVES • Set up of a national network of mobility centers • A national Mobility Portal linked to the European Portal • Development of tools and training for the effective running of the network • Production of promotional material for the target groups • Cooperation with information providers • Cooperation with ministries, governmental bodies • Cooperation with industry, universities, research organizations • Cooperation with other networks (MCFA, EURODOC)
STRUCTURE OF THE GREEK MOBILITY NETWORK • Network Design • CERTH in collaboration with the General Secretariat of Research and • Technology accomplished the identification and nomination of the organizations, • which should host the new mobility centres, of the Greek Researcher’s • Mobility Centres Network. The following criteria of general acceptance were used: • Effectiveness • Viability • Geographical coverage • Sectorial coverage • It is very important to say, that comparing with the other countries participating in • ERAMORE, Greece is a country of a rather medium size. Therefore the national network • had to be manageable consisting of relative limited number of MoCs to enhance the • effective operation in terms of information exchange and good practice between the nodes.
STRUCTURE OF THE GREEK MOBILITY NETWORK • Also, Greece has a rather peculiar geographical distribution with the • mainland and the hundreds of inhabited islands scattered in two • archipelagos. Additionally, more than 70% of the population is concentrated • in few big cities. Greece has a centralized administrative system therefore • the majority of the structures identified by the mapping exercise are • concentrated to the big cities. Taking under consideration all these • parameters, the country was divided in 6 regions. In each region there were • nominated one, two or three MoCs, at maximum. • For the sectorial distribution the following were taken under consideration: • Adequate representation of academic and research organizations should be ensured. In case of the Greek network 8 from the 10 total entities represent such organizations. • The participation of the Association of Industries of Northern Greece and PRAXIS Network enhances network operability in issues related to intersectorial mobility of researchers from Research to Industry and vice versa. • OBI has a special role, providing services in terms of intellectual property rights.
STRUCTURE OF THE GREEK MOBILITY NETWORK • Zone 1 • CERTH, AUTH, FING • City: Thessaloniki • Zone 2 • DUTH • City: Xanthi • Zone 3 • UPAT • City: Patras • Zone 4 • UTH • City: Volos • Zone 5 • NHRF, OBI • City: Athens • Zone 6 • UOC, FORTH/PRAXIS • City: Herakleion
SETTING UP THE GREEK NETWORK • 1. Concern for the signing and respect of the Declaration of Commitment. • CERTH is going to make all the necessary steps for the signing of the Declaration of Commitment by each MoC in respect with the basic operational mission and the realization of its significance. • 2. Identification of the operational needs of each MoC and structuring • In order to achieve the identification of the operational needs of each MoC the following subjects were examined: • Incorporation of each MoC in the appropriate service department of the existing institution. Great effort has been undertaken for the detection of the appropriate departments that could accommodate the MoC. The staff of academic and research institutions, such as Liaison Offices, Departments of International Relations & Educational Programmes is usually experienced and qualified enough to correspond successfully to the MoCs’ operational needs. A significant effort has been carried out in order to identify the already offered services by the parent organizations that could be exploited by the National Network.
SETTING UP THE GREEK NETWORK • Evaluation of personnel needs for staffing the MoCs according to the above organizational structure. Determination of the specifications for the potential manpower of the centre. • Detection of space in the existing infrastructure of the parent institution, detection of the needs in terms of basic infrastructure (e.g. office furniture, computers, software). Generally, all the necessary efforts has been undertaken for the optimum mobilization of resources. • After the determination of each MoC’s needs, the next step was their • structuring, taking into consideration their special role in the National Network. The main activities that has been carried out for structuring of MoCs are summarized as follows: • · Integration of each individual MoC in the organized structure of the hosting organization. Commonly in the case of universities and research institutions, the MoCs are parts of departments such as Liaison Offices, and Departments of International Relations and Educational Programmes. • · Establishment of an internal decision mechanism capable to provide an effective management • · Exploitation of the already existing personnel to staff the MoC on part time basis • · Mobilize the existing equipment and minimize the needs for new one.
SETTING UP THE GREEK NETWORK • 3. Assurance of the dynamic character of the Greek Network • CERTH has undertake all the necessary efforts for the expansion of the Network in order to include new MoCs. In addition, CERTH has put an end to the collaboration of existing MoCs in cases that their host organization requests this by the Network, or if they act against to the principles of the European MoC Network, mentioned in the Declaration of Commitment. • 4. Role of each individual member within the network • In the following, are described the type of information and services that are provided by each member of the Network and all the activities that assure the adequate operation and the functionability of the Network.
ROLE OF EACH MoC • 1. CERTH is the Brigehead Organization, MoC, Project • Manager and Coordinator. CERTH’s activities cover all the country. • CERTH developed and updates the National Mobility Portal
ROLE OF EACH MoC • 2. AUTH is the MoC responsible for the regions of Central Macedonia and Western Macedonia • Specific Role: • 1) Provides Modern Greek language courses to the researchers and their families • Organization of special seminars for the teaching of Greek by the School of Modern GreekLanguage, which functions within A.U.T.H. • Courses offered: • - Yearly courses • - Intensive summer courses • - Other intensive monthly courses (autumn & winter) • - Special courses • 2) Reception Office - Personal assistance to the researchers and their families • AUTH has established a Reception Office within the mobility centre of A.U.T.H., in order to inform the researchers about the various existing services and facilities of AUTH, about job opportunities and to overwhelm every possible effort in assisting them solving various practical issues which they may face, such as accommodation, social security, health care, etc.
ROLE OF EACH MoC • 3. DUTH is the MoC active in the region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace • 4. NHRF is a MoC andcovers the region of Attica • Specific Role: • The National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF) of Greece having a broad experience in related aspects plays the role of the link between the network and the governmental and administrative services (ministries, public organizations, etc.) in order to distribute to the network information related juridical aspects connected with mobility obstacles (conditions of admission for third-country researchers, work permits, taxation, salaries, social security, etc.). Additionally it will be the coordinator for all universities and research institutions of Attica.
ROLE OF EACH MoC • 5. FING has a specific role in the Network described as follows: • FING implements all activities related to intersectorial mobility (mobility between industry and academia). In details FING activities are described as follows: • 1. Vacancies for researchers in industrial sector • 2. Economic climate of industrial sector of Northern Greece (growth indicators, investments, etc.) • 3. General economic climate of Northern Greece (employment possibilities, growth indicators by sector, etc.) • 4. Issues concerning social legislation in Greece • 5. Issues concerning labour and insurance legislation in Greece • 6. Issues concerning tax regulations in Greece.
ROLE OF EACH MoC • 6. OBI as FING has a specific role described as follows: • Provides information and assistance about all aspects related to industrial property rights in Greece. More • The Greek Industrial Property Organization (OBI) is responsible for the grant of Patents and other protection of industrial property (e.g. Designs and Models). • The legal and procedural information on the industrial property system as well as technical information contained in the patents are disseminated through the OBI’s web site and the official patents gazette (EDBI) in its printed and internet form. • OBI’s site with IPR issues useful information
ROLE OF EACH MoC • 7.UPAT is a MoC and covers the region of Peloponnese, Western Greece, • Epirous and Ionian Islands • 8. UTH is a MoC and covers the regions of Thessaly, Central Greece, Northern Aegean Islands and Southern Aegean Islands • 9. FORTH / PRAXIS is a MoC active at national level since, in addition to the typical role as Mobility Centre, has a special role related to intersectorial mobility • Specific Role: Except of its basic mission as MoC, is activated as well in intersectorial mobility. • 10. UOC is the MoC responsible for the region of Crete
ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT SO FAR • 1. Completion of network structure • 2. Development of the national mobility portal • 3. Operation of the network • 4. Evaluation – Statistics • 5. Personnel Training • 6. Awareness activities for the national network and national mobility portal • 7. Cooperation with other organizations and networks
OPERATION OF THE NETWORK • Organization of 6 Greek Mobility Center Meetings • Mapping Exercise, Quality Charters • Job postings • Working Groups • Communication • Six Month Report • Evaluation Indicators
Number of visitors of the National Web Portal 3700 STATISTICS
EVALUATION INDICATORS • The evaluation of each MoC and of the Greek network is based on the following • performance indicators, grouped in 3 categories: • 1. CONTRIBUTION TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE EUROPEAN NETWORK • . - Number of contacts and collaboration activities with Greek organizations that could contribute to the objectives of the Network (Ministries and governmental Institutions, Associations, Industry, etc.). • . - Number of bilateral collaboration activities with other national networks or individual MoCs (events, training, information exchange, etc.) • - Number of participants in Pan-European activities • . - Number of meetings organized at national or regional level for the members of the Greek Network • - Number of information and communication tools produced (portal, data bases) • - Number of organizations having signed quality charters related to their contribution to the Portal • - Number of the Translations into other languages of individual Web sites carried out
EVALUATION INDICATORS • 2. PROVIDED SERVICES TO RESEARCHERS & THEIR FAMILIES • The indicators of this group concern individual MoC and the National Network as well. • - Number of researchers to whom the MoC (Network) has provided assistance and guidance • - Number of satisfied customers (measured through a customer satisfaction survey) • - Evolution of number of satisfied customers as a function of time • - Number of visitors of the National Web Portal • - Number of CV’s entered to the Greek Portal • - Number of job offers posted in the Greek Portal • 3.AWARENESS ACTIVITIES • - Awareness increase indicator • - Interest increase indicator • - Positive attitude and performance
PERSONNEL TRAINING • Protection of InventionsΟΒΙ, 22 March 2004, Athens • Mobility obstacles CERTH, 29 March – 1 April 2004, Thessaloniki • The Communication Portal ERA-MORE (CIRCA), ΕΙΕ, CERTH, Athens, 17.6.2004 • Training on the Researchers Mobility Portal, Univ. of Crete, FORTH, CERTH, Herakleion, 7.10.2004
MARKETING/PROMOTION • To promote the visibility of: • ERA-MORE Network ERACAREERS Portal • Greek Network Greek National Portal • TARGET GROUPS: • Researchers • Universities, Research Organizations • Private Sector – Industry • Ministries, Policy Makers • Public in general
AWARENESS ACTIVITIES • National Events: • 1.1 Official Network Launching Event, Thessaloniki 5 November 2004 The event took place in the Ceremonies Hall of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and was co organized by CERTH and AUTH. More than 300 researchers, representatives from Universities, Research Organizations, Industries, Local Authorities and Public Organizations all over Greece, were informed about the services and information which could be offered by the National Network and Portal, the ERAMORE Network in general, the ERACAREERS portal, and the EC policy as well. In the event there were invited representatives form EC and the General Secretary of Research and Technology from the Greek Ministry of Development. In the programme there were included video projections, videoconferences with rectors form other universities, press conference and discussion carried out between the presidents of Marie Curie Fellowships Association and Eurodoc Network. Announcements were sent to the local and national press and media (radio and TV). Photographs and the representations form the event are placed in National Portal.
AWARENESS ACTIVITIES • Regional Thematic Events-Workshops: • 2.1 Region of Attica Title: “The Mobility Obstacles”, organized byNHRF, Athens 18 June 2004. • The following main topics were discussed: • Presentation of mobility problems by representatives of the GMN and all involved Ministries (Internal Affairs, Public Order, Labor & Social Security, Foreign Affairs) • Presentation of public bodies networking (Region of Attica) with public and other services • 2.2 Region of CreteTitle: :Intersectorial Mobility, organized by FORTHand UoC • The issues that were presented in the workshop were: • The role of academic and research institutions of Crete in PYTHEAS Network. Mobility problems in Universities and research institutions • Presentationsfrom major stakeholders (Local Authorities, etc.) • Presentation of mobility problems in industry (Project Heron) • Presentations from the Federation of Greek Industries and the Center of Entrepreneur and Technological Development of Crete
AWARENESS ACTIVITIES • Info Days • Marie Curie info day, Thessaloniki Technology Park, 4 November 2004 • Marie Curie info day, University of Ioannina Technology Park, 19April 2005 • Info day for the Greek Network and Portal, University of Ioannina, 26 May 2005 • Local Events (DUTH, UTH) • The members of the Greek Network organized info – days to increase network and portal visibility within Universities, Research Centres and other Organizations • International Events • Presentation of the Greek Mobility Network at the conference “Early Stage Researchers Mobility in Europe-Meeting the Challenges and Promoting best Practice, 25-27 February 2004, Lisbon • Presentation of the Greek Mobility Network at the 4th Annual EURODOC conference, 18-21 March 2004, Athens • Presentation of the European and Greek Mobility Portals in a workshop for Euro Mediterranean co organized by the NETRIMED Network, the ItalianEmbassy and the University of Cairo, 13 March 2004, Cairo, Egypt
PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL Leaflet of the Portal Visiting Card Leaflet of the Network
AWARENESS ACTIVITIES • Industry • Special mailings to the member enterprises (around2.500)of our host organization Federation of Industries ofNorthern Greece (FING) about the mobility events that wereorganized by the Network
COOPERATION WITH OTHER ORGANIZATIONS & NETWORKS eurodoc • Participation in the Network’s meeting • Consultation • Exchange of information • Links in both portals • Mailing lists
REASONS TO LEAVE THE COUNTRY • Low salaries • Education • High Student/Population ratio - Job opportunities • High unemployment of young scientists • Unwillingness of businesses to hire highly scientific qualified personnel (Small industries not flexible)
REASONS TO COME BACK • Culture • Way of Life • Climate • Research orientation of institutions • Family • Homesick • Centers of Excellence
Main Conclusion • Brain-drain and brain-gain are natural processes and we can not stop them • But we can reverse the flow and increase the number of income researchers while decrease the number of outgoings
GOOD AND BAD LESSONS • Good Lessons • Structure of the network • – Geographical dispersion • - Links with local authorities • - Direct solution of mobility problems • – Thematic Coverage • - Solution of specific problems • - Unique experience • Good communication and quick response from all the partners of the Network to questions and quick forward to the central portal of the Bridgehead Organization • Development of informational services and tools • - Thematic guides • - Useful directories • - Library services, etc.
GOOD AND BAD LESSONS • Bad Lessons • Quality Charters • - Misgiving from outside organizations to sign the QC • Poor contacts and collaboration activities with organizations outside Greece • Limited number of translations into other languages of individual web sites