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AGS Technology - Leading Recycled Plastic Injection Molding

AGS Technology is a trusted recycled plastic injection molding company, producing environmentally-friendly and cost-effective parts. With a focus on quality and sustainability, AGS offers innovative solutions for OEMs and Tier 1 companies in North America.

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AGS Technology - Leading Recycled Plastic Injection Molding

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Presentation Transcript

  1. AGS Technology is a custom injection molding company specializing in the use of recycled plastics. AGS has positioned itself to be a reliable, low cost producer for OEM and Tier 1 companies in North America for structural plastic parts.

  2. OVERVIEW • Founded in 1995 • Complete Regrind Processing & Testing Facility • 90-720 Ton Injection Molding Facility • ISO/TS16949 Registered • Certified Minority Owned Business Raw Material Technology Facility Elk Grove Village-IL Injection Molding Facility Schaumburg-IL

  3. TRADITIONAL RECYCLING Plastic regrind is fed into an extruder to make plastic pellets.

  4. AGS RECYCLING Plastic regrind is fed directly into the injection molding machine to make parts. • Eliminates a manufacturing step and the associated cost/margin. • Eliminates a material heat history. • Eliminates finger pointing.


  6. AGS BENEFIT: SUPERIOR TRACK RECORD AGS Technology has an impeccable delivery and quality track record with demanding customers. As evidence of this commitment, AGS Technology was awarded General Motors 2012 Supplier Quality Excellence Award.

  7. AGS BENEFIT: RECYCLING SOLUTIONS Parts made from Injectoblend™ materials are based on post-industrial and post-consumer sources of plastic making them inherently recycled and environmentally friendly. AGS also provides closed loop recycling solutions.

  8. AGS BENEFIT: MATERIAL PERFORMANCE Parts made from Injectoblend™ materials are used in applications that are subjected to demanding physical, thermal, and environmental conditions.

  9. AGS BENEFIT: GLOBALLY COMPETITIVE Parts made from less expensive Injectoblend™ materials are globally competitive since the bulk of the cost of a “shoot and ship” injection molded part is raw material.

  10. AGS BENEFIT: ISO/TS16949 REGISTERED Raw material and injection molding facilities are ISO/TS16949 registered.

  11. AGS BENEFIT: MINORITY OWNED BUSINESS As a certified MBE, AGS Technology helps ensure that sourcing and new product introductions meet corporate diversity and procurement targets.

  12. GETTING STARTED - EXISTING TOOLING 1) Customer identifies part candidates that are best suited for the AGS process: • Material intensive parts. • Engineering grades of unfilled and filled thermoplastics such as ABS, ABS+PC, Acetal, Nylon, Polycarbonate, Polyester, etc… • AGStimator is available online at www.agstechnology.com to help assist in this process. 2) AGS Technology provides two quotations: • Virgin or currently specified material on the drawing. • Injectoblend™ recycled equivalent. 3) Customer transfers tooling to AGS Technology: • AGS Technology submits PPAP and runs virgin or currently specified material to support customer’s production. • AGS Technology submits PPAP and sample parts made from Injectoblend™ recycled equivalent for customer to validate. • Establish breakpoint for transition to Injectoblend™ recycled parts based on formal approval by customer.

  13. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS How does AGS Technology assure continuity of supply? • AGS has developed strong relationships with a wide network of brokers, dealers, collectors, and generators. • AGS does not rely on any single source or feed stream of recycled raw material. • AGS inventories large safety stocks since recycled raw material only becomes available when it is generated. • Fallback or contingency plan is to use virgin raw material at no additional cost to the customer.

  14. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Does the tooling require any special modifications in order to run the Injectoblend™ recycled material? • No special tooling modifications are required. • In some cases, AGS may need to re-cut vent depth and land in order to assure proper venting. • AGS Injectoblend™ parts will be “as good or better” than parts made from virgin material.

  15. 2015 Mitchell Blvd. Schaumburg, IL 60193 www.agstechnology.com

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